Back To The Old Place.

Tyson Mathews

Well-Known Member
Tyson walked through Brightstone Village...the last time that he remembered visiting here was when he was around the age of 7...and he was with his first 'girlfriend.' They held hands and watched the sunset...everything seemed so romanctic back then, but since then, Tyson's skills with girls had become poor. He walked over to the very spot that they had stood in, and watched as that evening's sunset began...

He was wearing some jeans and a t-shirt, and had his jacket flung over his shoulder. As the evening grew chilly, he put his jacket on, then folded his arms, in attempt to keep himself warm. It felt weird being back here. Last time he was here, he was with a girl, but this time he was alone...alone and he was now a single boy on the look-out.

He was just warming himself up, when he heard some light, and prancy footsteps, that seemed to be moving towards him...
Alexia was enjoying being out of the school walls and out into the grassy lands of brightstone. She was wearing a nice outfit tonight consisting of some light brown boots, and some light blueshorts and a white and pink shirt. As she skipped up the path she spotted a boy standing on his own. She felt a little sorry for him so happily walked over to him. "Hello, is it if i join you, i mean staning here on your own in the dark doing absolutely nothing. That sounds a bit boring to me so my presence my cheer you up and make it more fun." She smiled and then giggled at the boy as she made a very long explaination
Tys turned around as he heard a female voice, that appeared to be speaking to him. "Hey, Yeah, that's fine come on over, I could do with a bit of company..." Tys was slightly in shock by this girls amazing looks. He tried not to drool, as he looked at her and smiled.
"I'm Tyson...but you can call me's nice to meet you...and you are?" Tys smiled as he held his hand out to the girl as she approached him.

Tys was just getting over the instant shock, when a "Oh...My...Gosh..." Slipped out from under his breath. He was in awe of this girl. Tys coughed in attempt to try and cover up his embarrassing slip, whilst trying not to stare too much at this girl, that he obviously found beautiful.
Alexia giggled at him then walked and stood next to him. "Im Alexia but call me Alex if you want." She took his hand softly in her own and felt her own heart skip a vit beat. She smiled at him sweetly. "So what were you doing here, i mean isnt it alittle cold here." She sivered a little as she spoke then lookked aroun at all of the tree's.
Tys looked at Alex and smiled as she shook his hand. "That's a nice name..."

Tys realised that this girl must be freezing stood around in the cold air of Brightstone, so he tried to hurry the meet and greet part of the conversation up a bit so they could maybe both go somewhere together that was indoors pretty soon.

"Oh...Me? Oh Urm, I'm Just re-visiting an old and rememberable spot of mine...what about you? Your face doesnt seem familiar...Are you from around here?"

Tyson ruffled his hair up a bit, but as he did so, his t-shirt moved up slightly, showing his stomach, from where he had reached up towards his head. Tys pulled his t-shirt down, and smiled at Alex, then giggled slightly.
Alex smiled then looked away. "Urm no i go to hogwarts, but it is the Brightstone weekend so i was just enjoing being out thats all." She walked foward and leaned on the fence then lifted her head so that the wind could blow through her hair.
Tyson struggled to stop staring at Alexia as her hair blew back in the wind.

"Hogwarts? Oh Yeah, that's the school like over there isn't it? Well I'm from Durmstrang." Tys smiled.
Alex smiled at what he said. "Yes Hogwarts is that school over there somewhere." She turned her body around to face Tyson and lifted herself up and sat on the fence. She inhaled deeply and then sighed. "Its a beautiful night isnt it."
Tys smiled as he watched her sit up on the fence, he then decided to join her and lifted himself up to.

Tys looked at Alex and smiled as she spoke, "It hasn't been this good in a long time."
Alexia looked away and smiled at his meaning. " Wel its always beautiful at Hogwarts i mean i love it there but most of my family go to durmmy or have left school so i am all along." She looked down at her knee's, she had friends but it wasnt the same as family usually.
Tys felt sorry for her when she said that she was alone at school. "I'm sure you have loads of friend tho ey? I mean...well you know what I mean..." Tys laughed a little.
Alexia sighed at this. She liked this boy but she wasnt sure what to do now. She recovered herself and shot a smile in his direction. "Would you like to go somewhere? Its a little boring out here isnt it." She jumped down then stumbled alittle while she got her balance. She giggled at this little moment then turned around to look at tyson. She winked at him teasingly to see what his reation would be to a little flirting on her part.
Tys smiled, "Yeah, sure...I'd love to...where'd ya wanna go then?" He then giggled as she winked at him, he liked it.
Alexia smiled and took hold of his hand and began to walk along the cobbled pathways. She had to go back to hogwarts soon and wanted to make the most of it so she might just get to know Tyson alittle better. "So Tyson are you single?" Something told Alex that what she had said was alittle stuck, but she smiled anyway and kept cool.
Tys was secretly happy when she took his hand, he was quite pleased that his hand was in hers, so kept it there for the duration of their walk. He looked down at the floor as Alex asked if he was single, he was, but he didn't want to be. "Yeah...I'm single..." Tys looked up and smiled at Alex as he asked her a question,"What about you?" Tys hoped she was, because he hated being single, and really quite liked Alex.
Alex smiled when he said that he was single. " Yes i am single. Not out of choice though my last boyfriend was just gay." She smiled at the thought, it still ammused her how they ended it. Then suddenly something clicked into place. This was Tyson Mathews, Marks best friend. Her cousins best friend. Alex stopped suddenly and gasped then looking at him.. "No your Tyson Mathews. Your Marks best friend.....Nooo." She quickly let go of hand.

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