Baskets of Cookies XD

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Ansel Blanchard

Active Member
<COLOR color="#000">Hello there!

I have these characters that could do with some Rp.. they need a life here :D



Ansel Blanchard

Ansel usually portrays a cool, cocky and aloof outward appearance. However, in truth, this is only because he does not want people to get involved with him and cause them trouble. He is actually very kind, caring, and in a most unnoticeable way, helpful to others. He also has a pending request for him to be a werewolf. :D


Hikari Izumi

Hikari is a werewolf. She is known for her extremely demanding and aggressive attitude towards boys. Hikari is always driven to do her best regardless of the endeavor, and has a strong sense of justice, though she also has a tendency to forget her own well being in the process of helping others. She has a generally tomboyish nature.

I would like friends, male or female, for all of them. For Hikari I would like someone to help her know that she cannot just depend on herself. They could also have some love life but I'm not really that particular about this. Enemies and rivals would also do. :D

Hey :D

I think that Jack Evans will fit in with both of them really, he could be a mentor for Ansel, because they seem quite similar really. Seeing as they go to the same school, this would work quite well....

Also, Jack could possibly be a date for Hikari at first, and then could become a big brother type and they could become good friends. He could show her that she isn't alone in the world and could be a close friend. They seem quite similar in their attitudes to justice, but Jack doesn't approach it knowingly, it sort of just falls into place with him.

I am also thinking, that with Amelia, possibly Ansel could have a crush on her (i don't have many of those at the moment :( ) and then they could become friends....
She could also be a potential rival with Hikari, but then when they realise how different they actually are, they could become friends???

Tell me what you think :D

yes, that could quite work, seeing as his brother is not really that responsible to be a mentor for him.. :D

That could probably work, since Amelia was Nathalie's friend, then they could probably meet through her.

They seemed to be the same in a lot of ways then, but you see, Hikari is not really into part-veelas so it might be hard for them to get along at first, and well, Gwenneth who was supposed to be going out with Jack is actually her friend too.

That makes sense, they'll probably have different views on things that would result in them having this misunderstandings. :r
Ansel and Jack:
Yeh thats fine with me :D Topic????

Ansel and Amelia:
I think that also sounds good :D But for Ansel to have a crush on Amy right??? Because that would fit in with the character of Amy :p

Hikari and Jack:
Thats fine with me. Ok, forget that plan then.... i don't mind :)

Hikari and Amelia:
Sounds good. So they possibly have a disagreement and then become friends afterwards????

Thanks :D

Alice Hills said:
Ansel and Jack:
Yeh thats fine with me :D Topic????

Ansel and Amelia:
I think that also sounds good :D But for Ansel to have a crush on Amy right??? Because that would fit in with the character of Amy :p

Hikari and Jack:
Thats fine with me. Ok, forget that plan then.... i don't mind :)

Hikari and Amelia:
Sounds good. So they possibly have a disagreement and then become friends afterwards????

Thanks :D

Sure, let's start a topic for them :D

that might work, but Ansel wouldn't be very vocal about his feelings as it would be awkward for him :r

Actually I think your plan would work, but I have a few suggestions about it, since he wqas going to go out with her friend, Hikari would have this thought about him being a "best-friend-stealer" , then probably he would show her that he's not really like that, then they'll probably be close friends, then we can proceed with your plan. :D

Yes, I think that's how it will work. :D
Ansel and Jack: Please could you start it????

Ansel and Amy: Ok, thats fine..... but still go with it??? Or if not then friends...

Hikari and Jack: That sounds a better idea..... topic??? :p

Hikari and Amy: Topic????
Alice Hills said:
Ansel and Jack: Please could you start it????

Ansel and Amy: Ok, thats fine..... but still go with it??? Or if not then friends...

Hikari and Jack: That sounds a better idea..... topic??? :p

Hikari and Amy: Topic????
It's just a harmless crush, so why not? :D

I'll start the one for Hikari and Jack, as well as Ansel and Jack, can you start the ones for Amy?

Here's the one for Jack and Ansel, I'll have to do Hikari's later. :D
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