Ben Lock

Ben Lock

The Basics
Character's Name: Ben James Lock.
Character's Birthdate: 3rd February 2015.
Hometown: New Zealand.
Blood Status: Half Blood.
Wand: Yet to buy one.
Educated At: Plans to attend Hogwarts.

Hair: Short & Brown.
Eyes: Dark Brown.
Height: Small.
Style: Kiddy Casual.
Other Distinguishing Features: Dimples, and big bags under eyes.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Ben is a smiley and friendly young boy who enjoys making other people smile aswell as himself. Despite struggling to talk to females, Ben will befriend anyone and everyone with his cheeky, yet kind and caring nature.
History: Ben grew-up with a loving Mother & Father, who were together at the time. However, various love affairs on Ben's Father's part meant that his Mother walked-out when Ben was just 3 Years Of Age. And he has not seen his Mother since. This means that Ben has had a lack-of a female influence in his life, and therefore struggles to talk to the female gender.

Despite Ben's Father being an arrogant and immature flirt, who has moved his Son around various Baby Sitters for most-of his life, Ben has turned-out to be a nice and friendly kid overall.

Father. - James Lock.
Mother. - Luna Lock.
Uncle. - Robert Lock.

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