Benjamin Arthur Chase

Benjamin Chase

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone

ooc deets - played by arty. contact me through pm and i'll love ya.
this whole thing is mine. gif is from tumblr though. ty <3

behold, the world's greatest creation is before you. what do you want think he'll do now?​

FULL NAME benjamin arthur chase.

NICKNAME ben. though, there are several others he does not wish to acknowledge.

AGE nineteen years old.

DATE OF BIRTH january seven, twenty-eighteen.


HOMETOWN manhattan beach, ca. the mansion.

OFFICIAL NATIONALITY registered as an american citizen under the american ministry of magic.

HERITAGE american and a cup of scottish blood.

SCHOOL hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, new zealand.

BLOOD STATUS pureblood
VIEWS ON BLOOD prejudiced, but is starting to slowly lean towards the advantages of muggle technology.

WAND birch wand.

- - -

<SIZE size="100">the exterior,
some are effortlessly flawless. benjamin though... he's kinda like the vain guy who adores cologne... and soaps.​

APPEARANCE he's the guy who pretends not to be vain, but really is. benjamin loves showing the world that he has a classy-casual kind of appearance etched to him. his genes are a mixture from his parents, starting from his hair. it's dark, almost black in fact, and is kept boyishly. his eyes are green and dark, just like how the color of sea. dark, short lashes frame his eyes and he has a nose splashed with little to no freckles at all. benjamin never had the bad case of acne, but he's experienced a few just near the scalp whenever he felt stressed. his lips are quite thin but not as thin as lines. he has a light tan (from surfing). he is toned and constantly aims to be fit, even if he is rather healthy in every aspect. finally, benjamin stands at 6 feet and 2 and a half inches. his normal look

EXTRA STUFF benjamin has an ugly scar on his upper thigh and a birthmark on his bum that's shaped like a letter Z.

PERSONAL STYLE simple yet designer clothes. and boat shoes.

PLAYED BY arty's bae, grant gustin.

- - -

the interior,
he's your angel in disguise; with a cocky, self centered and teasing side. don't forget the awkward side too.​

PERSONALITY for the record, benjamin has many sides to share with the public. for one, he can be very charming. he has a cool approach to him during business meetings and can be very charismatic to sponsors. benjamin loves putting up a good show for those who can give him advantages and he'll smile, chuckle and pretend to be your best friend if he has to. though truthfully, he is a sarcastic assh*le who prefers having a small group of friends, instead of big ones. benjamin can be brutally honest with strangers and "friends," but does not really have any intention of hurting their feelings. he is good at being smug and arrogant and for years it has been the protective wall he'd set up around him when feeling unsafe around people. benjamin likes being the dominant one but secretly craves for something that would try to beat his head in the game. above all that, he is a loyal friend and can be quite awkward, especially when it comes to dating. women are not his forte and nor is commitment so trying to settle down is quite far from his mind right now. he'd rather marry his dog, aurum, thank you very much.

FEARS beasts, carnivorous plants, bees, fireflies, his mother, deformities and the wrath of kialla smith.

NERVOUS TICS he becomes cranky and isolates himself. also, he reads a book (something of the horror type) to ease his nerves.

HOBBIES since he lives next to a beach, benjamin loves to surf. next, he admits to trying muggle sports like table tennis and golf and he enjoys it immensely. benjamin also loves trying to brew potions, even if he knows he could blow up an entire room.

GOALS IN LIFE his ultimate goal is world domination to make his father weep because of all the achievements his son has made. secondly, he'd love to move out of the mansion to somewhere more secluded and smaller. perhaps, build his own home that follows his own style and hopefully, his future family may live in there.

- - -

the heart,
contrary to popular belief, his heart is not a piece of coal. it just hasn't been... warmed yet by the right person.​

MARITAL STATUS boringly single, but he's fine with it.

APPROACH TO LOVE benjamin finds love a hard concept to keep up with. he really is fearful that he will easily get bored with someone and dispose them too quickly. though he is glad that his family does not follow the pureblood tradition of marrying your child off, he thinks of scenarios wherein he'd have to marry someone because of a business deal. he does not really see himself as the guy who would date the woman in a fancy restaurant. he'd rather go cliff diving with them... or perhaps, teach her how to surf.

PAST RELATIONSHIPS zero, because he's a loser.

PAST CRUSHES benjamin met giselle williams the first time when he was four and he knew that it was love at first sight. she was beautiful, blonde and very assertive. benjamin was infatuated with her until he was seven, when he realized that she was too old and having a crush on his cousin is the stupidest thing ever.

