Full Name:
Ben James Lock
Date of Birth:
3rd February 2025.
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Short brown hair. Dimples. Quite small and slim.
Happy, cheeky and friendly.
Mother: Luna Lock.
Father: James Lock.
Parents are separated and Ben last saw his Mother when he was 3 Years Old. Ben lives with his Father.
Uncle: Robert Lock. - Ben does not know his Uncle.
Area of Residence:
New Zealand.
Blood Status:
Half Blood.
Ben's Father, James is originally from Essex in London, and Ben has picked this up, but his accent is mixed between that and a New Zealand accent.
Interests or Hobbies:
Ben enjoys muggle sports such-as Football (Soccer) & Rugby, however, it is his dream to play Quidditch.
His friendly nature.
Ben has grown up with just his Father for an influence, which means that Ben struggles with the Female Gender.
Hogwarts House:
Ben would love to be in Gryffindor when he begins.
Extracurricular Activities:
It is Ben's dream to be in the Quidditch Team.