Bad Memories

Tom Ward

OOC First Name
Tom walked around the castle.He was mostly just wondering around the castle,exploring the places his sister had told him about.He couldn't stop imagining her doing the same things as him.He hadn't thought about how this would happen,he had thought that the thought of magic would ave distracted him but instead he kept picturing Alice.Maybe he should have waited another year,even though it was a year ago it felt like yesterday.The pain was still raw and he would sometimes wake up crying and shaking.The nightmares usually haunted his sleep and kept him up most of the night.He didn't know what he was going to do without his boxing ring,he supposed writing could help but boxing had always been better and he was going to miss it.He was well built from years of boxing.He was worried he wouldn't be as fit and wouldn't be as good when he came back.He wanted class to begin so he could be distracted he hated these nightmares and what had happened to him last year.Why him?Life had been perfect until that stupid plane crash.He remembered the sensation of falling,feeling his stomach stay up in the air while the rest of him feel.He remembered the dizzying feel and then blackness then waking up and feeling pain everywhere and suddenly realizing there was water everywhere.

Tom quickly shook his head and took a deep breath in.Everything was fuzzy after the water,somehow he had gotten out of the plane before it had completely sunk,he had been lucky to be sitting near the door and he guessed he had been sucked out.Tom decided not to think of it because it gave him enough troubles during the night.He wasn't exactly right in the head,he could have a random flashback attack at any moment.He was also very withdrawn and quiet,he didn't make an effort to make friends with anyone.He liked to keep a small group of people so he could keep an eye out of them and make sure nothing happened to them.He wasn't going to try and make friends here there was just too much risk.He began the walk to a new place today.He had decided to go to the cliff,he didn't think there would be much people there.The weather was quiet warm and he had dressed lightly.Once at the cliffs he sat down against a tree and put his head in his hands

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