Blaine Christian Matthias

Blaine Matthias

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13" Unyielding Hawthorn Wand with Vampire Blood Core
"My conviction is stronger today...

as I fight to uncover your sacred lie..."


And the fear isn't going away as the soldiers still die
Life it seems will fade away
<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="georgia">
[name] Blaine Christian Matthias
[etymology] The first name Blaine means yellow in Gaelic. The middle name Christian means the same thing as the religion of Christianity. The surname Matthias means gift of God.
[origin] The origin in the family name Matthias has a strong origin in Russian for being pure-blood and very prejudice about it. Several in the Matthias family were taken down for being Death Eaters back in the 1980s, arrested and brought to justice. Their family was then cleaned after the Dark Lord's fall, and went back to being secluded and some falling into the clutches of the uprising group, Scitorari. The Matthias family are known for having boys that act arrogant, as the family seem to be full of themselves. Most of the feelings that they have are from how they always seem to produce handsome young men.
[nicknames] Blaine can often heard called 'B' from Zinaida.
[alliance] He chooses to align himself with his family, thus being on the chaotic neutral side.
[birthdate] December 30th, 2022.
[age] 17.
[gender] Male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual.
[dialects] English, Russian.
[hometown] Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, Russia.
[residency] Gisborne, New Zealand.
[heritage] Russian.
[blood status] Pure-blood.
[blood type] O negative.There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits are agreeable, sociable, an optimist while the bad traits are vain, careless, ruthless, cruel.
[wand] Straight 13" Unyielding Hawthorn Wand with Vampire Blood Core.
Length: A strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: An enigma of a wand wood, Hawthorn both heals and has a propensity for the darkest of arts: ultimately, the Hawthorn wand chooses any wizard that suits it - there may be no rhyme or reason.
Core: Wands with this core appear to be useful with healing spells. Spells from a wand with vampire blood may be stronger than the caster intends, however, so they are advised to take note of this.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

