Bouquet at your service

Bouquet Simons

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Bouquet Maple Lily Simons
- Birth Date: March 30 2012
- Current Age: 11 Years Old
- Basic Appearance: Long;Curly;Blond hair, Blue eyes, Models body, Tall of 5'5 and has a pouty lips
- Parents:
Jonathan Erick Simons
- Hollywood Director
- 39
- Oldest of the three Simon brothers
- Married to Toni Eularry Montgomery Simons
Toni Eularry Montgomery Simons
- Hollywood Wardrobe Stylish
- 38
- Youngest of the five Montgomery siblings
- Married to Jonathan Erick Simons
- Siblings, if any:
Wednesday Patricia Simons
- Walt Disney's Top Graphics Designer
- 20
- Oldest of the two Simons sisters
- Single and looking
- Pets, if any: Persian Cat (Dandelion)
- Area of Residence: San Diego, California
- Blood status: MuggleBorn
- Work: Work as an actress and a model

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Bouquet doesn't know about this school and thus, she doesn't know what house she should pick.
- Best school subjects (And why): In the muggle world she excels in art and history and she thinks she would definitely like history.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Bouquet had some hard work doing her math, she thinks the worst will be in numbers.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Bouquet's mom had explained this things to her, she dream once of her patronus and it is an otter.
- What would their Boggart be? Crowded places because as Bouquet is an actress and a model, she fears crowded places.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A Beaver because they are strong and can think of ways to live.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Normal life and normal career.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When Bouquet won the Emmy awards. The first award she had.
Just one thing I noticed you forgot, why exactly is your patronus an otter? (probably an accident, just pointing it out.)
Hello there Bouquet. :)

I have a few questions for you:
[ol][li]Have you had many friends whilst growing up?</LI>
[li]Do you have a favourite place to be? The beach, or the woods, for example.
[li]Who chose the name for your pet cat?
[li]Do you have any other key family members?
[li]Can you describe your personality?
[li]How close are you to your sister?
[li]Do you plan on becoming an Animagi?
[li]The Mirror of Erised would show you a normal life and career. Why is this?
[li]With your parents working in Hollywood, have you met many actors?
[li]How strong is the relationship between you and your parents?
[li]Do you have any memories of your parents?
[li]How do you feel about your parents being muggles?
[li]How do your parents feel about you being a witch?
[li]What are your plans for the future, if you have any?
[li]Other than acting and modelling, do you have any interests or hobbies?
[li]What had you felt when you won your award?
[li]What are two of your strengths, and why?
[li]What are two of your weaknesses, and why?
<LI>[li]Can you describe yourself in three words, and say why for each one?[/li][/ol]
# Have you had many friends whilst growing up?
I have some friends in Hollywood, they are my friends since i was born.
# Do you have a favourite place to be? The beach, or the woods, for example.
Actually, that would be home, because on my busy schedule i can still relax at home and be with my whole family.
# Who chose the name for your pet cat?
That would be ME, i thought that if i named it after a flower it suet me better.
# Do you have any other key family members?
No, i don't have.
# Can you describe your personality?
I'm a kind, hard worker, caring, and loyal girl. I stick to my friends whenever they have problems. But if someone messes me, they'll pay.
# How close are you to your sister?
We are so close, that i cried when my parents said that i will transfer here at New Zealand.
# Do you plan on becoming an Animagi?
I don't even know what is it.
# The Mirror of Erised would show you a normal life and career. Why is this?
My life was becoming hectic and fans are mobbing me. I should have peace because i'm still eleven.
# With your parents working in Hollywood, have you met many actors?
Yes, there is Nikki Reed; Dakota Fanning; Johnny Depp...etc.
# How strong is the relationship between you and your parents?
Were really tight and we stick together whenever there is problems.
# Do you have any memories of your parents?
Yes, a lot. FYI, my parents aren't dead
# How do you feel about your parents being muggles?
Its fine, I'm not blaming them for me being a witch.
# How do your parents feel about you being a witch?
They are so proud because even though they are muggles they still know about the magical world.
# What are your plans for the future, if you have any?
Stick with my career.
# Other than acting and modelling, do you have any interests or hobbies?
Playing volleyball, tennis and chess are my hobbies whenever i don't shoot a film or model.
# What had you felt when you won your award?
I was jumpy and nervous, i don't have a speech at that time.
# What are two of your strengths, and why?
Family, they are my knight and shining armor. Career, it keeps me busy
# What are two of your weaknesses, and why?
Fans, they make me looked stressed. Paparazzi, i want to kill them.
# Can you describe yourself in three words, and say why for each one?
Secretive, as i went here in NZ i became secretive whenever i met new people that didn't know me.
Kind, i'm a kind person which suet me.
Fashionable, well, you couldn't blame me for modeling in many clothing lines.

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