Closed believe the very best

Jonah Edogawa

chaser • tiny steps everyday • struggling • 2nd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Jonah was running late. He was so so late. He was supposed to be finished an hour ago. But he'd never really baked before, and he was counting on the recipe that he'd gotten to get him through baking these cupcakes that he wanted to give Lumos for his birthday. He'd been so nice to him, and he'd been helping him so much, and he'd even asked Jonah to the Halloween Feast even if he didn't like going. So Jonah wanted to give him something that he'd made. And he'd been here since this classes ended after Eurydice had brought him to the Kitchens while he'd been clutching a recipe and introduced him to a Mr. Dak. He'd insisted with Dak-san that he wanted to do it all by himself cause it was special, but he needed help with getting the instruction and the ingredients right. Dak-san had given him all the ingredients, but he must have mixed up some of the white powder things while Dak-san had been called away for a bit, because the cupcakes... Well they'd been a mess. But! The strawberry frosting had turned out really nice and he was so relieved. He'd even made too much he thinks since there was quite the big bowl. So he only needed to redo the cupcakes. He'd tearfully apologized to Dak-san then and showed him the mess of cupcakes and the house elf had kindly told him he'd mixed up the cornstarch and baking powder. And then Dak-san stayed with him and double-checked his measurements and ingredients and the cupcakes were ready so he's just trying to put the frosting on them now. He'd made twenty-five cupcakes - cupcakes having the letter for "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUMOS!" written in frosting with the remaining just having a tower of frosting. The writing was shaky because he wasn't used to piping, but he and Dak-sama had shared a frosted cupcake between them to check, and it was good so hopefully Lumos would like them. Now he just had to finish quickly so he can meet Lumos in the classroom like they talked about.
Lumos had been late, well, he had thought he was late, but when Jonah hadn't been in the appointed meeting place at the time he'd thought he'd said, Lumos had thought that maybe he wasn't late at all, which also didn't make sense because he was pretty sure Jonah had said to meet him when everyone else had gone down to the hall and that had been almost an hour ago now. Except Jonah wasn't in the classroom they always used like he would normally be, so, naturally, Lumos was a little stumped. "Dakrey, do you know where is Jonah?" He'd called out, only for Dakrey to appear and let him know that Jonah was a little busy right now, but he should come to the kitchens. Lumos wasn't sure why Jonah would be in the kitchens, but he'd made his way down there regardless, since that was obviously where Jonah was. As he walked into the Kitchens, he was surprised to come face to face with cupcakes, a lot of cupcakes. Pink cupcakes. What? "Jonah... what is this? Why weren't you in the classroom? I'm sorry I was late, I really didn't mean it but I got waylaid talking to Winnie and Amory."
Jonah probably looked like a deer caught in headlights - because he felt like a deer caught in headlights when Lumos entered the Kitchens. He was piping the last two of the cupcakes, and had been about to ask Dak-sama for help on how he should even begin to pack up the cupcakes so he could bring them to the classroom where he was supposed to meet Lumos. "I... I uh... Cupcakes... I... I mixed up the powders and had to redo them," he said as he looked down at the counter where all of the cupcakes were just sort of grouped and mixed up instead of fixed into how they should look like. He hadn't been expecting Lumos to come here. "C-can you close your eyes for a second?" he asked hopefully.
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"Birth Hay Paddy Soul M, who's Soul M, and what's a birth hay paddy?" he asked, looking at the letters and trying to put them together in the right order in his head. He wasn't very good with anagrams. Never had been. He did like cupcakes though. "Aww, why do you want me to close my eyes? Can't I watch you? You were late to the room so I was worried, but then I find you down here making cupcakes?"
Jonah blushed as Lumos tried - and failed - to read the mess of letters of cupcakes. Though he was also trying hard not to laugh because Lumos failing to pick out his name from the scattered letters was just a little funny. It was embarrassing though to have Lumos watch him put the cupcakes in the right order, but he supposed he did make the Slytherin worried. The surprise wasn't much of a surprise anymore anyway since he'd been busted in the kitchen while still finishing up the last two cupcakes. "Fine," he pouted, "You'll see." It was a little difficult to start placing the cupcakes in order since they'll be upside down from his view, but he just had to remember to put the cupcakes from right to left. By the end of his fixing the cupcakes, there were three rows - one for each word - of nineteen cupcakes. His cupcakes that just had attempted swirls of frosting were off to the side - three of them - and of course his last two unfrosted cupcakes. "Happy birthday," he said shyly when he'd finally got it all fixed.
"Oh! Happy Birthday not Birth Hay Paddy, though in my defence that P looks like a d from this angle so how was I supposed to know?" he asked, quickly looking over the cupcakes again, taking a minute to register what the rest of them said. "Oh, happy birthday Lumos, that's me!" He was surprised because even though he knew Jonah knew it was his birthday, that didn't mean he expected anything for it. Not to mention the pink frosting. He quickly stuck his finger in one of the tower frostings to check his suspicious, grinning when he realised that it was strawberry. "Jonah this is so sweet thank you!" he didn't really want to tell him that the cupcakes were really sweet and he wasn't quite sure what had happened to them, but he had a feeling it wasn't something Dakrey did, so he was going to eat them and he was going to enjoy them and he would never breath a word. "Thank you, you didn't have to."
Jonah was fiddling with his fingers a little bit as Lumos read through the letters. And he gave a small smile when he tried to explain how he'd somehow come across "birth hay paddy". It seemed like an age before he realized that Soul M was Lumos and it been making him nervous until the boy smiled brightly. He even tested the frostings and the grin on Lumos' face made it worth it. "I know, I wanted to," he said shyly. "Dak-sama helped a lot. I... I messed up the first batch so I was late, I'm sorry for making you worry."
Lumos shook his head at Jonah, “it’s fine, honestly, don’t even worry about it. Dak is a great baker though, but I like that this was your idea, it’s very sweet and like probably the best brithday present I’ve ever got,” which was maybe a slight exaggeration, but it wasn’t often that people cooked or baked for Lumos, so this was definitely up there. Most people tended to do prank things instead, since he was a Halloween birthday. He picks up another one and takes another bite, “Are we going to stay here and eat these? Because I don’t know if I can do all of them. I’m willing to try, but we might need to like… give them away maybe? Do any of your siblings want any? I can give some to Nox too maybe,” and warn him their a little… not quite right.​

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