IDEAL WOMAN the ideal woman for him should be a goddess. someone who is beautiful, but has a hidden personality underneath. he'd like to spend his life with somebody who knows how to handle him at his worst and someone who doesn't find it awkward to talk about his problems. physically, benjamin eyes blondes more and he loves women who try to look at their best at all times. fashionistas are a sure eye catcher for Benjamin.

- - -

the magic,
as a pureblood, he's got his magic. he can excel with it and also, fail with it.​

BEST SUBJECT transfiguration.

WORST SUBJECT ancient runes.

BOGGART zombies.

MIRROR OF ERISED he sees himself dressed up as something else and oddly, they look like healer robes. the pristine robes has the logo of st mungo's on his breast whilst he is holding a clipboard. he feels that he's happy and content there, even if he is surrounded by disease. he feels that he is putting his mind to a good use in that way but then, the image fades and he finds his own, ordinary self, standing with businesslike robes that his father gave him.

PATRONUS a monkey.

AMORTENTIA benjamin loves a variety of smells. He loves the scent of vanilla, cookies whilst they are being baked, rich cologne, wine and most especially the salty, fresh air of the sea before him.

- - -

<FONT font="Georgia">below are the random things he likes, does and prefers. and yes, he actually likes ballet.​

<COLOR color="#347235">COLOR rich and dark violet.

MUSIC GENRE classical and edm.

FOOD anything japanese.

BOOK the horrible guide to psychoanalyzing women (a parody) by felix a. jordan. this is a funny book and despite the horrendous title, its humor is quite witty and the author won several awards because of his ridiculous novel. the novel talks about the main character named thomas, who goes about on life dating several women and comparing them one after the other. he comes up with the silliest conclusions and to date, benjamin loves his 400 page novel.

ANIMAL his loyal english foxhound, aurum.

PLACE his bedroom or rome, italy.

[ul][li]"unless you can definitely read, i'll assume that i haven't met you at all and you do not exist. it's because of you why dumbness is spreading to the masses."
[li][to his siblings] "i'd like to thank our wonderful parents for having a lovely set of genes. god only knows what will happen if we didn't inherit them."
[li]"...okay, is our headmistress high or did she really appoint me as head boy because as far as i know, hogwarts doesn't settle for handsome pureblood men for their head boy. they'd prefer an intelligent muggleborn whose aim in life is to trump us purebloods. what do you think, kia?"[/li][/ul]

[ul][li]"i'd do anything to be on top of all of you... oh sh*t, i meant i'd do anything to be on top of this stupid game!" <I>[pauses] "what in merlin's pants were you thinking?!"</LI>
[li][sees his mother, pregnant with his youngest sibling] "mother, how do you even make those things? seems fun."
<LI>[li]"i mean, you're uh... pretty. you have a really nice face with no blemishes and your smile lights up the entire room and i swear all the men here are captivated by you. but, uh, i'm not. my apologies but, it'll be horrible if we continue this date of ours. can i escort you home? i'll pay the bill already..."


<FONT font="Verdana">- - sunny highlights.
the important events of benjamin chase's existence. the rest are
yet to be written. so, realistically there'll be revision in the future.

<SIZE size="100">suspense ;

The first sign of the night was that it was howling. The droplets of water were noisily splattering on the glassy windows of the mansion. Besides from the constant roar, icy screams filled the place. It swirled around the man's ears sensuously, not wanting to rid itself from the hallway especially. It repeated itself almost every ten seconds - it ranged from horrifyingly horrendous to bearable moans of pain. It was likely that in an hour or two the hired Healer would come out and give me some updates about the woman inside the room. The man knew that the woman in their was in great pain even if there was a soft mattress lying beneath her along with the company of experienced witches. That would definitely not ease the natural pain that was inevitable.

Was it done yet?

No, no, he obviously knew it was not. It had been minutes (thought it seemed like a lifetime to him) ever since the people in the room came out. News about the woman inside was getting scarce as the night delved deeper into its depths. The storm outside was still raging on but the man continued to pace, unafraid of the weather factors. The air growled nastily outside, ripping some branches out of the trees. However, the noise did not catch his attention. The walking stick he had with him was warm because of the tight and tensed grip he held it with. The screams gradually lessened to painful groans coming from the room, whilst the man just paced outside the hallway, occasionally glancing at the doorway. He wanted to know what was happening inside and how it was going, but he knew he just could not barge in. The patience that stirred inside was testing him, knowing that the wait he endured was long enough to make him scowl with worry. His love was in there, suffering the pain all alone and here he was, pacing outside the hallway waiting for it to cease. All of a sudden the howling of the winds outside went supersonic to his ears and he glanced upwards sharply to the window.

