Closed Band practice

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Teddy stood at the Gryffindor entrance waiting for Veronica and thinking about how he really couldn’t stand patrols with her. What had started as mildly irritating was now genuinely grating on him. Banter was his hobby and he could handle it all day, but with Veronica, it wasn’t banter. It felt personal, argumentative and relentless. He knew he wasn’t entirely innocent in their spats but she was so much worse. Her behaviour was exactly why he’d wanted to kick her off the team. Compromising on that still rankled him, and every snarky comment she threw his way on patrols made him regret if more. At this point, he’d rather she outright hated him for cutting her than stew over still being an alt.

What annoyed him most was how much of his time she took up. He checked his watch, an expensive gold watch his parents had given him as a congratulations for being made prefect, and saw she was a whole ten minutes late again, and Teddy’s patience was gone. He sighed restlessly, dragging a hand through his hair and remembering the boyband comment Veronica made previously. Enough was enough. When Veronica showed up he was going to have to say something about all of this. Between Quidditch, running the Brotherhood, and homework, he didn’t have time and he had a sneaking suspicion that she knew exactly what she was doing.

@Veronica Walden-Cade
Veronica knew she was running late for patrol but she hadn’t finished her care of magical creatures homework, and Professor Kaster’s approval was much more important to her than Teddy’s. Patrolling with him so far hadn’t been as bad as her wildest imagination might have led her to believe it was, but that was mostly because she barely said a word to him during them, and when she did they were biting and sarcastic.

While she wasn’t intentionally making him wait, she genuinely needed to finish her assignment before heading out, she didn’t hate the idea of him pacing back and forth gritting his teeth while he waited. Teddy took himself far too seriously and with everything he was in charge of this semester he considered his time important, Veronica enjoyed bringing him down a peg. When she was finally done, she grabbed her robe and made her way down to the entrance where Teddy was waiting.

“I’d say sorry I’m late, but I’m not, lets just go,”
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Teddy frowned and crossed his arms as Veronica strolled up late, clearly unbothered that she'd kept him waiting. Teddy's jaw clenched at her unapologetic remark, but he managed to keep his voice even enough to mask just how angry he really was. "Of course you're not sorry," he said dryly, spinning on his heel to start the patrol since Veronica didn't want to hang around either. "Why would you be? After all, when your dad’s the head of house, you can apparently turn up whenever you feel like it." He shot her a glare over his shoulder, it wasn't like him to play a card like that, but Veronica had pissed him off enough to go there.
Veronica had been in a fairly good mood, even the prospect of patrolling with Teddy hadn't brought that down but she really hated any implication that she got special treatment from her father. It hadn't been much of an issue in his first year as head of house, but ever since he had given her the badge the nepotism accusations had become rife and Veronica had had enough of it. "It may come as a shock to you but my attitude towards you has nothing to do with my dad, if I wanted to throw his name around I'd have used him to get my rightful place on the team, or hell I'd have had him pick anyone else for prefect other than you, but as you're standing here throwing accusations around I clearly didn't do that did I?"
Teddy came to an abrupt stop, looking at Veronica in disbelief. He forced himself to keep his tone measured even though he could feel his chest tighten with the frustration at all of this. "Are you actually serious right now?" he asked rhetorically, he knew she was. "What, am I supposed to be grateful that you didn’t pull strings to stop me becoming a prefect or to hand yourself a spot on the Quidditch team? You want a medal for that oh so virtuous Veronica?" Teddy could feel the heat rising as he struggled to keep his temper in check. "And your 'rightful place' on the Quidditch team? Please. All that shows is how entitled you really are."
Veronica let out an annoyed sigh as Teddy let out all his own frustrations, she’d choose to ignore the comment her not pulling strings to stop him from being a prefect, clearly Teddy knew nothing about her father or he’d have known she didn’t have that kind of influence over him, or that Professor Cade had drank the Kool-Aid and thought of Teddy as Gryffindors golden boy like everyone else at their stupid school. “I wish I actually had that kind of power, I’d have had my dad overturn Rāwhiti’s stupid decision to put Ivy on the team, it should have been me or Alicia not a second year who’d never played the game before, I knew he was a useless captain its no wonder we sucked last year,” Veronica scoffed as she remembered their former captain. Whatever he was up to after graduating she hoped the sting of being a terrible captain had stayed with him. “As for this year, you picked Alicia over me because you don’t like me, and you can’t even deny that can you, I should have been on the team last year or this, Ivy shouldn’t have had a sniff, so yes my ‘rightful place’ is accurate,”
Teddy took a deep breath, his focused changed from an attack on Veronica to a defence of his team, ""Okay, fine. I get it. It sucks that you weren’t picked last year, but I wasn’t involved in Rāwhiti’s selection process," he said evenly, forcing himself to sound reasonable. "But he must have seen something, because Ivy is an excellent player and absolutely earned her spot." Teddy meant it, and it wasn’t fair to pit the decisions of a former captain against him now.

Apparently he couldn't deny his personal opinions about her, but Veronica was wrong, he could deny anything she put to him. "No. Myself and Fraser picked Alicia because she's a strong player with a better attitude." Exhaling deeply, Teddy made an effort to let the frustration drain from his voice. "There’ll be two open chaser spots when Alicia and Fraser graduate. If you’re lucky, you’ll get one of them." He turned quickly before she could see his smile, biting his lip to keep from laughing. Veronica would be a seventh year by then, and if she did make the starting lineup, she’d only have one season to play. "Come on let's get this stupid patrol done." He said, his voice strained as he tried not to laugh.
Attitude. He didn’t like her attitude? Well she didn’t like his face! He was insufferable, Veronica wasn’t sure she could handle his stupid face and smug, condescending attitude for their whole patrol, she knew she had to do it and any problems would look bad on her father who had given her the badge knowing it might not be the best look for him, she didn’t want to let him down, but damn she couldn’t deal with Teddy right now.

“No, f**k you I can’t deal with this, patrol on your own for all I care I can’t look at your face or hear your voice for another second let alone for a whole damn patrol, they can take my badge for all I care,” Veronica was done. She’d been in a good mood before laying eyes on him. As always, he’d ruined everything.

@Teddy Pirrip

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