Bao Lauv

Lauv Bao

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 15" Rigid Rosewood Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
You're going to be just fine, ,
I'm going to ease your mind ,


Say Hello to
Bao Shi Lauv!

Broken wings will fly, ,
you'll heal in time,

Lauv Bao Shi

Bao - It means Treasure
Shi - time, era, season

None, Lauv finds it disrespectful to have nicknames and would therefore never give one to anyone or let people give her one. It also doesn't help that her name in each of its parts is short so she has no reason to make even shorter which is usually the purpose of nicknames.


She was born on the 11th of January 2032, in a private muggle hospital in the captial of Shandong. She was born rather quickly after only an hour of her mother being admitted. Bao was born a few days earlier than she was due to, but there were no complications in her birth.

Given her young age, Bao is currently a student.

Lauv , was a business man, who was born and raised in Jinan, he was the only child to a wealth set of parents, he studied hard and went to University in Beijing to study business, eventually creating his own investment funds company. He married young and had one child early on, and then a second several years later. He was a proud man, but he wanted more and more wealth and with his wife came up with a scheme to take a bit more money, and eventually got caught and was arrested. Bao was very close to her father, but they haven't spoke since Bao left China.

Bao's mother was from a well respected magical family from Shanghai, she attended magical school within Shanghai and eventually attended a course at muggle university so that she would become more knowledgable about muggle things. She married young, shortly before she was 21. She had two children and eventually because of what she was doing with her husband was arrested. bao was very close to her mother, and they did a lot of things together, so she was a little heartbroken when she lost her mother. And much like with her father she hasn't spoken with him since he was arrested.

An older sister, Lauv Mei, she is a lot older than Bao, but the two are rather close and would always look out for one another. Mei is acting currently like a mother to Bao, and making sure she has everything she could possibly need.

Both sides of her grandparents have died, and her mother was had a sister that moved to Canada, and they haven't heard from her since she moved. So there is no one of note.

In her home in China, she had a pet tortoise but in the move to New Zealand, she was unable to bring it with her, in New Zealand she has no pets and while she thinks it would be good to have a pet owl so that she could send letters, she knows that it is a large expense, and knows that now is just not the right time.

Half Blood, her father is a muggle and her mother is a mixed blood witch.

Bao has always enjoyed the influence of the two, the ability to do magic and the fact she grew up a little in the muggle world. It's exciting for her for a few reasons primarily because it means she can understand both worlds and is not limited to one. It also means that she can enjoy magic and also very much keep her privacy, as it would be very much imposed. Lastly it means she can enjoy a multitude of muggle things like films, music and novels. Bao loves being able to access both worlds, and though she was raised a little more to the muggle side, she is excited and loves the fact she has both.

She was born and raised primarily in the Shandong region of China, in the area’s capital city, Jinan. She loved living in this town, because it had such a beautiful set of buildings, it was always bursting with energy and had the most incredible food.

A town in the north of the north Island. Bao doesn't know the name of the town where she now lives, she has tried to learn it, but over the last few months she hasn't had to use it much, and though she doesn't mind it, it's really not where she wanted to be. She's adjusting to New Zealand life, but it's lacking in a lot of areas.



For now, bao is a little unsure of what she might be, but she was raised in a rather strict environment where it was believed that it would be better to be straight. bao herself would be more likely to follow what her family says, but is still at this point happy to think about it, and think about what she could be.

Given her age, she is single.

None, she's too young and has never been particularly interested by others.




Too young

too young

Gonna paint the sky ,
the both of us

Bao has long black hair, it is quite thin, but exceedingly smooth, straight and soft. Many people comment on how soft Bao's hair is. She tries to keep it at the same length, not because she doesn't desire to try different things but just because it easier to manage and keep polite when it's at a certain length and styled in a certain way. Her mother had promised to teach her different things to do with her hair, but since her mother is in jail she is unable to do that. However, Bao is sure that she could count on her sister to teach her what her mother can not, just currently she hasn't been able to do that. Bao is happy with the way her hair is, she likes the way that it looks and while she thinks it looks similar to a lot of people, she is happy with it.

Bao thinks that she would have great difficulty dying her hair in the muggle fashion and therefore has never, since she is also too young to know the spell to turn a person's hair colour into something different, she hasn't yet really had the occasion to do so, so Bao's hair has never been dyed. Bao would like to change her hair colour a little but she's completely unsure what she would change it to, and she doesn't think that it would look particularly nice on her, but she'd definitely change it for a few days once she has the spell to change it.

