Beautiful Winter Days

Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
It was a crisp cold day outside and Kat couldn't wait to get out and enjoy it. She unfortunately had been left at the school for Winter break which gave her very few options of fun, but she'd make the most of her few months here practically alone. She pulled on a pair of jeans with a pink sweater and then her red snow boots. Before heading out she grabbed her gray peacoat her mother had gotten her along with the red gloves, scarf, and hat that she'd gotten from her friends for her birthday. Kat looked out the window of her dorm before heading down and out of the common room.

Once out of the castle a brisk wind blew by turning her cheeks and nose pink in color. She pulled her jacket tighter around her, shivering slightly as she headed out across the school grounds. Once she reached the lakefront Kat wished she had brought her ice skates with her, but decided that if she really wished to skate then she could simply summon them later on. Instead she fell onto her back into the deep snow and began to wave her arms and legs around making a snow angel. Maybe being at the castle alone wouldn't be so bad after all. She seemed to be making her own fun for the most part and hoped it lasted.
Sumner draped his woven scarf over his face, wrapping it until only his greyish blue eyes were visible. He hated the snow. It was damned odd the storm had blown in, blanketing the grounds. His long fingered hands covered in dark leather gloves, he flexed his fingers, his eyes narrowed, shoulders hunched, head forward, hands shoved into his pockets, he walked the grounds. Coming around the bend, he spied his girlfriend Kat, rolling around like a puppy in the cold white snow.

He stood there, just watching her with a goofy grin on his face. She was so damned beautiful; he was thankful she was coming back into her own, after that nasty business of the past year. Walking forward until his shadow spanned across her, he grinned and nudged her side gently with his booted foot. "Hey," he smiled.
Kat nearly jumped out of her skin when a shadowed figure came up and nudged her in the side with their foot. She hopped up quickly, messing up her snow angel as she did, and backed up until she noticed the eyes. Grinning brightly, the sun reflecting in her clear blue eyes, she said, "Hi yourself! Could've given me a bit of warning. I nearly jumped out of my skin you gave me such a fright!" Kat walked over to him and lowered his scarf, pressing her cold pink nose to his warm cheek.
Sumner brushed his lips over her cheek, nuzzling her cheek, his arms coming up and encircling her. "Sorry," he murmured, not sounding the least bit repentent, grinning. "Snow angel, hmm?" Kissing her, he drew back and smirked down at her. "Are those horns where the halo should be?"
Kat drew herself in to his warmth, knowing that she'd never get tired of this feeling. She kissed him back lightly before her mouth drew into a fine line. "You know that I'm the most angelic person you know. I can't even believe you'd suggest such a mean thing," she said as she wrapped her fingers in his belt loops and yanked him to her before slipping one of her legs behind his and pulling forward sharply, sending him falling to the ground. She nearly lost her own balance, but managed to stay standing as she slipped a few feet away, now knowing that a war was about to take place.
Sumner yelped as Kat knocked him on his arse. The snow was cold and soaked through his jeans quickly. A feral grin, one usually reserved for the Quidditch pitch, spread across his face as he quickly shot to his feet. Rocking lightly from foot to foot, "Oh you're playing dirty Queerditch are you?" Not wasting any time, he ran at her. If he caught her, well then, who knew what'd happen.
Kat squealed loudly and her first instinct was to grab up a handful of snow and throw it as hard as she could sailing towards Sumner. She turned to run, but her boot got caught under a tree root that was covered by the drift of snow. "Ah sh1t," she muttered under her breath.
Sumner took advantage of Kat's natural clumsiness, one of the things that endeared her to him, and rolled them on the snowy ground. Rolling on top of her, he kept his torso on hers but his long legs to the side so not to crush her. Hurriedly he grabbed her hands and put them over her head with one of his and then held a handful of snow threateningly over her face. "Do you yield?" he asked, laughing, trying to look stern.
It was times like this that Kat cursed Sumner for being so damned strong. She wriggled around trying to get loose when she saw him holding a handful of snow over her face. "Not on your life. I always win...remember that," she said, waiting for the cold white fluff to cover her face entirely.
Sumner seriously considered meeting her taunting words with a nice rub down of snow. When a few melting flakes dropped on her face he gave into impulse and as she flinched her eyes close he rubbed his lips against hers instead. "Divide and conquer, that is the Reine way of life," he nipped her jaw playfully with his teeth. Sighing, he stared down at her, becoming lost in her blue eyes. "How'd I get so lucky to get you?"
Kat yelped lightly when Sumner nipped at her jaw. She stared deep into his eyes loving the way he looked at her. "You know I ask myself the same thing about you everyday," she said sincerely as she pulled him closer to her and then added, "Plus you wont the fight! I had to pick you!"
Sumner smirked. "Snakes fail," he snorted. Letting go, he got up and held a hand out to her. Playfully he swatted at the snow on her rear and laughed. It was the first time in a long time that they had just cut loose together and not argued. It seemed like he was angry all the time lately. It was affecting his whole life and his relationships with others, especially his girl.
"Now now, play nice," Kat said jokingly, knowing that was far from happening in this lifetime. She jumped when he dusted the snow off her bum, still a bit skiddish after her birthday 'present'. "Ah, trying it again I see. You know I walked funny for two days after that," she said wrapping her arms around his neck and jumping up wrapping her legs around his waist. Resting her head against his she whispered, "I really do love you you know!"
Sumner braced himself, linking his hands together under her hips. "You deserved it you brat," he said affectionately. "I really love you." He kissed her sweetly then swung her around while laughing. Stopping after a few moments, he hugged her to him. "C'mon, I'll treat you to a warm butterbeer."
"Maybe I did, but I think you enjoyed it just a bit too much," Kat joked. She squealed loudly when he spun her around. When he put her down and pulled her close she reached up and kissed him and then said, "Well thank you kindly sir! I'll take you up on that offer!"
Sumner walked with her up to the castle, his arm slung over her shoulder. He'd miss his girl when he had to spend time at home. There was no way of convincing his parents to let him stay. Kissing the top of her head, he kept her close and thought of how happy she made him.

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