Bad Day

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapphire was furious. At her brother, at herself, at everything. She just needed some room to breathe. She made her way up to the astronomy tower, hoping that maybe all she needed was some time to herself. She held a guitar she'd taken from the Arts room. She still wasn't very good at it yet, but it helped her calm down. The tower was empty, thankfully, so she climbed up onto the roof and made her way over to her usual spot. The night was calm and clear, with a soft breeze. She sat down and began strumming a sad song. The music enveloped her. She seemed to meld into the night.

Her issues seemed to disappear. Oliver seeming to forget her, Kira embarrassing her, all the madness with Mervyn, her family drama, her Quidditch failure, she forgot about everything. The music seemed to be coming from her heart, and a tear slid down her cheek unnoticed. She was so lost in herself she didn't notice she was no longer alone.
Cole Dragonov sent out an owl to his mom to let her know of the holidays and how he would like to spend them at the school to get some piece of quiet. He had a lot to think about after all, and he wanted to be able to spend some time away from his siblings. They were all annoying to him because they always bothered him. He needed some time away. However, he heard someone within the tallest of the towers with him. The strumming of an instrument. Cole looked around to see what it was, before seeing some girl playing it, and crying while at it. Cole raised an eyebrow, and thought about setting the object on fire, but decided against it. "Hey! What the hell are you crying for? Did you flunk or something?" The exams were just over and he passed, but he didn't make the best grades. He didn't care too much.
Sapphire jumped, startled at another voice. Her dark blue eyes shot up. What in the bloody hell was he going on about? Crying...? She swiped at her cheek, surprised to see that he was right. She rolled her eyes, irritated. "Bugger off," She strummed idly. "Not that it's any of your business, but I did wonderfully on my exams. Not everyone can wrap up their issues so simply." She snapped, trying to ignore him. Normally she might have been a bit nicer, but she wasn't in the mood right now.
Cole shrugged his shoulders as he took his seat next to the other Slytherin, despite her telling him to get lost. "You aren't exactly scary so nice try, girl." Cole folded his hands together and countered, "My dad died recently, and I was moody like that. Someone die or something, or is it just school drama that doesn't deserve such attention." Cole hid his stuff well, especially since his father passed several months ago. It hurt, but he was strong for his siblings.
Sapphire opened her mouth to yell at the boy when he moved to sit next to her but found she couldn't. Instead, she scoffed and turned her head away. "Not... recently. But it's like that, yeah. I dunno, it doesn't matter anyway." She had quit strumming the guitar and was just staring off into space. She didn't really know how to process any of this, but it wasn't like she really had anyone to talk to about it either. Not that she was just going to immediately open her mouth and tell this bloke everything.
Cole shrugged his shoulders, "If it doesn't matter, then you wouldn't be moping, or sulking, whatever. It would have just rolled off your shoulders like it was nothing." Cole's logic was sound, at least, to him. He placed his hands on his knees, while he looked ahead. "So, which is it, does it really not matter, or are you lying?" Cole cocked his head to the side, while smirking a bit. "I don't care if you tell me or not. Honestly, I don't know you, nor care in any sort of way. I was just following what that weird sound was and found you up here."
Sapphire couldn't help but laugh at the boy's response. He was clever, at least. "If it was nothin', it wouldn't matter if I told you. If it isn't nothin', why should I tell you? You could be a creep comin' out seekin' to drain the blood of any innocent silly enough to fall for your wily ways," She teased lightly. It made her feel a little better, at least, to poke fun at a stranger. It took her mind off her issues. "'Course, that's assuming I'm innocent. Suckin' all my blood might poison any unsuspecting attackers."
"You wouldn't have to tell me everything, but when I asked, just don't say nothing when it clearly wasn't nothing," Cole pointed out, smirking a bit. Although, her own poking fun at him, it made his smirk falter. Was she calling him a vampire or something? "I'm a pure-blood wizard. Any blood suckers wouldn't be in school, nor do they feed on human blood anymore. At least, that's what I have been told. So, a little outdated there." Cole shrugged his shoulders, as he got out his wand and waved it carelessly. "Cole Dragonov, by the way." He extended a hand as a formal greeting.
"Hm, didn't think of that. Fine then. I'm peeved that I was left at some crummy orphanage while my twin got to stay with the family. Just found out this year. Vague enough?" Sapph told him with a shrug. She was sufficiently distracted now, which made things oddly clearer for her. At least, it did emotionally. She looked to the boy as he responded seriously to her poking fun at him. "It was a joke, silly." She scrunched her nose at him playfully, shaking his hand. "Sapphire Michaels. Mixed blood, I think." She took her hand back and set her guitar aside, putting her arms behind her for support and leaning back a bit. "You have a cool name." She commented.
There it was. There was the reason. It was vague, though it did perk his curiosity as to why give up one twin and not the other? He had some twin sisters, and could not imagine his mother being able to separate them. Instead of asking why and diving more into it, Cole shook his head, "Oh, bloody hell that is rough. Sorry about that." Cole was not sure what else to say about it, but it did explain everything. Her name was Sapphire Michaels, and she complimented his name. "I may have a Dragon in mine, but it doesn't come from 'dragon' as much as it is a 'dragoon' thing. Named after a pretty jewel would have been better."
Sapph shrugged at his comment and let out a laugh when he said it'd be better to be named after a gem. "Apparently it's a family thing." She smirked and started ticking off names on her fingers. "Brother Onyx, and my cousins Ember, Amethyst and Jasper." She sniggered. "I'd prefer dragon or dragoom or whatever." She grinned at Cole before furrowing her brow. "Hey, haven't I seen you around the common room?"
So, it was a family thing. That was pretty cool. He noticed that he was somewhat named after his uncle, but a little more modern. "Jasper is a jewel? And Ember? Sure it wasn't Amber?" He had heard of the others, but not those two. Cole shrugged his shoulders, not really caring too much but snickered a bit when she mentioned whether or not she had seen him around the common room. "Well, I am a Slytherin. I sort of assumed you were as well."
Sapphire nodded. "Yeah. Usually red I think. Her name is Ember, which can still technically be a stone. She's the only one with a bit of individuality in the lot of us, I suppose." She shrugged. "Name wise, at least." She smiled as he snickered. At least the guy was a good distraction. She tucked her dark hair behind her ear. "I am," She replied. "I just don't pay much attention." She teased lightly, knowing it was true. She was always caught up in something or the other. "Though I do pay enough attention to know you aren't in my year. And you look ancient." She teased him with a sparkle in her sapphire eyes. "You're, what, fourth year? Fifth?"

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