Beau Hurley

Beau Hurley

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Beau Patrick Hurley
- Birth Date: 13th October
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: As his name suggests Beau is a very good looking child. He has long-ish blonde hair. He has bright blue eye and a broad smile. He is about average height and weight for his age, though he wishes he was taller.
- Parents: His father, Patrick Hurley, is a half blood, Beau is the spitting image of Patrick and they both have the same personality’s. Beau and his father get along well, though Beau is slightly intimidated by his father he covers this with his arrogance and confidence.
Beau’s mother, Chloe Hurley, is an attractive half-blood witch, she loves her children and husband dearly, but does flash money around a bit, leading to excessive spoiling of all of her boys. Being the youngest Beau does tend to get a lot of attention from Chloe, who loves the fact that he looks so similar to his father.
- Siblings, if any: Jaspar Hurley, aged 17, currently attends HS, he like both parents is a slytherin. He is immensely proud of this facts and works to ‘uphold the Hurley name’. He does not get on particularly well with Beau, though they have a similar sense of humour and are known to play tricks on the other two.
Jimmy Hurley aged 16, looks more like his mother with his white blond hair. He is also a Slytherin at HS. He and Beau get along well, though they do not let on, they have similar personalitys though look the least alike out of all of them.
Dylan Hurley aged 15, Dylan and Beau do not get on at all. They argue all the time and whenever they are together the tension is almost unbearable. They share a mutual dislike and whenever they are together there is just aload of insults thrown around.
- Pets, if any: None, Beau does not care for animals.
- Area of Residence: New Zealand, though he is originally from England.
- Blood status: Half Blood.

(If your character is a sorted student:) N/a
- Hogwarts House (And why): N/a
- Best school subjects (And why):N/a
- Worst school subjects (And why): N/a

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Beaus patronus would be a lion.
- What would their Boggart be? His boggart would be his father disowning him.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) a lion
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? For now, he would see himself being favored over his brothers by his mother and father.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
The day his acceptance letter finally ariived.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Just one more day before I’m finally headed to HNZ. I can’t wait, I know I’m going to be in Slytherin, after all I’m too good to be put anywhere else. I couldn’t imagine being stuck somewhere like Huffelpuff with all those stupid, sensitive shy people. Yuck.
No Slytherin is defiantly where I belong, it runs in the family, all my brothers, even to my shock Dylan, my mum and dad! It would be injust if I too was no accepted into the greatest house of them all!
I hope there is people there decent enough to befriend, I’m sure theres others like me, longing to be accepted into Slytherin.
Well I’m turning in for the night. Just so I can wake up tomorrow and go to school! Wow never thought I’d ever say that.
- Basic Appearance: As his name suggests Beau is a very good looking child. He has long-ish blonde hair. He has bright blue eye and a broad smile. He is about average height and weight for his age, though he wishes he was taller.
Appearance can always be lengthened, but so far I think you have a great start.
-- How long is his hair? Does it stop at his neck or is it pony tail length?
-- Shape of his eyes?
-- Is he the kind of person that walks around with a smile on his face?
-- When not in uniform, what does Beau like to wear?

- Siblings, if any: Jaspar Hurley, aged 17, currently attends HS, he like both parents is a slytherin. He is immensely proud of this facts and works to ‘uphold the Hurley name’. He does not get on particularly well with Beau, though they have a similar sense of humour and are known to play tricks on the other two.
Jimmy Hurley aged 16, looks more like his mother with his white blond hair. He is also a Slytherin at HS. He and Beau get along well, though they do not let on, they have similar personalitys though look the least alike out of all of them.
Dylan Hurley aged 15, Dylan and Beau do not get on at all. They argue all the time and whenever they are together the tension is almost unbearable. They share a mutual dislike and whenever they are together there is just aload of insults thrown around.
I had a tough time figuring out a story for why Kale didn't attend HS opposed to HNZ, so I thought it would be a good thing to think about for you as well. :)
-- Why is Beau attending Hogwarts New Zealand when his siblings go to Hogwarts School?

-- Which parent does he live with right now?
-- Does he favor one parent over the other?
-- What is his family life like back home? Does he get along with his parents?

So far, that is all I have. You've got a good character in the making.
Thanks for replying Kale :D
-- How long is his hair? Does it stop at his neck or is it pony tail length?
Beau's hair stops at his neck, it is usually straight though it does have a slight wave. He never puts gel or anything it, he always wears it natural.
-- Shape of his eyes?
Beau has round eyes, they are quite big, though not out of preportion. They are bright blue and are generally the first thing you see when you first meet him.
-- Is he the kind of person that walks around with a smile on his face?
Beau isn't the kind of person to walk around with a smile on his face, his expression is usually quite neutral, not blank but it can sometimes be expressionless. Though he does smile when he thinks it the right time to do so.
-- When not in uniform, what does Beau like to wear?
Beau usually wears skinny jeans and a shirt when not in uniform. He likes to look smart and 'proper'. He has been bought up to always dress smart/casual. He would never wear tracksuit.

-- Why is Beau attending Hogwarts New Zealand when his siblings go to Hogwarts School?
Beau is going to Hogwarts NZ as his family has recently moved from England to New Zealand. His parents didn't want to uproot his three other brothers. ((Not sure if thats good enough, might do some work on that story later :lol: ))

-- Which parent does he live with right now?

He lives with both parents, though his dad is currently still working in the ministry at Scotland and doesn't know when he will be permenantly be living over here.
-- Does he favor one parent over the other?
Although his mother spoils him rotten, he prefers his dad. He has alot of respect for him and intends to be exactly like him when hes older.
-- What is his family life like back home? Does he get along with his parents?
Family life is generally good, although he has arguments with his brothers he generally gets on well with his parents. He argues sometimes with his mum, but never his dad, as his dad is a no-nonsense kinder guy and he knows he won't get away with it. He has tried in the past and regretted it.

Thanks for asking those questions! They really made me think about developing Beau more :D

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