Boyfriends Wanted: Apply Within

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Sia Riversend

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jasmine ;-)
8" Oak and Dragon Heartstring

I've been thinking that a person of Sia's age and character probably needs a boyfriend pretty soon. Anyone got any male characters looking? He needs to be fairly close to her age, and have a similar personality to some extent. I'm not talking soulmates, unless you think that would work. Just a little something to spice up her life.

Sia is (application pending) half-Veela, so she'll be naturally alluring to any boys (potential for jealousy plot?). She's a bubbly Hufflepuff with insatiable curiosity, and a knack for making friends with the wrong people. Sia is outgoing and friendly, has no special interests, and is also on the edge of an immense and confusing family who are constantly having disasters. Due to all this, she is currently in a state of almost constant discombobulation, but don't let that put you off :lol:

Anyone interested? Please? :woot:
I can offer James Green, a Durmstrang 4th year. He is also 14 but acts like he is 16. He is friendly and has recently gone through a family disaster which has left him feeling really low. He is on a break from Durmstrang and his Grandmother is bringing him to New Zealand for a break. I am thinking of applying him for being a metamorphagus (spelling??? :p ) so they would get on quite well. He likes to play football and hang around friends. They seem quite similar, so if you don't want them for a boyfriend, then i am sure that they would be great friends anyway :D

Tell me what you think :D

Yes! Thanks, that would be great. And it offers lots of plot potential for when he goes back to Durmstrang . . .
Cool :D im glad you like it :p

at the moment, he has a girl he really likes... Nicole Cryslin. So, im not sure how it will work, but if you have any ideas, please let me know :p
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