[occupation] Student.
[health status] Healthy.
[allergies] Tree pollen.
[pet] A pure white dog named Snowman he keeps at home.
Let your followers know that their lives have been sold
Drifting further every day
[five words] Charming, stubborn, intelligent, sarcastic, arrogant.
[personality] Blaine is a complex person, as one can even say that he can be two-faced. When he is with his best friend, he can be seem terrorizing those that are lower status than he is. However, when he is with Zinaida, he is fun loving, a bit on the sarcastic side, and all around good guy that happens to be a little self serving. All around, Blaine can be seen as stubborn, loyal but will do what he can to make his own life as happy as possible because of the background he is from. He can be good if he wanted to be but he can also be the spawn of satan. Blaine does take pride in hiding his bad things, which is why he became prefect during school. He is athletic, so he loves to talk about Quidditch, and knows the history of it, but gets annoyed when people don't listen to him.
[beliefs] Purebloods should be the rulers of society because of their status.
[boggart] A Zhefarovich male riding a giant spider.
[fears] Bugs, spiders, Vladimir, the Zhefarovich Family, clowns.
[likes] Girls, long hair, Quidditch, messing with people, reading, hiking, biking, riding brooms, playing guitar, playing drums, learning fighting moves, swimming.
[dislikes] Half-breeds, not being in control, bugs, anything slimy, dirtiness, astronomy in general, muggles.
[goals] Become a Quidditch star.
[good habits] Brushes his hair and keeps it very styled and clean.
[bad habits] Perhaps too much on the hair, since it falls out constantly.
[strengths] Music, sports, Quidditch, fighting, potions, charms, getting out of trouble, covering his tracks, creative writing.
[weaknesses] Arrogance, putting people off, astronomy, divination, any magical creature, friendships outside of Vladimir and Zinaida, underestimating people.
[loyalties] Matthias Family, Vladimir Zhefarovich
[magical talents] Potions, charms, hexes, curses, flying.
[other talents] Music, fighting, creative writing.
[patronus form] A deer.
[annoyances] People, stupidity, impatient people.
For the good of your sacred lie for the truth to be told
Getting lost within myself
[chinese year] Being born in 2022, makes him a Tiger. Tiger people are sensitive, given to deep thinking, capable of great sympathy. They can be extremely short-tempered, however. Other people have great respect for them, but sometimes tiger people come into conflict with older people or those in authority. sometimes Tiger people cannot make up their minds, which can result in a poor, hasty decision or a sound decision arrived at too late. They are suspicious of others, but they are courageous and powerful. Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.
[zodiac sign] Blaine is a Capricorn, the goat. Being a Capricorn, it makes him practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, humorous and reserved. All of which he is, but on the downside, it makes him pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly and grudging. All of these traits aligns with the rule of the Capricorn, and they fit closely with Bryce's character. What a Capricorn likes are reliability, professionalism, knowing what you discuss, firm foundations, purpose, and they also dislike wild schemes, fantasies, go-nowhere jobs, ignominy and ridicule. The colors that are associated with Capricorns are brown and most dark colors. The startstone of the Capricorn is black onyx.
[cardinal sign] A capricorn is a cardinal sign, and a person that is this sign are associated with initiation, creativity and leadership. This is somewhat true.
[transpersonal sign] Also being a capricorn makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns.
[planet] The planet that rules Blaine's character is Saturn. Saturn is the planet that in earthly life serves to signify restrictions and obstacles someone must face if their personal goals are incorrect for them or they have a karmic debt that needs paying. Saturns placement in the chart can indicate areas in their life that they will need to be particularly diligent about trying to change or work with. Thus Saturn has been called both, the planet of fate and the Lord of Karma. Saturn symbolizes the course of time and patience, tradition, and experience. At the best of times it helps to consolidate, and at its worst it restricts the persons efforts. Someone under the rule of this planet makes someone knowing in limitation, restrictions, boundaries, practicality and reality, crystallizing, and structures, as well as being self-disciplined, responsible and reliable. On the downside, it also makes someone morose, cold, miserly, indifferent and rigid.
[element] Being a Capricorn, Blaine's element is Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career succeess. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Though Bryce does not really fit the profile of being 'earthy' however some of the traits do fit him which are lively, truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive, egocentric, non-caring, center of attention and thinking they are never wrong.
[birthstone] Being born in December, the birthstone is Turquoise. Turquoise was once linked to happiness, fortune and luck, making it a very popular gem in centuries gone by.
And the plan to unfold, we must start asking why
Nothing matters, no one else
[martial status] In a complicated relationship with Zinaida Zhefarovich.
[when] March of 2036.
[blaine matthias and zinaida zhefarovich] The two have been meeting up together since their first year. The two hit it off immediately, and became really good friends. Things took a step further when they were in their third year, when Blaine wanted to see Zinaida behind Vladimir's back. Since it was risky, things have been off and on ever since, but Blaine's affections have only been for Zinaida. He continues to see her while dodging Vladimir's eyes during his years at school.
[past relationships] None.
[innocence] Still intact.
[past sexual partners] None.
[turn ons] Red hair, hair pulling, small waists.
[turn offs] Half-breeds, blondes, too much perfume.
[aphrodisiacs] Chocolate cherries and oysters.
[the perfect female] Someone with red hair that loves to pull his hair and can tame him but complete him at the same time.
[the perfect date] Snogging on the couch while there is a fireplace going, and some chocolates on the side.
Don't you know the war is far from over now
I have lost the will to live
[playby] Jackson Rathbone.
[natural hair] His hair used to be blonde, but it darkened over the years to a medium brown. He keeps it semi long and it has natural waves. It looks as though it is tussled all the time, but that is the way he styles it. Otherwise, it would have plenty of frizz.
[hair modifications] None.
[eyes] Blaine's eye color is unique which is amber, though it is a dominant gene in his family. While they look almost gold, they are not, they have a little more of an orange hue to it. He inherited it from his father's side of the family. When one looks into his eyes, they will see his emotions, and then the kind feel of heat from a wildfire, and see how devious and up to no good he really is. The meaning of the color amber is a powerful force, symbolizing energy and fire. The symbolism also stands for life, as the heat of fire brings forth life, energy, and assists in making the world the way it is. Those with amber eyes are normally very vibrant, very energetic, and often ruled by their emotions.
[height] 6'1"
[weight] 180 pounds.
[complexion] He is a little on the light beige side, with freckles and moles from where he was out in the sun a lot.
[scars] Several old gashes on his legs and arms from a kid, and the roughness of Sethos.
[birthmark] None.
[smile] A crooked smile with his teeth that could be a little whiter. His teeth a little crooked since they were slightly better than his mouth. However, it is gentle, but his smirk is equivalent to one that is up to no good.
[body build] Blaine is a little on the lean side, but muscled from his athletic abilities.
[body modifications] He has a tattoo of a dragon on his upper left arm.
[dominant hand] Right hand.
[style] Blaine likes to wear denim jackets, jeans and hoodies, mostly from the cool part of the colors spectrum. His robes are normally dark navy blue, or a sapphire blue. He rarely wears black because it makes him look too skinny. He also has black boots, but prefers his tan ones overall.
What a stumbling block we've fallen over now
Simply nothing more to give
[school] Hogwarts New Zealand.
[hogwarts house] The house of Rowena Ravenclaw. Below is his sorting post:
Blaine Matthias looked to his younger sister for a moment as they stepped through the doors to the legendary Great Hall of Hogwarts. Blaine thought that he would have been better off in Durmstrang, but since his two other brothers, or two of them, were here, then he might as well be too. Nikandros was a Gryffindor, and Troxa was a Slytherin. Blaine thought that it was probably bad that Troxa was now expecting to have a baby, but Blaine didn't think that it would ever happen to him. First of all, he looked average. His hair was always shaggy and there was nothing he could do about it. His eyes almost glowed like fire. He let out a sigh and he continued to walk through the crowd of potential first years as he kept to himself. He managed to meet another pure-blood like him, and a twin no less. It was pretty cool in his eyes. Blaine sighed and he waited for the woman to do the introduction, and once she had, the hat started to sing cheerfully. Blaine had to tune it out so that he could think over where he just might belong. He would love to be in Ravenclaw. He heard that they seemed like a quiet bunch.

