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- OOC First Name
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- Birch Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone
This is what I am. Deal with it.
This is what I am. Deal with it.
:full name: Benjamin Arthur Chase
*:nickname(s): Ben
layby: Logan Lerman
:date of birth: 7th day of January, 2018
:sex: Male
:sexual orientation: Heterosexual
"Ridiculous question. No, I'm not homosexual. If ever I'd be, then it would be such a shame for my family. With me bearing the name 'Chase', then it would be such an embarrassment, especially to my father. Father is the one who actually the head of our family. At the moment, all I know is that I am only attracted to women and not men. But as of now, I still do not understand this branch called, 'romance.' Also, I don't want an explanation, so never mind."
:current age: thirteen years old
elationship status: Single and not looking.
"I was never ever interested in a girl in my whole life. I swear upon it on Salazar Slytherin. Somehow, I think the girls my age are immature. Mother says it's just the beginning and there is more to come, but I doubt it. Simple as that. Once again, I am not looking for any partner. Yuck."
:group as of the moment: Slytherin Third Year Boys
*:nickname(s): Ben

:date of birth: 7th day of January, 2018
:sex: Male
:sexual orientation: Heterosexual
"Ridiculous question. No, I'm not homosexual. If ever I'd be, then it would be such a shame for my family. With me bearing the name 'Chase', then it would be such an embarrassment, especially to my father. Father is the one who actually the head of our family. At the moment, all I know is that I am only attracted to women and not men. But as of now, I still do not understand this branch called, 'romance.' Also, I don't want an explanation, so never mind."
:current age: thirteen years old

"I was never ever interested in a girl in my whole life. I swear upon it on Salazar Slytherin. Somehow, I think the girls my age are immature. Mother says it's just the beginning and there is more to come, but I doubt it. Simple as that. Once again, I am not looking for any partner. Yuck."
:group as of the moment: Slytherin Third Year Boys
If looks could kill, you'd be dead. Seriously.
If looks could kill, you'd be dead. Seriously.
:height: 5'2
"To be honest, I have not yet reached that so-called stage named 'puberty'. My father is currently 6'4 and that is just pretty tall for me. No joke. Well, I admit that some of his colleagues are much more taller than him. But I have to say that father's height is just the right height for me. Regarding females, they reach puberty faster than us males so some would actually tease me about it. Not really tease, but more of a joke between us only. Many of girls have joked me about it. Up to now, I do not care."
:weight: 103 lbs.
"I'm not that heavy am I? I mean, it's just right isn't it? Mother is quite cautious about my health and so am I. But I try not to imitate her. It's a little girly and I do not want to grow up like a female. That would be just horribly awkward between me and the whole world."
:build: Fit and strong
"I do not do weights. Like those muggle men who do it in front of some electronic thing that they call 'television'. It's just that in the Manor, my health is strictly observed and always well managed by my mother and some of the elves that are ordered to actually observe me during times when I am only the one in the manor. Yes, we have elves in our Manor. Meanwhile, I sometimes jog around the whole Chase Manor just to give me some exercise in the morning. Now that I am in Hogwarts, I plan to sometimes fly so that I would be able to exercise myself. Well, that's the only thing that popped into my mind as in idea of 'exercise'. Stupid huh? I don't think so."
:hair: Black and usually messy.
"I have the tendency to actually ruffle my hair during conversations with some people. I dunno why I do that. It just comes along. Sometimes, I think that some girls actually think I'm flirting off with them which I am totally not doing. I don't flirt. It's such a stupid hobby or action to do. Anyways, once every three months, I cut my hair to a shorter size so that I'd look neat. But I disagree with the neat part. I think even though my hair grows to be a bit long, I think it's still looks fine to actually look at. There's nothing wrong with it in my opinion."
:eyes: dark green
"It is in my father's genes for me to inherit the green eyes. It's more of the color of the Slytherin house and I am just so proud of it. Sometimes, I understand that I am really meant to be a Slytherin. After all, my father came from there. Father's eyes are also the same color as mine. It's piercing and electrifying to look at. If you get to look at it a little closer, you will see that there is also tiredness behind those serious eyes. Meanwhile, Mother has gray eyes. It's actually weird, but I still adore how she stares at one thing and all you can focus on her are her eyes. I also realize how pretty Mother is whenever she dresses into a gown. Really, she's a beautiful woman."
:lips: Pale pink and often moist
"There's no question about that. Mother's lips are always like that. At least, that is what father tells me."
