🌹 Rose Giving Black and Yellow

Salem Lee

🌻Quality Quidditch | Enjoying the Little Things🌻
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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03/2041 (20)
Yellow rose for @Timothy Black

Salem had been doing a loop of the castle, coming down from hitting Gryffindor tower and enjoying the lingering smell of roses everywhere as she headed downstairs again. She had to double back suddenly when she realized belatedly she'd just passed one of her deliveries. "Timothy! Hey, rose for you!" She said, catching up to the 5th year, being familiar enough with him after having been in the same house for over four years now.
Tim was just doing his deliveries as Salem caught up with him. "It's just Tim. But hey Salem, how are you? A rose?" Tim was confident that it was from Robina, it would make sense.
"Right, Tim, sorry," Salem said, slowing down so she could pull out the right rose. "I'm good, thanks, glad we're finally getting to the fun part of all this rose stuff now," she admitted with a smile. "Aha, here you go," she said, handing over the yellow rose for Tim. "Hope you're enjoying it too, right?"

Happy Valentine's, Tim! - Kiara

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