Blane Bailey

Blane Bailey

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Blane Bailey
- Birth Date: 21st July 2008
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Tall, skinny, blondish/brown hair. Ice blue eyes
- Parents: Grace Byrnes, Sidney Bailey
- Siblings, if any: N/A
- Pets, if any: N/A
- Area of Residence: Perth Scotland
- Blood status: Muggle Born (Mudblood)

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Hufflepuff because Blane is hard working and trys his best to be fair.
- Best school subjects (And why): History Of Magic. His love for history has made it easier for him to like History of Magic.
- Worst school subjects (And why): N/A Doesn't have one yet.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? An arctic fox.
- What would their Boggart be? A car headed towards him
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A fox
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? A recording contract or His friends around him all smiling
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The last time he saw his cousin. They were out playing tig in the sun and having a really good time.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Jamie, (Your new name)

Well today was good. Yet again I made new friends. It is so nice that almost everyone here is so friendly. I mean that could have all been really horrible. No, why did I even think that in the first place. I'm in hufflepuff, like I said before and I'm really enjoying it. So there are not many people in my house overall, it is still good fun and my best friend, Arnold is in the same house. All good.

It feels so strange to be back at school after not going for so long. I mean last time I went I was coming up for my 7th birthday. Thats quite a long time, if you think about it. Plus the school I went to was very like this one. With out the magic and a lot stricter. It was also quite hidden, i remember. Very big and I got more lost at that school on the first week than this one. I've been at hogwarts exactly a week and thing just seem to be going up and up. I'm so glad I came, I've had such a brilliant time and the classes aren't to bad either. I am also writing a new song. I'll tell you it once I'm done, diary. It won't be the best since I'm always doing something else or talking to people. I mean I sometime I find it hard to find some alone time. I need my alone time. So I guess that why I started writing to you. Its lets me be alone with my thoughts even though I'm doing this in the common room and there are people talking. The new guitar that I got is superb. Really good and somehow easier to play than my last one. Now where is the logic in that. Right I would stay and tell more but I really have this homework to do. Speak to you later Jamie,


((I'm deciding to be able to keep track of my character, I'll start doing a diary thing, I use the date that it is when I did the post so I know when I did it last and can update my character from that point))

4th June 2008
Jamie, its good to finally have some alone time with you. Its been quite hard so I'm pleased to finally have some time. This time unlike the last I am completely alone. Just me in the late hours of the night (2:cry:33), I couldn't sleep and instead of lying awake on my bed I picked up my notebook and pen, came down to the common room and here I am now.

Anyway, well classes over the past few weeks haven't been too bad. I like them all but History of Magic has to be my favourite subject of all of them all but History of Magic has to be my favourite subject of all time but then I do have to remember that I haven't done all of the subjects so I might change my mind. I actually highly doubt that. We were doing stuff on Merlin and I remember a film that was kind of related but was a bit different from how the teacher told it. I believe the teacher more than the move. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the film. Ah well. People keep asking me what my least favourite subject is and all I say it that I don't have one, which is annoying because I do actually wish people would stop asking me that. Though if I'm really stuck for something to say.

This weekend I am unsure of what I may do, probably will depend on who I talk to and make plans with. I should try to catch up on some homework. I feel as though I'm falling behind, which isn't a good thing. In fact its terrible. I might play my guitar and finish of the song I'm writing. I will let you see it once I'm done, so that might be a while. Sorry I'm not that good at writing songs. I'm better at the playing and singing. Still if I want to one day maybe be in a band, i need to improve my song writing skills. Well I can dream. Though I may as well stay focused on my exams that should be coming soon.

The Halloween feast is coming up from what I hear. Should be fun because here we have a party and I've never been to a Halloween party. Now that I come to think of it, its the first time I'll ever dress up for Halloween. It should be good fun. I might even meet some new people. I think I may go as an angel. Its easy and simple. I'm not sure if I have to dress up in something scary but I think that the scariest thing is something that looks innocent (Not that I am) but then turn out to be evil. I will have to wait and see.

So overall life has been for once treating me more or less fairly. Though one thing it has decided to through back in face was Andromeda. I met her soon after I arrived here in New Zealand. We got along really well. We went out for about a week but then she said that she was too young to go out with anyone, that happened a few weeks ago. I was a wee bit upset at first, you know i really like her but now its better and I have gotten over her. She is now and always will be just my friend.

So that is a more or less round up of whats been going on and whats to come in the life of Blane. Quite boring don't you think?

Right, Jamie I need to go. Its nearing mid night and I'd quite like to get some sleep.So I'll speak to you later! Bye, Jamie

Blane Bailey

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