Then he heard the creak of the door. It was slow yet momentous and it creaked with the intensity of pain, tiredness, cold sweat and relief. One of the experienced Healers that the man hired peeped out, and caught his eye in less than a second. The man almost jogged towards the door when he saw the witch's face, drained with sweat and relief at the same moment.

"How is she? What happened to-"

"My lord, your wife is fine. The labor was extremely painful for her, but she will heal."

"When?" the man asked snappily.

"It will be a gradual recovery, Mr Chase. She needs rest as of the moment and we Healers need accompany her for tonight, at least. We will leave in the early morning. Do contact us if she will be experiencing pain in the future."

The man nodded hastily, not caring whether they will stay there for a week or so. He wanted the woman inside the room to be relieved of the pain immediately even if he knew that it would not happen that easily.

Gradual recovery, his ass.

"I suppose I couldn't enter."

"Oh well you may sir. They're just cleaning them up." The lady smiled.

As the Healer referred to 'her' as 'them,' the man's chest filled with sparks. Here was another news again from the Healer which he anticipated. Slowly, he slipped inside the dark room that was dimly lit by candles and the lightning that dazzlingly flashed outside. The young man looked around and leaned the dark coloured cane (that referred to his authority, much to his satisfaction) on the smooth surface of the wall. He will soon see and touch the little one of the family in just a few seconds. Suspense gripped his very heart that his body was unaccustomed to. Adrenalin squeezed itself in his bloodstream - making him want to pant because of the excitement.

Or was it nervousness?

Soon, the ball-like cloth was brought to him, its content shifting subtly. A small hand came up as the thunder shook the trees outside. The man, scared yet appeared to be rigid in posture viewed the infant. The Healer handed him the small child - the child that contained the purity of their line. The child that had the future of their bloodline in his hands. The child that would be the one.

Finally, the heir was born.

superiority ;

"They are different."

The young pureblood blinked in confusion. Why so? Why were they different compared to his family? All he wanted to do was to get out of the mansion's massive study and proceed to the beach. There, he had a possible friend waiting to show him some awesome skills in swimming. He shifted himself on his seat, fidgety and eager to get out from this discussion.

His young brain could not comprehend what his father's words were actually saying. Arthur Chase said that they were different - that they were inferior, but Benjamin saw them as incredibly normal humans. He frowned at his father, an indication that his words did not create any impact on his son. Quite loudly, his father sighed and looked straight at him in the eye. Benjamin stiffened at the eye contact and sat up a little straighter, knowing that if not he would be scolded for it.

"You do not understand, I take it?" Arthur crossed his arms across his chest, a stern line thinning his lips.

Benjamin shrugged, not knowing what to say. He understood that his father disliked those people however, the boy did not really care. He had no reason to dislike them himself anyway, so this talk had no point for him.

However, Arthur wanted to make sure this discussion left a mark on Benjamin.

"They are a lot different from us. That boy swimming with his family; they are not like us. What runs in their veins, does not run in ours. Ours is pure. Theirs is insignificant. Mudbloods."

That word rang a bell and immediately Benjamin knew that his father used that word on the people who visited the muggle beach. Not just that, he spat the word as if it were vile and dirty. "Mudbloods," repeated Benjamin slowly.

Arthur nodded, thankful to Merlin that his son was trying to pick up the pieces of information. He need not call for Isabela's help; his wife needed to attend to Victoria, the littlest among the family.

"We have a special kind of blood. We have the blood of a real wizard Benjamin. Its purely magical, which you should be terribly proud of." Arthur smirked.

Benjamin looked out the massive window of the study, its curtains drawn to the sides. It made sense, thinking about what his father just said. Those people outside had no idea that there was this kind of real magic. They had no idea that instead of standing up to reach for something, they could just use magic like his family. They had no idea and this secret was only for them to share as a clan.

"We're magical, they are not. We're precious and powerful - we come from a long line of wizards and witches that possibly gave great contributions to the wizarding world." Arthur approached the window and got into Benjamin's line of vision. The smug, smirk of his father filled the heart of the younger Chase, in which he had to smirk back boyishly.

The knowledge of them being purebloods was always stuck in his mind since it was the fact that his father leeched on to emit that same old, proud aura. Benjamin was now putting the pieces of the puzzle together but little did he know that it would take time to do so. His young brain could not comprehend the idea any further, save for the knowledge that he was superior because he had "magic."

Benjamin had no idea what to respond, so the little boy was silent for a few more moments. His father too did not break the fragile muteness of the room, staring instead out of the window. Arthur wanted the boy to have some pride in him. He wanted to let him know that he was not weak at all. In fact, he was stronger than them. He looked at Benjamin one more time before dismissing him out of the study.