:skin complexion: Light white
"Despite the fact that I go surfing, I still manage to remain in the same skin color. I know it's pretty weird, but I think that is is just cool. I also plan to not let go of this kind of skin color. Having a tan would not look good on me. I might lose the looks of my father on me."
:teeth: Bright white
"They're just immaculately clean. I never forgot to clean my teeth every morning, noon and night. Three times a day. Sometimes, I even make it four times. But that's usually rare. Keeping my teeth clean is just one of my priorities. Generally, it's in my 'hygiene' category. My teeth are perfectly straight, thank Merlin."
"To be honest, I have not yet reached that so-called stage named 'puberty'. My father is currently 6'4 and that is just pretty tall for me. No joke. Well, I admit that some of his colleagues are much more taller than him. But I have to say that father's height is just the right height for me. Regarding females, they reach puberty faster than us males so some would actually tease me about it. Not really tease, but more of a joke between us only. Many of girls have joked me about it. Up to now, I do not care."
:weight: 103 lbs.
"I'm not that heavy am I? I mean, it's just right isn't it? Mother is quite cautious about my health and so am I. But I try not to imitate her. It's a little girly and I do not want to grow up like a female. That would be just horribly awkward between me and the whole world."
:build: Fit and strong
"I do not do weights. Like those muggle men who do it in front of some electronic thing that they call 'television'. It's just that in the Manor, my health is strictly observed and always well managed by my mother and some of the elves that are ordered to actually observe me during times when I am only the one in the manor. Yes, we have elves in our Manor. Meanwhile, I sometimes jog around the whole Chase Manor just to give me some exercise in the morning. Now that I am in Hogwarts, I plan to sometimes fly so that I would be able to exercise myself. Well, that's the only thing that popped into my mind as in idea of 'exercise'. Stupid huh? I don't think so."
:hair: Black and usually messy.
"I have the tendency to actually ruffle my hair during conversations with some people. I dunno why I do that. It just comes along. Sometimes, I think that some girls actually think I'm flirting off with them which I am totally not doing. I don't flirt. It's such a stupid hobby or action to do. Anyways, once every three months, I cut my hair to a shorter size so that I'd look neat. But I disagree with the neat part. I think even though my hair grows to be a bit long, I think it's still looks fine to actually look at. There's nothing wrong with it in my opinion."
:eyes: dark green
"It is in my father's genes for me to inherit the green eyes. It's more of the color of the Slytherin house and I am just so proud of it. Sometimes, I understand that I am really meant to be a Slytherin. After all, my father came from there. Father's eyes are also the same color as mine. It's piercing and electrifying to look at. If you get to look at it a little closer, you will see that there is also tiredness behind those serious eyes. Meanwhile, Mother has gray eyes. It's actually weird, but I still adore how she stares at one thing and all you can focus on her are her eyes. I also realize how pretty Mother is whenever she dresses into a gown. Really, she's a beautiful woman."
:lips: Pale pink and often moist
"There's no question about that. Mother's lips are always like that. At least, that is what father tells me."
:skin complexion: Light white
"Despite the fact that I go surfing, I still manage to remain in the same skin color. I know it's pretty weird, but I think that is is just cool. I also plan to not let go of this kind of skin color. Having a tan would not look good on me. I might lose the looks of my father on me."
:teeth: Bright white
"They're just immaculately clean. I never forgot to clean my teeth every morning, noon and night. Three times a day. Sometimes, I even make it four times. But that's usually rare. Keeping my teeth clean is just one of my priorities. Generally, it's in my 'hygiene' category. My teeth are perfectly straight, thank Merlin."
Let's take a look deeper, shall we?
Let's take a look deeper, shall we?

"Okay, so these two qualities are the ones that probably placed me in the Slytherin house. Ever since I was a boy, I was taught how to use my magic carefully. I was made to observe the things going on around me. Mother taught me how to be observant. She told me to be always alert with what it is around me. I thank her for that, by the way. Father in the meantime taught me how to become a sly person. I usually creep up to people so that I would be able to surprise them. Not really a prank, but somehow a joke. I know the person will understand. Unless that person is juvenile enough for me to deal with, then that's another issue. When I am mean, I become horrible. I swear. I sometimes contain the arrogance that I sometimes radiate whenever I plan revenge on someone or plot something bad against someone. Those times are usually rare, but I still can devour anyone into this little trap of mine. I despise people who think they are much more better than me in debating or arguing. As for as I know, I've experiencing arguing with my fellow sister when I was young. Yes, I do have a sister and I plan to make her Hogwarts life embarrassing sometime. When I am in a good mood, then you're in luck. I swear my life on it. I don't really speak that much when I'm in a good mood. Usually, I just stay silent and stare of into space. There's just simply a huge difference when I'm in a good or bad mood."