Bao has light brown eyes, she has a similar eye colour to her mother, which is a slightly lighter shade of brown than her sister or her father. She doesn't particularly enjoy her eyes, she thinks that they look a little plain and has wondered what she might look like with different eye colours but of course this would also be a complicated spell that she doesn't yet know. Eye colour isn't something that Bao focuses too much on but it is certainly on thing about herself that she would be keen on changing.

Bao has no distinguishable birthmarks on her body, she also has no scars. She has stayed away from most dangerous things and even as a young child while active was always very careful about what she was doing to ensure that she wouldn't have any marks or scars. Bao has no problem with birthmarks or scars but she has always tried to maintain a level of perfection and this means she is a little more cautious about what she does. Though unlike muggle Bao would have the added advantage of magic that would minimise the scars she could get.

Like most her age, Bao has a slim build, she has a thin body, which is kept that way through good eating habits and just the fact she is young. Bao is of average height and weight for her age. She doesn't think too much about her body shape, mostly because she doesn't think having a certain body type is important, it's about how one presents themselves. Bao eats healthily because that's how she was raised but she doesn't think it's vital for people to do that all of the time.

O (+ve)
Because they had to change doctors/healers when she and Mei moved to New Zealand, she had to find out her blood type and pass on all the information to the new doctors. Bao was curious to know what it was but didn't particularly like the way she had to find out, but she is also happy that she knows it.

Bao learned to write with her left hand, she had naturally picked up her mother's wand with her left hand when she had been a young child and had not yet learned to write, and thus both her parents continued to encourage her with both the wand and then also with various muggle and magical writing utensils. Within her family, Bao's paternal grandmother had also been left handed, and her parents believed it was passed down to her from that connection. She is the only one of her immediate family to write with her left hand.

Bao is quite soft spoken, she picks her words careful so sometimes it takes her a little long to string together a thought, but most people get used to it. When Bao speaks in her native mandarin she has very more fluency and the hint of an accent because of those around her. She speaks very politely and what would be classed as a poshness in her accent. When she speaks in English there is a light accent on her words, she speaks even more carefully, given that it's not her native language, she has some difficulties expressing herself on some occasions, but she is careful and spends a lot of time studying it. She speaks with the same politeness that she does with Mandarin but there is less of a hint of poshness within her accent.

Given that Bao was raised in Shandong, she speaks mandarin, she speaks it fluently and is her strongest language, she can also speak Cantonese, though definitely not as well as she can speak mandarin. She can also speak english, she was largely taught it at muggle school and is rather happy about being able to improve it while living in New Zealand.

Bao is allergic to a few magic plants that are used in potions like,

The style that Bao has is very much influenced by her mother and sister, Bao dresses politely, she loves long floor length dresses and she loves large dresses with wide skirts. She likes the formality of the dresses and she is keen to push that to other extremes, to go one step further in her dresses and to impress everyone. When she's focused on formality, her clothes are mostly bought by her sister and prior to that her mother, they spent a lot of time ensure that Bao dressed in a polite and civil manner, and she enjoys that way of dressing. Bao definitely believes that dressing is a way to express oneself, so she would actively try to wear things not only bought by others but things from that that she likes.

Fan BingBing
Don't you feel alive ,
standing here eye to eye ,

There are number of things that Bao likes, primarily she likes food, though she eats very healthily, the area of China that she is from has a very unique cuisine and she loves eating that food, she loves trying new things when it comes to food. She likes astronomy as a subject and also as a past time, Bao likes learning about certain things and one of them is astronomy. She likes reading, but is quite selective in what she'll read and largely won't go out of her way to read. She likes fashion, she likes the ability to dress in a certain way. She likes magic as most would, she likes when she can cast spells, she likes the ability that she has with magic and really wishes she didn't have to hide it. Bao likes flowers a lot, though she can not plant any flowers, since she really doesn't like getting her hands dirty, she largely just likes looking at them.

