Boudicca Durand

Boudicca Durand

Active Member
OOC First Name
Apple Wood, 16" Essence of Hippogriff feather
Character's Name: Boudicca Muirne Durand (Maiden: Roux)
Character's Birthdate: 2nd March, 1968
Blood Status: Pureblood
Educated At: Beauxbatons
Position in the Ministry of Magic: Auror
Appearance: A few slight wrinkles, shoulder-length, wavy blonde hair, blue eyes. Often wears earrings and brown robes/dresses.
Personality: Determined, Fighter, Loyal, Intelligent, Vigilant.

Achille Durand

Lumina Sangora
Half blood

Antoine Roux
Half blood

Raphaël Roux

Julien Roux

Judith Roux

Morgan Roux

History: Boudicca Muirne Durand was born in France and had a rocky childhood with her parents constant fighting (resulting in divorce). She was the second youngest of five and she attended Beauxbatons. Boudicca was a model student and excelled in most subjects. She was Head Girl in 1986 (graduation year). Boudicca then, not wishing to choose between her parents, moved to Scotland where she met her husband, Achille, working in a local shop. It was love at first sight and they wed just three months later, moving down to Manchester. Boudicca had a daughter (Lumina Sangora) at age 20 but soon became ill and, unable to cope, the couple were forced to give up their daughter. Boudicca eventually recovered after three years but the couple were still torn by their decision. Achille was in an accident just a few months before Boudicca's full recovery and is now unable to father children. Achille became a Quidditch ref and Boudicca became a singer at a local club, winning herself a few fans. Of course, this was just a part-time job and she soon had to move on, finding proper 9-5. She managed to snag a job working for the Daily Prophet in the UK. However, this job only lasted for a few months before the couple had to move (thanks to Achille being hired as a ref in New Zealand.) Boudicca has lived in New Zealand for many years, working odd jobs. Achille retired from Quidditch five years ago thanks to a bad back and his age. Boudicca decided that she wanted to start working and doing something to give back to the wizarding community- an so, she chose to become an Auror.

After Lumina moved back to England and gave birth to her son, George, Boudicca flitted between her home in England, and the one in New Zealand. She had been staying with Lumina the night Achille was murdered by a Death Eater, alongside a muggle neighbour. (July, 2026) Boudicca continued to live in New Zealand, briefly hosting a family Christmas reunion in England.

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