Benson Dalburn

Full Name:
- Benson Taylor Dalburn
Date of Birth:
Current Age:
- 11
Basic Appearance:
- Tall, blonde. He has blue eyes and a defined face.
- Benson enjoys getting into trouble, and even though he knows what the consequences are, it doesn't stop him. He is mysterious and interesting, making people like to be around him.
- His mum and dad both died in an accident. They were Irish, but moved to New Zeland just before the accident. He has a half sister in the school, who doesn't know it yet.
- None
Area of Residence:
- He lives in newzealand
- Has an Irish accent which he developed from his mum.
Special Abilities:
- Hopefully, he will get a few abilities, but so far they are unknown to him.
Additional Skills:
- Making people laugh
- being liked.
- Staying out of trouble
Describe your character in three words:
- Loud, Cheeky, Mysterious
Favourite place to be:
- Away from everyone else.
- He does not describe anyone he knows as a friend.
Best school subjects:
- Divination
Worst school subjects:
- History of Magic
Extracurricular Activities:
- None
Plans for your future:
- He would like to work somewhere at Hogwarts when he grows up.
Your Patronus:
- A Horse
Your Patronus memory:
- When he learned to ride one.
Your Boggart:
- Spider
Your Animagus:
- None
Mirror of Erised:
- Himself standing with his parents.

I see that his sister doesn't know about him, but does Benson know about her?
How old was Benson when his parents died?
Does he live with another family member or in an orphanage?
Why does Benson enjoy being away from others?
Is there anyone Benson feels close to?
Does Benson miss Ireland?
What house does he hope to be sorted into and why?

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