In muggle school, Bao was very good at maths, but she hated it. She didn't like it at all, finding it pretty pointless. But, she was good at it. It was then that she found out that it didn't matter if she was good at something, if she didn't like it she didn't have to do it. Bao is not a huge fan of dirt and digging, and while it's not that she thinks it's beneath her, she just doesn't like the feeling of dirt in her fingers. She will also for this reason really dislike herbology. She doesn't particularly like having to move, since it can be a lot of hassle, and she really dislikes flying. Because she and her sister had wanted to enter New Zealand by appropriate means, they flew over, and Bao hated every second of it. Bao doesn't like spending too much on one things and she doesn't like when she can't do something new every so often, she doesn't like when people are closed minded.

bao doesn't have too many goals in her life yet, she isn't sure what she wants to do when she leaves school, and she knows that while she wouldn't mind a family it's not the be all and end all. One thing that she can admit is that she does want to continue the honour her family have had in the past, and she'd like to be considered honourable. She'd like to be respected by those around her, and she would like to achieve in school. However she isn't sure what her future will be and because of this she has few goals that refer to it.

Because the only person that Bao has left is Mei, it would likely that she'd see herself losing Mei too and having to be alone. Bao doesn't like the thought of being alone, so it would be the worst thing that could happen to her. She isn't a particularly independent person yet, which is a given since she is still young, but she would be lost without her sister to provide her with support and love.

Though Bao is still too young to have one, she is sure that it would be a hippogryff, because of the fact that the animal is a very prideful one, it doesn't take well to being disrespected, Bao would identify with that.

Bao has had a relatively easy life up until this point, so she has a lot of memories that she could use for the patronus, but probably any of the ones with her parents and probably food would be the ones that would be strongest and therefore most capable of casting the spell. Bao's love for both food and her family bring her the most amount of happiness in life.

When her parents were arrest, Bao had been in school. She was called home by her sister and got home at the point where he parents were just being walked out of the house. To her it is the worst memory she has, because there was so much confusion and Bao didn't understand a lot of it.

Bao has always had a very rigid moral compass, and therefore though she misses her parents a lot, she thinks that it is right that they got arrested, if they did something wrong in her mind that's what they deserved, she doesn't believe that people should be above the law. So, despite the fact that she misses her parents and wishes it hadn't happened she also thinks that they do deserve it.

Bao would just see herself with her family, she is a little unsure of the next time she'll see her parents so she misses them a lot, and therefore would desire that they were with her again, especially given that she is starting her magical career and she would want to show her parents all about it.

The smell of the restaurants in Jinan, and would smell the different smells that came with that. Bao loves that kind of smell. She does also like how roses smell a lot. The two smells would probably be the dominate smells for that.

Since they moved to New Zealand, Bao has grown to really look up to and respect her sister, since she has been there every step of the way, handling the situation with grace and ease that Bao knows she could never achieved, so Bao hugely respects her sister and how her sister has been in the last few months. Bao loves her sister a lot, and respects her a lot.

Her father's family were buddhist by origin, but she was raised outside of religion and doesn't really believe in any higher power, although given that she lives within a city and region with a high amount of buddhist churches, she does enjoy visiting the sites and seeing that kind of thing first hand.


The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onwards and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave. Capricorns in their truest of expression, are ambitious, practical and superb organizers. Although many Capricorns are borderline workaholics, this doesn't necessarily make them dull or gloomy! They have an offbeat sense of humour, which seems to erupt at the most unexpected moments. Their motivating force in life is success, money, status, authority and - although many might not admit it - love. By nature Capricorns are cautious when entering a new love relationship, but once they feel 'safe' with their partner, the cool exterior melts away to reveal a sensitive and loyal heart beneath. As a friend, Capricorns can be relied upon to provide the strongest and most sympathetic pair of shoulders


With your hand in mine ,
we'll walk side by side
Knotted 15 Inch Rigid Rosewood Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: A beautiful wandwood that tends to draw beautiful people to itself for best results.
Core: One of the rarest of wands cores, thestral hair is not to be taken lightly as a wand core. Thestral hair is a tricky ingredient to work with and will not just bond with any caster. This core works best for people who have faced death in the past. Because of the fears of the creature from which it comes, rumors have abounded that thestral hair wands have no allegiance to the wand’s wielder.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.

Bao had wanted to get her wand in the same place as her sister had gotten the wand, but nevertheless, she was excited to get the wand, she wanted something that would be good for her, and she wanted something that wouldn't break under pressure. The process didn't take too long in the end, the third wand that she tried was the one that was for her. It felt so strange in her hand, like it was supposed to be there, like it should've always been there and that to Bao was a weird feeling. She liked the way it looked, particuarly the rosewood, since it is a beautiful wood, and although she was surprised by the core, it was a perfect core for her, and she couldn't have asked for a better wand.