Finally the roll call started. Blaine watched one by one as each person was sorted into the four houses. Blaine would be sorted before his twin sister and that much he was thrilled about. He liked being first in many things. The downside was that he was not the firstborn at all. Instead he was simply one of the many Matthias boys. Blaine shook his head and then looked up as soon as the voice bellowed, "Matthias, Blaine!" Silently, Blaine walked up to the stool and he found his seat. The hat made its temporary home on the top of his head, and the only thing he could think of was, Must I be placed in the same house with either of my brothers? That would be Slytherin and Gryffindor. Perhaps he did favor Ravenclaw more than them all. Slytherin would not be too bad since Troxa was leaving really soon. He let out a sigh and he waited for the judgment.
"You could very easily be in Slytherin. But, I think the place where you'll become the best wizard you can be is more than likely RAVENCLAW!"
[special titles and awards] He was given prefect as a fifth year.
[extracurricular activities] Blaine has been in the Brotherhood of Magic for as long as he could remember, and was the Beater for the Quidditch team since his first year.
[favorite subject] Charms
[best subject] Charms
[loathed subject] Astronomy
[worst subject] Divination
[favorite professor] Professor Haden
[loathed professor] Professor Pendleton
[grade average] Exceeding Expectations
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

[newt grades] Not available
[graduated] Due to graduate June of 2041​
"As our brothers die defending no one...

the war is far from over now..."

Liberation, a moral charade, for the cause is a part of your sacred lie
There is nothing more for me


[father] Metrophanes Teoslav Matthias
[born/death] January 22nd, 1980
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Married to Anastasia Matthias
[occupation] International Magical Trading Standards Body Official
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Joshua Jackson
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[step-mother] Anastasia Fleur Snow-Matthias
[born/death] December 18th, 1987
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] French
[martial status] Married to Metrophanes Matthias
[occupation] Scitorari (Mind Section)
[education] HS; Ravenclaw Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Jessica Alba
[roleplayer] Jessye

[mother] Uliana Sveta Toralba
[born/death] April 17th, 1982
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Divorced
[occupation] Magical Accountant
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Madchen Amick
[roleplayer] N/A
[th colspan="2"]Parents[/th]

[older brother] Valerius Leon Matthias
[born/death] March 11th, 2001
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Married to Fox Matthias
[occupation] Chemistry Professor at a Muggle College
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] James Franco
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Zion Cassius Matthias
[born/death] February 28th, 2003; July 1st, 2037
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Engaged to Aarika Zhefarovich
[occupation] Doctor in Africa
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Jake Gyllenhaal
[roleplayer] N/A

[older brother] Terence Vlad Matthias
[born/death] November 13th, 2004
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Owns a Male Strip Joint
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Michael Malarkey
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-brother] Alaric Reese Winters
[born/death] July 16th, 2005
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Russian
[martial status] Widowed to Hadan Winters
[occupation] Ex-Auror
[education] HS; Ravenclaw Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Shane West
[roleplayer] Jessye

[older sister] Nadine Valeria Toralba
[born/death] May 5th, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Professional Dancer
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Rachele Brooke Smith
[roleplayer] Pat

[older sister] Nina Vitala Toralba
[born/death] May 5th, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Ballerina
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Rachele Brooke Smith
[roleplayer] N/A