:family: The Chases and the Williams
Isabella Raya Chase (Mother, Ravenclaw Alumni, 32 years old)
"Ever since I was small, Mother has been always protected of me. She checks me always whenever I feel sick or look sick. She monitors my health status all the time. She also does that to my sister. Every time that I am with her, I've got to make sure that I have my manners. My mother is less strict than father, to be honest. She's more loving and caring of me. Unlike father who leaves me to understand the logic going around me, mother helps me register it. Sometimes, I think on how father and mother married each other. Was it because of the money? The looks that my parents had? Hopefully not. Anyways, the only thing I inherited from her is my lips and skin tone. Thank Merlin I did not have mother's hair. It would look absolutely ridiculous on me."
Arthur Stewart Chase (Father, Slytherin Alumni, 34 years old)
"Father is easy to describe. He's stern all the time. He does not abuse me, my sister and mother, but I have to admit that all the orders always come from him. Not always, but often. Currently, mother is the second one to always demand orders from the house elves. She's quite kind to the five elves we have. She's very sweet and not demanding. Anyways, Father used to be the usual playboy whenever it came to girls. He likes being the arrogant one who does not care about anything in the world. I swear. He really was like that. Until he met Mother, he changed his ways. Completely did. Mother told me all these information. I just can't believe father was that kind of man in his younger years. Seriously, I thought she was just joking me."
Victoria Alice Chase (Younger sister, Unsorted, 9 years old)
"Victoria Alice Chase is actually quite sarcastic when you talk to her. She always observes her manners in front of people. Also whenever she is alone with only the house elves to keep her company. Usually, she stays in her bedroom or just roams around on the grounds of the Manor. Vicky is a fast learner. Unlike me, I have the tendency to actually ask stupid questions sometimes. But of course, I have already outgrown that ever since I was around nine years old. Sometimes, it comes back so she actually tells me to 'shut up'. Yes, as a seven year old, she can do that. She already perfected writing the alphabet when she was two years old and she started reading when she was two and a half. Very talented sister, I admit. Her eyes are surprisingly gray which are weird. She inherited it from Mother, I suppose."
Lucas Xavier Chase (Younger brother, 5 years old, Unsorted)

Avery not only for Benjamin, but for the whole family already. This owl is the one that usually brings errands back and forth. Usually, it involves Arthur Chase and some business partner regarding the financial status on whatever they are working on.
:area of residence: California
The Chase Manor is hidden in one of those rural places around the Manhattan Beach. It is charmed for the muggles not to see whenever they are around in the woods. The manor is located deep into those forests, right in the middle. When the muggles come around, all they see is a plain house, sitting in the middle of the woods. They won't take interest in it, for sure. Only Pure Bloods are able to locate the Manor. The charm can be also fixed for Half Bloods to also see the house. Right now, only Pure Bloods and elves can see it. Nothing less. The living room is a bright place where everything can be seen clearly. The fireplace is always there, being watched by the elves just to make sure that it will still be warm and the wood won't get burned easily. Their bedrooms anyways, are dimly lit and they have a cold temperature. There are more than just fifty rooms in the Manor, and it sure is grand. Some rooms haven't even been opened since the last century. Some, meanwhile, are just forbidden to be open. Certain rules have been put up in the Manor by the previous users. It's been built there for each and every member of the Chase family.
:blood status: Pure Blood and proud
:heritage: 25% Scottish and 75% American</SIZE></FONT>
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<FONT font="Verdana">I have my limits. I'm also human.
<FONT font="Verdana">I have my limits. I'm also human.
:special abilities: None. Though Benjamin would like to become one skilled person at Legilimency some day.
:interests/hobbies: Quidditch, sleeping, eating, exercising and being alone whenever he is in a good mood. He'd rather be alone because if was in a company of another person, that person might even ruin his good mood. Worse, Benjamin might even hex him/her if ever that will happen.
:additional skills: He's a good at threatening. Benjamin can use his charisma in devouring someone. He's also good at hiding his emotions. Maybe he'd make a good actor one day.
:strengths: He's good at dealing with someone even though they are much more older than him.
