Becker, Persephone

Persephone Becker

New Member
OOC First Name
Purple Smurf
Persephone Bailey Becker
I'm Not That Girl Any More!

The Basics
Name Meaning:
Persephone:In Greek mythology, Persephone (usually pronounced /pərˈsɛfəniː/ in modern English; also called Kore) was the Queen of the Underworld, the korē (or young maiden), and a daughter of Demeter and Zeus. In the Olympian version, she also becomes the consort of Hades when he becomes the deity that governs the underworld.
Bailey: It is of Old English origin, and its meaning is "berry clearing; bailiff; city fortification".
Character's Birthdate: 15th October
Current residence: New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed
School House: Hufflepuff


Hair:Red, natural
Eyes: Baby Blue
Height: 5"6
Style: Casual, whatever she feels like
Other Distinguishing Features: -


A Little Deeper​

Persephone is used to a safe life. She doesn't do risks, always takes the safe choice. She was recently devastated by the departure of her fiancée of three years after he told her she was 'too boring' for him. Since then she has changed. It has taken time but she is now exciting and willing to take any chances.


Talents and Likes​

Magical talents: Charms, Transfiguration.
Other talents: Drawing, Dance
Weakness: She trusts easily
Likes: Being liked, dancing, exercising.
Best subject: Charms
Worst subject: DADA
Patronus: (Could never manage it) Hedgehog

<SIZE size="150">Zodiac​

Sign: Libra
Element: Air
Ruling planets: Venus
Symbol: Scales
Stone: Sapphire



Persephone was born in Inverness, Scotland. Both of her parents were magical, Her mother muggle born, her father pure blood. When she was five her parents split and her father re-married. His new bride was another pure blood. Over the years her father had three other children, her mother had one with a muggle who ran away the minute he discovered what she was.

When she started school at Hogwarts Scotland she was sorted into Hufflepuff. She was an average student, not much interesting happened. In fifth year she met a boy who made her heart jump./ They began to date and kept on during the rest of their school years. During her seventh year, Persephone's mother died, her father took in Persephone and her mothers' child.

Aft ershe left school, she stayed with the man of her dreams and got a nice safe job in a shop. On her twentieth birthday he proposed and she happily said yes. However, this year she was dumped by him for an extreme sportist, saying she was too boring for him.

After that disaster she decided that the safe route in life was not right and changed. It took about six months to manage it but now she has fun and doesn't have to think before she chooses the most exiting option. Though occasionally she has some moments where she doesn't feel this attitude is right for her. She recently moved to New Zealand, tired of running into people she knew commenting on the new her.

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