"Don't let them belittle you Benjamin. You belittle them."

greatness ;

Gritting his teeth, the little boy looked around the ashy room.

For starters, it was burnt. The cloth that draped the couch was half burnt and the carpet was still smoking. It felt hot in the room - literally. The air smelled and tasted of smoke. There were grunts and coughs that vibrated in the room but its very sound put Benjamin into another session of silent anger.

Whenever Benjamin Chase desired something - whether it be a toy, food or some attention from his father, he knew that no one can disobey him with the sole exception of his father and mother. Those two suffocating adults made him feel he was imprisoned and he wanted to go outside for some petty reason he cannot even remember, but since Isabela Chase said otherwise, Benjamin made a silent tantrum.

The only thing he can recall clearly was the fact that the furniture combusted with just the childish anger that continually stirred inside him, but it was swiftly replaced by surprise and fear from his part.

His father, Arthur, who was standing next to the window he always stood next to, held his wand out for precaution. That was what exact same action Isabela did. The woman who was previously seated on the couch was standing up in shock, her palm covering her mouth. His father was alarmed though it was replaced by something else that a more different aura to the room. Benjamin was too shocked to notice the smirk that curled on his father's lips.

"Amazing. Wasn't it, Bela?" Arthur went to Benjamin and ruffled the younger boy's hair, proud of what his son just did. Even if he ruined the expensive furniture, he was sure they could replace it with a much modern one sooner or later.

Isabela only approached the half burnt couch that she normally greeted visitors with and inhaled deeply. "His first show of his magic is dangerous Arthur. Not amazing, as you impeccably put it."

The little boy, who was not burnt in anyway only stood there, his green eyes already wide as he accepted the fact that he expressed his anger through setting the center of the room on flames. It was a good thing his childish anger subsided, or else the fire might even consume the whole precious couch.

"Please Bela, calm down. Isn't it normal for a young pureblood boy to show a sign of magic at this age? Isn't it normal for a Chase to do such a thing?"

Benjamin looked at his father, even more surprised to see that Arthur was not mad. In fact, he was grinning like a mad man. This was very unbecoming of Arthur Chase, the very man who told Benjamin to scram whenever he was busy.

"What are we gonna do?" Benjamin asked timidly, his young baby face looking towards Arthur and then to Bela, and back at Arthur. He was afraid they might send him to his room for him to "think" for his actions that seriously need some fixing deeds. The damage was scary to look at and Benjamin felt the magic thrumming in him subside to a shallow beat pulsing instead.

"We have to fix--" His mother began.

"We don't have to fix so immediately."

"Arthur, I assure you that we will have guests in perhaps a day or two so don't let me remind you for the millionth time that grandeur shows off an excellent imp--"

"Let me finish," Arthur said, holding up a hand and tucking in his wand. "You know what we have to do?"

Isabela rolled her eyes in front of the two most important boys in her life, not caring if their son had witnessed an argument. She crossed her arms against her chest, knowing that both of their stubbornness can lead this to another debate and some make up sex later. "Hmp, you tell me, Chase."

Arthur smirked. "We have to celebrate."

acceptance ;


Two minutes ago, the firstborn was scowling because of his younger sister's mess in his own bedroom. Firstly, Victoria was not allowed in his room since she owed him for the favor he did for her. Secondly, she was a girl for Merlin's sake! No girl was allowed in his bedroom except for his mother, who only came in to inspect if he was maintaining his hygiene. Thirdly, Benjamin hated it when she blabbed all about Milan's new fashion show that were showcasing new robes for young teenage witches. Good Lord, Victoria was only 7 years old! She shouldn't be blabbing about that!

Benjamin looked up, peering at the envelope that Arthur was holding in his hand. The father of the family was leaning on his desk, carefully observing Benjamin through his identical dark green orbs that were more serious.

"For what, father?" Benjamin queried, mildly interested at how this conversation was going. Initially Arthur made this all noble speech pertaining to his future life with peers that were bound to be his acquaintance forever and Benjamin almost drooled because of its boring message.

"For this." Arthur chucked the envelope on his son's lap, before walking behind his desk whilst feeling the thrill of having to get this acceptance letter this very morning. He knew that Benjamin would feel the same, perhaps even more excited, but the idea that he will be surrounded by dirty blood in that school horrified Arthur. Although he knew he had to live with the school's acceptance for inferior blood.

Benjamin only looked at the envelope, raising a brow in question. When his father motioned for him to open it, Benjamin did so and did it rather slowly. He did not bother to look at the logo that was stamped ridiculously on the front of it, since logos did not pique even the smallest portion of his interest. "What the hell is this?"