Hogwarts New Zealand

Bao had been nervous about the school, largely because she had this idea of what it was going to be like, and turned out to be nothing like what she had expected it to be like. It was a lot nicer than she had thought, it was spacious and airy, it had a lovely style to it, which wasn't what she was used to, but that she could appreciate. She likes how large the grounds are and how the school is structured. She likes the houses and likes the fact they have quite a bit of freedom around the school. She enjoys the portraits that talk, there are a lot of little things about the school she really likes.


There was a lot of nervousness within in during the process, but this was largely because she wasn't sure what to expect from it. She wanted to do well, she wanted a good house, but she could see all the good qualities in the houses. In the end Bao was just happy to be sorted, she had thought it would take quite a while but it didn't, and she was happy with it. Her own nervousness fell away pretty easily the moment she was sorted.

Bao was surprised with how nice she was finding this school, her mind had made it up to be some dark and dreary castle that belonged in disease ridden middle ages, but it was nice, it had a grace to it that Bao was drawn to. Sure it was not the school she had been supposed to attend, but she was glad to be attending any school, but this castle was no palace and it sure as hell wasn't what she had been brought up to believe her school would be like. Her family had been well off, but they weren't so much any more, and Bao was struggling a little with this readjustment, she and her sister still had some but it was no where near what they had once had. The girl was feeling a little weird about this entire day, for one it had supposed to be her parents who would see her off, but given what had happened to them, it was obvious such a thing wouldn't happen, but having Mei see her off had given Bao her first pang of homesickness since leaving China. Now here she was at the school, and Bao wasn't too nervous she had done her reading about the place, she knew what the houses were, though she struggled over where she could end up. But the more important thing for her was just getting through this sorting process without falling flat on her face at any point, such a thing would be embarrassing and less than becoming. The Chinese girl was giving a cold air of confidence though internally she was far more freaked out than she thought she would be. It was such a huge change and Bao was so unsure of herself amongst these people whom she didn't know. Bao almost wished some of the girls from her old school were there with her so she would have someone to share this with.

The girl walked into the hall with the rest of the class, her mind was cast away from the sorting process and more to those around her, she didn't know any of them, having been a new addition to the country and somewhat unsure of where things were Bao had not had the occasion to meet many people with whom she would be sharing classes. The people seemed fine, of course that was just how they looked and Bao couldn't help but wonder who she might make friends with. There was little to doubt that she needed to make friends, having friends and connections was crucial to her, she needed to be sure that she had people she could rely upon to further herself in the school, and to whom she would also be able to help. Bao wasn't too interested in making friend because she needed the company, of course that was good, but she knew she needed to know people. Bao was always polite to people, she was always kind but when she wanted something there was little stopping her. The girl's attention was drawn to the hat at the front which had begun the traditional song, and all of her attention was upon it. She knew that the hat would look into her mind and she didn't want to displease the hat or disrespect the hat by not listening to what it had to say. The song was a good indicator she thought to what the houses were, perhaps a little simplified. Bao was then glad that the actual sorting began, not because she hadn't enjoyed the song, but the growing waiting time in front of these students was a little gruelling. However given her surname begins with a L, Bao knew she had to wait a little while before it got to her, instead of just waiting lazily, Bao focused on the students who were sorted before her, watching as they made their way to the tables and houses they belonged to. In her mind she was trying to gauge if how students looked at all defined where they ended up, but it didn't. It was all entirely within the person's mind that it was decided. Finally it came to her, and her name was called out.

Lauv, Bao

Bao stepped forward, easing her way through the crowd, and taking a bit of her time to ensure that people were watching her, this was her first moment within the school she had to sure that it counted, that people remembered her. She took a seat upon the stool, rigid posture and a faint air of a polite smile on her face. She was nervous, but didn't want to show it. Bao thanked the hat as it was placed on her head for the time it was giving to sort her and then she just waited.

"I've sorted plenty like you before, your perfect display may fool them but I see further and deeper than you would have me see, and you're unquestionably a SLYTHERIN!"

First year


In the future



None yet, too young

Potions: OHistory of Magic: ODefence Against the Dark Arts: OCharms: E
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: OFlying: P
[th colspan="4"]First Year Grades[/th]


Not Yet

Doesn't yet know

Doesn't yet know

til the end of time ,
the both of us

<SIZE size="50">HISTORY:
To come

life is hard ,
but we'll get by

Coding Done by Emzies
Lyrics: You & I

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