blowing in the willow

Tara Sitara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It was the end of the first week in the year and tara was out in the grounds again, today she was walking near the lake, sketch, tripod and watercolors in her grasp. after a few moments she saw a willow tree leaning gracefully over the water. she played her paints on the floor as she set up the tripod and book then she lightly sketched the outline of the tree, lake and cliffs behind. next she picked up the paint and started adding blue to the sky and lake and then cliffs and the green of the grass. she looked around the grounds and saw a few students walking in the grounds.
Shiloh skipped around the grounds as happy as a lark. It was the end of the first week and she was happy to have some free time for a while. She had been studying like crazy on account of Grace. Man that girl could study. She was like a study robot or something. Some people would find it annoying, but Shiloh, she found it cute and funny. Or rather she did until Grace insisted that she join her. Never again. She was now looking for a place where she could play her violin as Grace had again insisted on studying, and she had to get away. She knew it wouldn't be long until Grace realised she was gone and wanted to make good on her time outside in the beautiful sun. She walked down to the Lakefront as she had heard that people went there to get some air. Maybe she could find some people to play for? She really liked having a small group listening to her music. It wasn't until she was only metres from the lake that she noticed a young Indian girl painting by the water. She smiled and walked around beside her and extended her hand. "Hello I'm Shiloh, Its nice to meet you" She said smiling widely at the girl. Now she wished she had brought her colours with her.
As Tara looked back at the painting she saw a shadow appear she turned around the other way and saw a girl about her own age, who introduced herself as Shiloh. "hello shiloh, it is nice to meat you too, i am Tara" she said. she was glad that there was always a lot of tourists around near her home town as many of them spoke english so she had learned it from a young age, and was now very fluent in it. she vaguely recognised the girl from defence against the dark arts so she knew that she was also a first year. " how are you enjoying it here, isn't it amazing" she said not quite sure if she meant the castle, grounds, to the whole magic thing which she was still getting her head around.
Shiloh smiled politely at the girl as she spoke. She was fluent in english which was nice to see. She liked that she could be easily understood. Not that it would be hard for Shiloh to understand her were she not good at english, but it made it easier. Shiloh's own english accent however made Shiloh worry that Tara might have a hard time understanding her. Having grown up in central London, her British accent was really quite strong. She shrugged and smiled none the less. She could sense a potential friend in Tara. Now that she thought about it, she was sure that Tara had been in her Defence Against the Dark Arts class and that she was Hufflepuff. This meant that she would see her often enough. "Oh yes, it is absolutely amazing here. I mean I'm from a muggle family, so I don't know much about Hogwarts or Magic, but I am slowly working through it. And my friend Grace forces me to study every other minute so I won't fall behind in classes or anything" She said laughing slightly. Grace really was a fun girl to be with once you got past the whole 'Snob' factor.
tara was glad that shiloh understood what she meant about it being beautiful here. "I'm also from a non magic family, i had never heard about Hogwats or know magic existed until a few weeks ago." she said. glad that she wasn't the only one who saw the beauty of this place, the only other person who she had met didn't quite get what she meant. "I dont know many people in my house. but hopefully i will soon. Briar saw that Shiloh was looking at the paints "do you like painting too. i love it." she smiled at the girl wondering if they would be friends.
Shiloh smiled at Tara. She seemed like a really nice person. And she liked to paint so that made it that much more exciting. "I've only really met, I think, one other Muggle-born, but even then I'm not entirely sure. And a funny thing is, I have this friend Grace, she is petrified of Muggle-borns, so i didn't tell her I was one, she only assumed that I was a pureblood. Isn't that sweet, and kind of funny. She taught me how to make Tiramisu" Shiloh added as she looked down at the paints. "I really likes colours, but I prefer to sketch rather then paint, I feel that black and white creates more appeal, I shadow around the edges to give more detail. Would you like to see some?" She asked. She had one or two pictures in her violin case. One was of Big Ben in London, whilst the other was of her twin sister.
Tara smiled at Shiloh "I dont quite get the whole blood status thing, and why do people hide tat they are muggle born, what is tiramisu like? she asked hoping that she wouldn't think her slow. "I love colors, like paint pastel and colored pencils. i would love to see your pictures, what's your sister like? she asked knowing that she was randomly mixing sentences together.

OOCOut of Character:
i know it is a bit dull but i cant think of anything else
Shiloh smiled at Tara. She completely agreed. She didn't get the whole Pure blood thing either. She smiled when she was asked about her sister. "This is a picture of her" She said handing over a sketch. "We had just come from an opera, and Karah wanted me to drw her so she could see what her face looked like. I told her to just look at me and she said she wanted a second opinion." Shiloh laughed. It really had been quite funny. "Oh sorry, Tiramisu is an Italian dessert made with layers of sponge cake soaked in espresso coffee, Marsala, mascarpone cheese, and chocolate. Although Grace and I don't use Marsala, as it is a type of alcohol."
Tara looked at he pictures Shiloh produced from her violin case. if she hadn't said it was her sister Tara would have guessed that it was a self portrait, "thats really good, she looks just the same as you, i am not very good at people. i prefer landscape and still life. she smiled, the story sounded funny but it seemed to be a had to be there moment. "I dont have a sister, but i have a brother. she said thinking of the elephant in her dorm which he had given her before she had left for new zealand. "that dessert sounds unusual, i guess i should try it. we usually have fruit after our meal if we have anything at all." she smiled, she had to try the food here, so far she was sticking to things she was familiar with.

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