The silence that followed signified the intensity of the air. Benjamin unfolded the parchment and read the first few lines and stopped when it stated; we are pleased to have you, Mr. Chase. Benjamin's jaw dropped in the unmanliest way and looked up at Arthur, boyish excitement seeping in his veins.

Holy sh*t. "I got into Hogwarts, father. I. Got. Into. Hogwarts." Benjamin said, emphasizing every word. His green eyes were the size of saucers and they were getting bigger.

Arthur folded his arms, the most prideful smirk gracing his lips. It was about time that damn school delivered Benjamin's acceptance letter, or else he would have to owl the headmaster himself. "Damn right, son. It's about time. That school took ages to write these letters and if wasn't delivered by the end of the week I swore to the heavens I would send a howler to the Head's office."

Benjamin stared at the parchment in awe, not hearing his father completely. He was accepted in Hogwarts New Zealand! He felt giddy all of a sudden, knowing that it was completely unlikely of him to feel so. Benjamin set the parchment down and stood up to approach his father with the desk being the only thing that separated them.

The young boy smirked, his eyes oozing with pride and confidence. "I knew I was going to be accepted, father."

"Why, do tell me about your confidence."

No, that was a lie actually. Benjamin was half sure Hogwarts would accept him and he was half doubtful if they would put him on hold. Of course with a little bribery they can accept one more student like him although Benjamin never voiced out his doubts to his parents. They would say he had no self esteem and displeasing them would have the shame on him.

"I knew it from the start. This school was going to accept me and if they didn't, I knew we could use some alternatives to convince them." Benjamin shrugged, smirking the smirk his father normally used.

The young boy stepped back, his back straighter than normal because of the new life he was going to face inside the walls of the said school. It was going to be brilliant and hell, he just knew it. "I think I'll go tell mother."

His father nodded, sending him away with a lazy flick of his hand. He felt proud that a Chase was accepted into the school because Benjamin was just the type of student they would love to have in his opinion. Arthur's confidence because of their blood status never failed him. He watched the back of his son walk away from him with his chin held high.

"How about Victoria?" Arthur added as an after thought question.

"She'll have to wait." Benjamin uttered whilst walking away, thinking that putting his sister on hold would be the best torture for her.

disbelief ;

Benjamin pursed his lips, rereading the letter again. Instead of the typical welcome back letter written by the Headmistress, Benjamin was faced with a slightly longer letter. He held the parchment in his hands and ignored the stares from his family that were eating their respective breakfasts.

"Um Ben, you're killing us here." Victoria's voice popped in his head.

He shot her a look to back off and fingered the parchment to feel its authenticity. Perhaps this was just a prank pulled by his sister? After all, it was she who delivered the letter to his room just ten minutes ago.

"Well, this letter is killing me too Vee because your prank is not hilarious."

Victoria looked at him, shock written on her face quite clearly. "What do you mean prank? Excuse me, I never tried to forge the sig--"

"Quiet. Benjamin, give me that." His mother snatched the parchment and Benjamin was thankful it was not teared into 2. He watched his mother read the entire paper and she blinked once... And then she did it for the second time. Benjamin felt a little uncomfortable by his mother's thoughtfulness and he looked at his father to see how he was faring.

Arthur only looked interested by watching his wife intently as well. Isabela looked at Benjamin and then at Victoria and finally, at Arthur.

"I believe your son was just appointed as a Slytherin prefect."

Bela handed the letter to Arthur, allowing her husband to read the letter twice before commenting on anything.

It was a rather unbelieving thing for his Head of House to do such a thing, since Benjamin was nothing but a walking boy of pride and false wisdom. Or at least, that was how Benjamin thought the Slytherin Head thought of him. He looked at Victoria who was looking back at him, witnessing the rising excitement in her eyes.

"Father? Do you think it's true?" Benjamin asked.

Arthur placed the letter down next to his fancy plate and leaned back on his chair. "Seems that you did something good last year Benjamin. Yes, you are a prefect. I know this signature is not fake by any chance."

The newly appointed Slytherin prefect grinned and felt the warm rub of his mother that offered her congratulations. He heard a squeal from the other side of the table that was obviously by Victoria. His younger brother on the other hand, just clapped his hands obviously not knowing what was going on.

"Congratulations Ben! Who knows you could even go for Head Boy!" Victoria proposed, looking more excited than anyone else. Her dear brother was a prefect and that was a rare feat!

Benjamin only shook his head, rolling his eyes at her.

"Pfft. No, not a chance."

Damn right, not a chance at all.

leadership ;

(to be added.)


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