Bonjour à un nouvel ami!

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Milena La Fleur

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Bonjour ? un nouvel ami!

</s><FONT font="Verdana"><s></s><COLOR color="darkgreen"><s></s>Bonjour! This is my character Milena La Fleur, obviously she's French.<br/>
Originally she should be in Beauxbatons but then decided to enroll in Hogwarts. Anyway, She's from Slytherin which means....Yes! She's quite evil. Well actually she's trying to be for now. Born with skills and such great talents, Milena knows how to play the guitar and her voice is just so majestic. She loves to compose songs and to write poems too. Don't be fooled by her smile and innocent face for behind it is a darkness waiting to escape. So now I'm looking for <COLOR color="Brown"><s></s>Friends, Bestfriend (only one please she should match with Milena preferably a Slytherin perhaps?" , A crush or a love interest to add some fun, a few enemies could work and lastly a mentor.<e></e></COLOR><br/>
If interested just reply here for some special plots do PM me! <br/>
Merci et J'espère vous entendre bientôt!<e>
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