:weaknesses: Keeping secrets
:five words: Charming, charismatic and sometimes arrogant. But whenever he is comfortable with his surroundings, the Slytherin turns into a friendly person right immediately. He's also wealthy when it comes to terms of financial statuses.
:interests/hobbies: Quidditch, sleeping, eating, exercising and being alone whenever he is in a good mood. He'd rather be alone because if was in a company of another person, that person might even ruin his good mood. Worse, Benjamin might even hex him/her if ever that will happen.
:additional skills: He's a good at threatening. Benjamin can use his charisma in devouring someone. He's also good at hiding his emotions. Maybe he'd make a good actor one day.
:strengths: He's good at dealing with someone even though they are much more older than him.
:weaknesses: Keeping secrets
:five words: Charming, charismatic and sometimes arrogant. But whenever he is comfortable with his surroundings, the Slytherin turns into a friendly person right immediately. He's also wealthy when it comes to terms of financial statuses.
What have I liked around Hogwarts lately? No idea.
What have I liked around Hogwarts lately? No idea.
:favorite place: The North Tower
"I like being up there. It keeps me calm and well mannered. The winds up there are cool whenever I come by and visit. The grounds below are just magnificent to the eye. I can just imagine myself flying on a broom, just to get on top of the North Tower. Everything is just peaceful there. It's lovely to stay there. Also, it's romantic I admit."
:friends: As of now, Benjamin has not role played with a lot of students yet. But through the years, the list will be updated with whoever he has already RP'd with.
:hopes/ambitions: To be skilled at Legilimency
"I've heard that there are people who have the ability to actually invade one's mind. My father told me that it was actually a good skill and one that required hard work. If you ask me, I'm absolutely up to the challenge. Invading one's mind would be a powerful thing to do, and I believe only a few has been gifted with the skill to master this complex subject."
:best subjects: n/a
:worst subjects: n/a
:extracurricular activities: Surfing at home. At Hogwarts, none as per the moment.
lans for the future: Not yet applicable due to young age.
atronus: Wolf. But as of now, Benjamin does not know it yet.
atronus memory: the birth of Victoria
"Victoria is absolutely the only person closest to me in my whole life. I swear, I can depend my life on her. She's reliable as my sister. Yet, we have fights but we make up easily. As a seven year old, she's quite clever on what she does. Whenever I hear her name, I start to smile warmly. She's just my dear sister."
:boggart: A furious centaur.
:mirror of erised: Benjamin Chase as a successful man. Either it's about something dark or something to be proud of, it does not matter at all.
"I like being up there. It keeps me calm and well mannered. The winds up there are cool whenever I come by and visit. The grounds below are just magnificent to the eye. I can just imagine myself flying on a broom, just to get on top of the North Tower. Everything is just peaceful there. It's lovely to stay there. Also, it's romantic I admit."
:friends: As of now, Benjamin has not role played with a lot of students yet. But through the years, the list will be updated with whoever he has already RP'd with.
Males said:
Females said:Jade Whittle
Hariah Meadow
Victoria Chase (sister)
Eden Koshiba
:hopes/ambitions: To be skilled at Legilimency
"I've heard that there are people who have the ability to actually invade one's mind. My father told me that it was actually a good skill and one that required hard work. If you ask me, I'm absolutely up to the challenge. Invading one's mind would be a powerful thing to do, and I believe only a few has been gifted with the skill to master this complex subject."
:best subjects: n/a
:worst subjects: n/a
:extracurricular activities: Surfing at home. At Hogwarts, none as per the moment.

"Victoria is absolutely the only person closest to me in my whole life. I swear, I can depend my life on her. She's reliable as my sister. Yet, we have fights but we make up easily. As a seven year old, she's quite clever on what she does. Whenever I hear her name, I start to smile warmly. She's just my dear sister."
:boggart: A furious centaur.
:mirror of erised: Benjamin Chase as a successful man. Either it's about something dark or something to be proud of, it does not matter at all.
Thoughts said:Ick.
I absolutely have no idea why I am writing on this piece of rubbish. It's kind of like a diary that my sister gave to me as a joke. This is actually boring; writing your thoughts and spilling them all over this parchment. Weirdest idea to do. I wanted to go surfing today then Vicka interrupted me by giving me this piece of thing. She told me to write my feelings here since mother and I had a fight yesterday about my health status. Now, I absolutely am following my sister's instructions without a conscious idea why.
Thoughts said:
December 2, 2011
January 15, 2012