Beau Meets Jaden

Beaumont Karhunlappi

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Beaumont was full. He'd absolutely pigged out at the sorting feast and enjoyed seeing all the new first years get sorted. He had the intention of going back to the common room to properly welcome the newbies, when he suddenly realised it had been months since he'd flown. Yes, he'd gotten back into skateboarding during the winter break, but it just wasn't the same. He knew he should go and make an appearance at the Hufflepuff welcome party, but he really really wanted to fly. He stood on the first floor, watching the staircases move around him, trying to decide on the best course of action.
Jaden had her nose glue to a new witches& curse novel. It was a muggel novel about witches and warlock in a time when robes were in fashion in the muggels world, and corset were the latest thing in that present time. Most likely the time of Merlin years but that wasn't the point of these stories. It had a lot to do with love, something Jaden had experience recently and still she didn't understand the basic of its meaning. It also had a lot to do with war, war between two families. She read more because of war, it fasinated her more. She was at the part when Holly was learning more about Jer. She kept her eyes intense on the novel, not caring of those around her. She was slowly slipping back to her old ways again. Being a bit snobby and rude to those who annoyed her. Most of the time just keeping to herself.

Beau had just made the decision to go upstairs to see all the Hufflepuffs, so he turned quickly and was about to jump onto a staircase when he knocked into a girl, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Quick as a flash, he picked up the book he'd made her drop and handed it to her. Beau thought he was more of a Gryffindor than a Hufflepuff, but that was wishful thinking. Sure, he was brave and loyal, but more than anything, he liked helping people. He didn't want this girl to think him rude for bumping into him like he just had.

"Oh, hey, sorry dude. Here's your book, sorry if I made you lose your page." As he looked at her he realised he recognised her from some of his classes. She must be the same year as him. And if he remembered correctly, she was a Slytherin. She probably knew who he was, he chattered incessantly in class and generally made himself known, but he thought he'd introduce himself anyway, "I'm Beau Karhunlappi, we're in the same year. You're Slytherin right? I'm in Hufflepuff. I think all our classes are going to be combined this year. What electives have you chosen? I'm doing Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. I think they'll be fun."

Beau was a talker. He couldn't help it. He always had questions, and liked telling people about himself.
When Holly was calling out for Jer right in the middle of a passage, Jaden called out, "Jerk!" but it came out by mistake. She blushed crimson red, her eyes looking to glare at the suspect who knock her over. Jaden prepare to yell some more but the familiar boy had helped her out even apologize for almost landing on her. Jaden swear she was a target, the numbers being trample on was rising quickly. "No its okay, I'm sorry" she blurted out taking her book of witch&curse.

She listen to him ramble a bit, starting a conversation once he recognize her from his classes. "Oh yeah your that boy with the funny name and likes to talk a lot" she nodded agreeing to what he had to say. She wanted to laugh when she said this instead she kept herself quiet for a moment. "I'm Jaden or Nile" she never used her nickname, her whole name was boyish, kind of ironic since she didn't know how she felt about boys in general. "I'm taking Care of magical creature, Divintation, and muggel studies. But I don't see the point in taking muggel studies so I'm not taking it this year" Jaden shrugged. "Your from here? You seem a bit American but I can't figure that out since you have a weird name" she half smile this time.

Beau had noticed that many students at Hogwarts seemed rather clumsy, and until that moment had prided himself on never having bumped into anyone or knocked anyone over. It was very rare for him. He was clumsy with words, not actions.

He smiled and laughed when the girl recognised him and said so, and greeted her, "Hey Jaden... or Nile? That's a cool name. Were you born in Egypt or something? Cool, we'll have CoMC together." He laughed again when she tried to figure out where he was from. He knew he had a rather bizarre heritage, and began to explain: "Oh, I'm from here, well, New Zealand. I live in Dunedin. But my mum's Peruvian and my dad's Finnish, so it's all a bit of a jumble really. Beaumont is a French name that Mum and Dad just liked, and I have a Maori name, a Chechua name and a Finnish name, too. All my brothers and sisters have as well. Chechua is my mum's native language. We have a lot of names. And our last name means Bear of Lapland in Finnish. I've never even been to America, have you? Where are you from?" He was pleased that Jaden had almost managed to smile. He always felt good when he could make someone smile.
Jaden listen eyed wide to Beau speak, boy this kid was talkative. Though she felt a strange feeling passover out of nowhere. Jaden look back, her skin crawl in the weirdest places. She had to let out a sigh or relief before she look back at Beau. "I don't care what you call me. Its a boys name, my father had Americanize it, instead giving me a Vietnamese name. Its a boys name" she shrugged. The feeling stayed longer than usual.

"No I'm not from here, actually I'm from American. Born and raised in Maine" she sighed talking about her old home always put her own. "My dad moved her after he found out I had magic. My mom says no, but I say yes. I think my father ashamed of me being a witch so he moved us here" the staircases began to change when she was telling Beau this. "You better watch it if your skating on those boards, these stairs will take you life" she said this somewhat smiling. It didn't reach up completely but she suppose it was an effort not to sound sad. Jaden hated pity and didn't like sounding like a sad case. She did everything she could not to seem helpless, she was to strong for that childish emotions. To mature for her own good.