[older brother] Tylien Zerach Matthias
[born/death] October 3rd, 2007
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Seeing Aarika Zhefarovich
[occupation] Nurse
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Ian Somerhalder
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Tristane Zander Matthias
[born/death] October 3rd, 2007
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Married to Liliana Matthias
[occupation] Music Instructor
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Ian Somerhalder
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Sethos Lysistratos Matthias
[born/death] December 1st, 2009
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Seeing Avalynn Rose
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Oliver Sykes
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Levent Anatolius Matthias
[born/death] August 27th, 2011; September 30th, 2037
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Quidditch League Headquarters
[education] Salem Institute Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Andrew Smith
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Rephael Philetus Matthias
[born/death] May 16th, 2012
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Engaged to Bella White
[occupation] Pub Owner
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Chord Overstreet
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Severin Beau Matthias
[born/death] February 3rd, 2013
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Seeing Zoe Snow
[occupation] Designer
[education] Salem Institute Alumni
[titles] Prefect
[playby] Andrew Gallagher
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Troxa Julian Matthias
[born/death] April 18th, 2017
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Married to Auden Matthias
[occupation] Quidditch League Headquarters
[education] HNZ; Slytherin Alumni
[titles] Prefect, Head Boy
[playby] Drew Fuller
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Nikandros Marion Matthias
[born/death] June 19th, 2020
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Engaged to Alaska Zhefarovich
[occupation] Potions Master
[education] HNZ; Gryffindor Alumni
[titles] Prefect
[playby] Chad Mitchell
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[younger twin sister] Pandora Soleil Matthias
[born/death] December 30th, 2022
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Seeing Erik Metzger
[occupation] Student
[education] HNZ; Slytherin Student
[titles] N/A
[playby] Dianna Agron
[roleplayer] Jessye

[younger half-sister] Wysteria Verity Matthias:
[born/death] November 2nd, 2040
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Russian
[martial status] N/A
[occupation] N/A
[education] N/A
[titles] N/A
[playby] Charlotte Free
[roleplayer] N/A
[th colspan="2"]Siblings[/th]

[older half-sister-in-law] Hadan Lauren Hensel-Winters
[born/death] October 31st, 2007; May 14th, 2039
[blood status] Unknown blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/8 British, 1/8 Bulgarian, 1/4 American and 1/2 Romanian
[martial status] Married to Alaric Winters
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] HNZ; Slytherin Alumni
[titles] Guardian (Zhefarovich Family)
[playby] Rachael Leigh Cook
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older sister-in-law] Fox Xavier-Matthias
[born/death] April 10th, 2013
[blood status] Muggle
[special] N/A
[heritage] American
[martial status] Married to Valerius Matthias
[occupation] Assistant Chemistry Professor
[education] College Graduate
[titles] N/A
[playby] Alejandra Alonso
[roleplayer] Jessye

[older sister-in-law] Liliana Grayce Chamberlin-Matthias
[born/death] February 3rd, 2013
[blood status] Half-blood
[special] Part-Veela
[heritage] 1/2 American, 1/2 British
[martial status] Married to Tristane Matthias
[occupation] Music Teacher
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Amber Heard
[roleplayer] Jessye

[older sister-in-law] Auden Braylin Lefevre-Matthias
[born/death] March 10th, 2017
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] French
[martial status] Married to Troxa Matthias
[occupation] Stay at home mother
[education] HNZ; Hufflepuff Alumni
[titles] Prefect
[playby] Claire Holt
[roleplayer] Jessye
[th colspan="2"] Siblings-in-law[/th]

Damnation a moment away in all the world's eyes
I need the end to set me free
"It's the doom of us all...

we give in to control for the sake of your sacred lie..."

Complications abound, you'll get used to the sound of alarms in your life
Things not what they used to be


Blaine Matthias x Vladimir Zhefarovich x Bridget Riley: Vulnerability
Blaine and Vladimir fake being friends with Bridget, just to use her as a minion.
Blaine Matthias x Serenity Dion: Our Very Own Book Club
Blaine meets a cute Ravenclaw. Friend or flirt?
Blaine Matthias x Vladimir Zhefarovich x Pandora Matthias x Belladonna Metzger: Lines Are Drawn
Vladimir turns against his first friend, thanks to Pandora.
Blaine Matthias x Iason Samartzi: Where the Ravens Hide
Another friend is made, when Blaine tries to study and a Slytherin has the book he needs.
Blaine Matthias x Graeme Fergusson: Skipping Stones
Blaine gets taught how to skip stones and makes a new friend too.
Blaine Matthias x Vladimir Zhefarovich x Charmaine Zsigmond: What Am I Doing Here?
Blaine and Vladimir find new blood to tease.
Blaine Matthias x Elijah Drage: Show Me What You Got
Blaine meets with a friendly, Quidditch loving Gryffindor
Blaine Matthias x Zinaida Zhefarovich: My Best Friend's Sister
Blaine flirts with Zinaida, which is forbidden but hot.
Blaine Matthias x Vladimir Zhefarovich x Davina Lesley: Where the Wild Things Are
Blaine and Vladimir find another bird to pick on.
Blaine Matthias x Gabriel Black: Moving In
Blaine meets another Ravenclaw, one he has things in common with.

Don't you know the war is far from over now
Missing one inside of me

Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Blue - Sacred Life by Disturbed; Black - Fade to Black by Disturbed
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye

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