Bookworm... I mean, bookgirl!

Amanda Pike

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Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Amanda lay down on the grass in the shade of a tree, her book lying next to her. She looked up at the branches of the tree, swaying in the light breeze... She sat up, leaning against the tree trunk. She started reading her book. Her book took place in winter, and as her imagination took her to another world, the light breeze became a harsh wind, the warm temperature became icy cold, and the full lawn became deserted of life. Knocking Amanda out of her book's world, someone was walking nearby. She shivered and felt the warmth of the summer air again. She smiled up at her friend. "Hi, Kate."
Kate walked along th Lakefront she was looking for a good place to sit down and read when she saw her friend Amanda a short distance away she walked over and Amanda said hello first "Hi Amanda"she said she noticed the book beside her "What are you reading"She asked she never knew Amanda liked books so this was a small bit of a suprise
Amanda looked at the cover of her book. "Oh, it's nothing special," she said. "I just read books that take place in cold places and let my imagination keep me cool when it's hot like today. I have a very active imagination, I was freezing before you came here, no joke." She patted the ground next to her, inviting Kate to sit down with her.
Kate laughed it was a good idea but Kate didn't have a very big imagination even if she did love fantasy books she sat down beside Amanda and looked at towards the Lake and out towards the mountains "Nice view isn't it"she said sighing th view reminded her of her home in Ireland and a feeling of home sickness came over her "Do you miss your home"Kate asked looking at Amanda she knew it was an unusual subject but Kate asked never the less
Amanda laughed a little with Kate. Her eyes followed Kate's, and she remembered when she spent a vacation in some mountains. It was nice and peaceful, going on hikes and admiring nature. She nodded, it was a nice view. She sighed. "Yeah, a little. But I know I've found a new home hear at Hogwarts, and that makes me feel better about it."
Kate nodded it was true Hogwarts was like a third home to her "Where did you used to live"She asked
Amanda smiled, remembering her home in Boston. "I used to live in Boston, Massachusetts in the U.S.A.," she said. "Most of my friends there were muggles. Some of them were obsessed with those.... electronic devices. But I was never interested in those."
"I've never been to the USA"Kate said she had always wanted to go "Same with me as far as I know all of my friends in Ireland were muggles"Kate said sighing part of her missed those friends "Have you ever been to Ireland"She asked
Amanda nodded, listening. Then she shook her head in answer to the question. "Nope," she said. "In fact, I had never been out of the U.S.A. before I moved here. I had only really traveled to places inside the U.S.A." She shrugged. "But I'm glad I got to see so much of it before I left."
"Ya same every summer my family and I would go to an island on the coast of Ireland sometimes thye weather was very bad and the waves were very rough"Kate said smiling it had been a nightmare for her sister Star who hated water
Amanda smiled, imagining the island Kate had visited with her family. "That sounds nice," she said. "I think my favorite vacation was a one we had in the summer every year. We went to the mountains in New Hampshire. Camping or staying in a hotel and going to amusement parks, it changed every year."
"That sounds fun"Kate said imagining it she looked out towards the lake again What type of book do you like"she asked curious
Amanda grinned. "I like most types of books," she said. "I like mysteries because it gives me something to do, trying to guess what exactly happened and who did it. I mostly read fiction books, but some non-fiction books are interesting, like the ones on animals and such."
Kate smiled "I like mystery books but sometimes the tension get to me"Kate said smiling she couldn't even watch a hurling or football match because she couldn't stand the tension "I like fantasy books with romance"Kate said she thought of the books she read she liked girly books as well but she didn't like dark or sad books "i don't like sad books I usually start crying...Yes I am a crybaby even with films"Kate said sighing she was always affected by sad films or books
Amanda nodded. "Oh, I don't read the murder mysteries," she said with a shudder. "Those are too creepy. I read like, Nancy Drew books and as it goes along, I try to guess what happened. But I also like those fantasy romance books, as well. Depressing books normally make me cry, so I read happy ones. I mean usually something a bit sad happens, but mostly the books are happy." She remembered when she had watched a movie about a dog and the dog died at the end, she had cried her eyes out. Amanda was an animal lover.
"Same with me I love the Nancy Drew books"She said she had gone through a phase where she had read every Nancy Drew book in the libary. "Whats your most favorite book ever?"She asked she didn't know herself
Amanda nodded. The series was so addicting, especially for her. She thought for a moment at Kate's question. It was one of the hardest questions. There were so many good books, it was hard to choose just one. "I don't know if I can decide on just one," Amanda said after thinking for a moment. "I mean, there are just so many good ones! I could give you a list of great books that I've read but it would be a long list."
"Thats the exact same as me"Kate said happy someone liked books the same amount as her
Amanda grinned. "I guess we have that in common," she said. "Hey, what's your favorite color? I know it seems random, but someone's favorite color really says a lot about them."
"Its not that random but my favorite colour is yellow""Kate said "What about you?"Kate asked
Amanda nodded. She could see yellow. Cheerful, bright, that was definitely Kate. "I love rainbows, but if I had to choose one color it would be pink. Pink and blue, cotton candy." She smiled.

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