Beau frowned in concentration, "Jaden's not just a boy's name, there were two girls in my class at muggle school called Jaden. There was a boy, too, but it's just a common name. I like Nile, though. I think I'll call you that. Are you from Vietnam? Do you speak Vietnamese? My Dad worked there as a volunteer when he was younger. Is your dad Vietnamese then, if you're American? Sucks about him leaving, I bet he was just scared. I imagine it'd be easy to be scared of magic if you didn't know what was going on. He'll probably come back soon." Beau was not only talkative, but incredibly optimistic. "My mum's a squib. Her village kicked her out when they found out she wasn't magic, even though she's pureblood. That's why she came to New Zealand. My dad's a muggle, he thinks magic's pretty cool, but he's a little scared, too." He turned to watch another staircase move. Merlin, he loved magic! He could watch the staircases move in their oddly robotic ballet all day.

"Ha, nothing can take my life, I'm invincible, didn't you know? You are too. We all are. It comes with being a teenager. That's what my dad says," he frowned, "Or I think that's what he said. Something like that anyway. Do you skate? Wanna try?" He held out his board for her to have a go. He could see the smile wanting to escape from her face. Something was holding it back, but Beau was sure he could bring it out.
"Your human right? Would you try something that exteme the first you do it? 'Cause I wouldn't....and I wouldn't trust anyone that says they will show me too" Jaden couldn't compare herself to Beau. He was a lot different than Jaden so she didn't know what she just said that. It made sense for her and only her alone. To Beau it may have sounded strange. "Nevermind" she push towards the wall away from the moving stairs. "I'm fluent a little, my dad didn't think it wasn't necessary to learn you know because we were up in Maine. Its near Canada, not bad if your used to the four season" Jaden shrugged. "You would like my brother Rayden if you ever met him. He's into skating, my family mostly muggel except for my adopted sister. That's why I'm confusing about my father liking magic or not" Jaden shrugged. "What's your favorite subject so far Beau?" she moved away from that topic instantly she didn't want to talk about Ray Sr or Junior, they both get her mad at times. But what can she do, Jaden was still to young to move out. So Hogwarts has become in escape just to stay away from home.

Beau laughed, "'Course I'm human, what else would I be? And skating isn't extreme; you fly a broomstick, right? Skating's actually safer." He smiled when she said he'd like her brother and was about to ask what house he was in, when she said he was a muggle. He felt sorry for the guy, just as he felt sorry for his older siblings. It would suck to know about magic and not be able to do it. He sensed she didn't really like talking about her family, so he curbed his curiosity and focussed on her next question. "Charms, by far! It's really fun. It sucks that we don't have it this semester. But Transfiguration's fun too. I'm not very good at them, but I get by. What about you? Who's your favourite professor? Do you play quidditch?"

Everything else had completely left Beau's mind. Here was a new friend to be made, and someone he hoped he could cheer up. She had a strange feeling of sadness about her. He hoped she was okay. He never knew how to deal with personal things. He just hoped everyone's problems would go away and they'd all be happy. "What house are you in, by the way? I'm a Hufflepuff." He was no longer embarrassed by his house. At first he had worried it was too girly, but now he loved it.
Jaden thought of swaying away from Beau, she wasn't in the slightest mood to talk anyone. Yet she was the one asking questions and Beau was just being polite answering them in a cheerily voice. "Well I don't mind Professor Mercer class, but I don't know if he still teaches anymore, I'm into experimenting..." she touch the side of her face were skin was spotted and her eyes were a washed out pale blue..."As you can see I had a minor accident last year. It was my fault.." she lied nervously letting out a chuckle. "Got to caught up with it and than was an assignment that went a little wrong" she added to the lie. No way was Jaden going to tell Beau the truth about her little experiment. She would get into deep trouble if the truth was let out, whatever Lily told them must've work than. "I'm a Slytherin, don't really like my house but the sorting hat put me there" Jaden shrugged smiling more than before. She was forcing the smile so that it would take his focus away from her eyes and scars. That may not work having already pointed them out but she was trying at least. "Anyways it was nice meeting you Beau, I think I head back to my common room, more assignments to catch up" she said this and turn to leave..."See you around I suppose?"

Beau smiled, he liked Potions, but not as much as Transfiguration and Charms. When Jaden pointed out her face to him, it was like he was looking at her for the first time. Most girls looked pretty similar to Beau - and in general he didn't care what people looked like, as long as he could put a smile on their face, everything was fine by him. But Jaden's face was awesome. "Woah! That is so cool! Your eye is all freaky, man, that's wicked! I wish I had a cool scar on my face. My big sister has a scar on her eyeball, and I've got some cool ones on my knees and elbows, but man, yours is the coolest! Maybe you can show me the potion you were trying to make!" he joked.

Jaden mentioned she was in Slytherin and that she didn't like it. "Aw well, I didn't like Hufflepuff to start, but it's grown on me. You just have to make some friends in your house and you'll be set. You guys have a great quidditch team! Do you watch the games? I saw every one in first year, and I was real gutted there wasn't any last year, but the Tri-Wizard-Tournament was supergeil, aye? Although I bet I could have done better than Mike Goulding. I mean, not yet, but when I'm old enough. It'd be so cool to be a champion," and then he saw it. Jaden was smiling! It didn't quite reach her eyes, but it was a full smile in the mouth and Beau jumped up in the air, whooping, "Yesss! That's more like it, Nile! Alright, catch ya round, but I expect to see that smile next time I see you!" He grabbed her hand and made her high-five him, then ran off to the Hufflepuff welcome party. This was going to be a good year!

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