Because some people can't handle on their own

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Adonia Vincent

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So, Adonia has no friends at the minute and, soon enough, she's going to need some people to stand by her.

She is a lovely girl, very sweet and bubbly, fun and giggley. She can be sarcastic, she is protective of the people she loves and is a very good friend.

She has been going out with her boyfriend for just over two years. The main thing I'm looking for is a guy friend who can be there for her when her and her boyfriend hit the rocky patch that is approaching. I would also like a guy (Can be the same guy) who will be a quick rebound for her before Ten comes back.

Also, if anyone can think of a character of theirs that would meet her or have anything to do with her for some reason, please post.​
Well I have Leonardo who could befriend her, I don't think he will play the well rebound guy. Maybe they could already know each other like best friends and something could happen? I just don't see what's the point in going in blind when they are in the same school. He's a seventh year, just let me know :)
Hmmm, perhaps they already know each other, from lessons and small chats in the halls or something, but aren't that close yet??
Then they could get closer, say a heart to heart and then she could go to him when she needs help or advice??
Adonia Vincent said:
Hmmm, perhaps they already know each other, from lessons and small chats in the halls or something, but aren't that close yet??
Then they could get closer, say a heart to heart and then she could go to him when she needs help or advice??
Yeah that will work. Who's going to start the topic?

I can offer you my 6th Year BeauxBatons student. Avarice Vanity

She's very nice and friendly. She works hard and is only
loyal to those she counts as friends. She's good at listening
not so much sharing.
I think they could be friends.
What do you think?
Yeah, she sounds good, another shoulder to cry on. Adonia will be needing one soon.
Do you want them to have already met or just meeting now??

I don't mind. We can say that they have
met once before. But only in passing after
Would you like to start something or shall I?
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