Beatrice Fleming

Beatrice Fleming

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
10 in., Acacia wood, Essence of Belladonna core, Flexible

The Basics

Character's Name:
Beatrice Felicity Fleming

Character's Birthdate:
January 6th, 2031

Perth, Australia

Blood Status:

10 in., Acacia wood, Essence of Belladonna core, Flexible

Hogwarts House:



Frizzy black hair

Brown eyes

4'12" (currently)

Beatrice's casual wear is actually rather kooky but stylish. She always wears a mismatched pair of socks and has sewed inner compartments in her cloak to hide her potions.

Other Distinguishing Features:
- Brown skin
- Almond eyes
- Arched eybrows

Play-By: Shereen Cutkelvin


A Little Deeper

Personality: This girl smiles almost consistently. Bea is crazy, eccentric, and quite the joker. Most of the things she says are jokes or snarky comebacks. She's also a huge nerd when it comes to magic. Bea enjoys potion-brewing and gardening, she often keeps ingredients and herbs on her person hidden in her cloak. Thank Merlin for her father's sewing skills.

Good personality traits: Friendly, funny, enthusiastic, intelligent

Bad personality traits: Snarky, sociopath, reckless, annoying

Most common mood: Excited

Sense of humour: She's pretty snarky and makes sarcastic remarks. She will also be annoying for the sake of comedy

Beatrice's greatest joy in life: Her garden

Beatrice's greatest fear: Never having friends

Why?: Bea was home schooled so she never really had any friends. This also made her kind of a sociopath. Her social skills are not the best, but she really wants a friend to geek out with and have fun. She's so afraid to be alone because of who she is.

Beatrice is most at ease when: Brewing potions or gardening

Most ill when: People touch her stuff

Enraged when: People... touch her stuff...

Life philosophy: It's not about why... It's about why not?

If granted one wish, it would be:

Beatrice's soft spot: Pretty girls

Beatrice's darkest secret: She's actually really open so she doesn't have a super dark secret. plus she's like 10 right now.

Does anyone else know?: ^^^

Beatrice was born in Perth, Australia on January 6th, 2031 to Madelena and Christopher Fleming. She was a curious child and a chaotic one. Her parents had quite the time trying to calm her down or keep her from wandering off, she stressed them out so horribly as a toddler they decided not to have anymore children. They had to keep all of their attention on her. Soon Bea's parents grew accustomed to her shenanigans, Madelena actually had to use magic to keep her daughter from actually hurting herself. Christopher played with her and took care of Bea most of the time when Madelena went to work. Then Beatrice had an... accident. She showed a talent for magic just the year before her parents were going to sign her up for public school. She was at a neighbor's birthday party and the birthday boy decided to pull her hair. She caused his birthday cake to fly right into his face. Madelena quickly grabbed Beatrice and headed home.

The Flemings then moved to New Zealand and started homeschooling their gifted daughter. It was too dangerous to enroll her into a muggle school. They had her learn muggle studies along with basic magic, and when she got lonely her parents got her a puppy! A German shepard named Aggie that stuck by Bea's side ever since the met. Bea was isolated from the world, but she was never lonely. Sometimes she longed to play outside with the other kids yet her mother explained it was dangerous since she had uncontrolled magic. From that day forward Beatrice accepted her seclusion.

Beatrice was, however, ecstatic when it came to learning magic. Potions and herbology were her favorites and she was quite talented at them. Her mother saw this and decided to start a homemade garden for a birthday present. Bea was so happy she was full to burst. And to go with it was Madelena's old potion-making set from when she attended Hogwarts. They tended to the garden every day, planting herbs, produce, and even a few potion ingredients. They made all different kinds of potions and Bea learned how to dry herbs and prepare them for storage.

Then came the letter. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had chosen her to attend. Beatrice and her parents celebrated by going to Bea's favorite restaurant and afterward binge watching her favorite shows and staying up past midnight. It was the best birthday ever for Beatrice. She was going to make so many friends at her new school, learn more about her magic, and discover the wizarding world for the very first time. She dreamed of Hogwarts that night. Her mother was a Hufflepuff when she went to the school, but she didn't care what house Bea got into. Madelena described the traits of each house and Beatrice wanted to be in Slytherin. At this her mother was shocked considering Slytherins were not known for being a kind house. They were cunning and ambitious and her daughter was definitely that but was also kind and loyal personality wise. She feared for her daughter when it came to the sorting ceremony. Slytherins can be so cruel to those who are... different...


Name: Madelena Zhané Laveau nee Fleming
Relation: Mother
Age: 47
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Marital Status: Married

Name: Christopher Evander Fleming
Relation: Father
Age: 42
Blood Status: Muggle
Martial Status: Married
Sorting Ceremony:
Cluttered with all the other new students, Beatrice could hardly wait to be sorted. The Great Hall was illuminated with charmed candles and crackling fires, all the tables were filled with each of the four houses of Hogwarts with new students front and center. Many around her looked either nervous, excited, or just plain unreadable about the ceremony. Bea didn't really care where she would be sorted. Each house, to her, had its own perfections and flaws. From what her mother told her, Beatrice had the personality of a Hufflepuff and the magical talent of a Slytherin. That's not to say that she isn't as intelligent as a Ravenclaw or as courageous as a Gryffindor, she's just very cunning and ambitious. Beatrice wanted to be a Slytherin. She knew it could help in many ways to achieve her potential in magic.

The Headmistress welcomed them all to Hogwarts in New Zealand and directed how the Sorting Ceremony will work. After the Sorting Hat sang its words the ceremony began and the first name was called. One by one, students sat upon the stool and had the hat declare their house. Beatrice breathed deeply in and out, anxious for her turn. Most were pleased by the Hat's announcements then finally it was her turn.

"Fleming, Beatrice!"

Beatrice moved through the crowd, her cloak fluttering behind her as she confidently glided to the stool. Her doe eyes looked up to see the hat being place upon her enormous curly locks. She could hardly believe she was leaving her future in the hands of a magic talking hat.



Horoscope and Chinese Zodiac

Starsign: Capricorn

Element: Earth

Ruling Planet/s: Saturn

Symbol: The Sea-Goat

Life Pursuit: To be proud of their achievements

Vibration: Powerful and resilient

Capricorn's Secret Desire: To be admired by their family and friends and the world at large

About Starsign Capricorn: The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfillment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricorns rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onward and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave.

Chinese Zodiac: The Boar

About The Pig: Pigs are diligent, compassionate, and generous. They have great concentration: once they set a goal, they will devote all their energy to achieving it. Though Pigs rarely seek help from others, they will not refuse to give others a hand. Pigs never suspect trickery, so they are easily fooled. General speaking, Pigs are relatively calm when facing trouble. No matter how difficult the problems are Pigs encounter, they can handle things properly and carefully. They have a great sense of responsibility to finish what they are engaged in.

Element: Water

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