Back on the Roleplaying Scene!

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Ben Lock

Yo Guys,

So I haven't been on here literally for YEARRRSSS, but I fancied returning and wondered if any of you guys wanted to Roleplay with me?!

My other characters are:

James Lock
Leo Shepherd
Tristan Daniels
Adele Smith
Ben Lock (who I will change the siggy for when I get around to it because he's a big boy now!)
Troy Adams (I think he had a brother too?!)

And others which I can't remember! If you can remember them then please feel free to let me know their names!

Anyways, I'm up for literally ANYTHING! :) Within reason to my characters of course. :)

So just lemme know and we can talk. :)
Hello there,
I wouldn't mind hearing a little more about the characters and any plans you have for them, or even just where they live/brief personality summary. :) I'd be interested in some casual roleplay, though I cannot promise the speediest replies as I am frequently bogged down with hospital appointments. :erm:
Hey! <_<

Thanks for replying! :)

Okay so here's a little bit about my characters.....May/may not include the one's mentioned above at the moment.....

Ben Lock.
Friendly and adorable 10 Year Old kid. Which is surprising seeing he hasn't seen his Mum since he was 3 and his Dad is a waste of space! Ben is looking for friends before attending Hogwarts next year. :)

Dan Adams.
Dan is 25, he has a pretty horrible background involving his parents and his evil older Brother, but during his time at Hogwarts, after causing lots and lots if trouble :tut: he managed to transform himself with the help of a Professor who he had built a good student/teacher friendship with.

But after years of being Mr Nice Guy, Dan is about to fall of the rails again. - So if ya have any evil characters to help with that, then that would be cool!

Adele Smith.
A Feisty yet very friendly young woman,sometimes a little too friendly towards males! Adele is looking for friends/possibly a boyfriend?! She is also very vulnerable and is easily taken advantage of.

James Lock.
Ben's Daddy! This man is your first class idiot! He'll happily go home with any girl who invites him. And unless he's looking after Ben, you'll probably find him drunk in a pub/bar somewhere.....However, James is a friendly kinds guy and will be up for making friends with people (unless your a girl, in which case, he'll be chatting you up.) but if ya get on the wrong side of him then he's not afraid of a fight or two. :p

Troy Adams.
Evil. - That's all there is to say. - Dan's Older Brother. He'll use people to get what he wants,never if that means pretending to be nice. And if he really doesn't like ya, then you're a little bit stuffed basically. :)

Leo Shephard, Zac Mathews & Tristan Daniels.
These three are just your average "nice guys." :) They'll pretty much go along with anything. (Evil things being an exception of course.)

Let me know what ya think! :)

Thanks for that ^_^

Aramis is very much a resident when it comes to the pubs of New Zealand. His fiancée died five years ago and while he is trying his best to move on and work with his writing career, he finds his mind a constant battlefield. I think it would be great if he already knew, or got to meet any of the guys likely to be in the pubs and bars and befriended them, even if just on an acquaintance level. Adele sounds great and I don't know how you'd feel about it but maybe they could start out as friends and possibly work into something more?
Well when it comes to the guys I think Leo might be a good friend for Aramis to make. :) Or he could have already known him.....Just through being at the pubs n stuff, or as a close mate?! Up to you really. :)

And Aramis and Adele could be really cool! They could meet and begin to grow close (but only in a friendly way) and she could try and support him with moving on from his fiancées death but then discovers that she actually has feelings for him. - But doesn't wanna say anything because she doesn't want Aramis to feel uncomfortable with it. Oh and I should probably mention that Adele has a kid.....Just to make things awkward for poor Aramis! He's not actually a character on here though so we wouldn't see all that much of him, probably just the odd mention in conversation.

What dya think of both of those ideas?! :)
I think that sounds perfect. :D We could say they already know each other as acquaintances and go from there.

As for Adele, Aramis doesn't mind kids. He lacks experience but he does better with older children so I don't think it would bother him if things went further. I'd really like them to start out slow and just see what happens ^_^
That sounds awesome!

I think Adele can do taking things slowly. :) We can have them meet and start them out as friends and if things go well then we can see if they can take it any further. :)

Okay, so how's abouts you start the Leo & Aramis role play and I'll start the Adele & Aramis one?! :)
Hey There!

I have a number of folk to offer you, and you can pick and chose what suits you best!

First off, I have, this guy right here.
He's not had a very good start in life, but in more recent times had been doing a lot better. He's a quiet guy who keeps to himself, he's fairly shy and wary when he first meets people, but once a person knows him, he's friendly and warm. Kind, and grounded in a way that most people wouldn't think he would be considering. He likes meeting new people, and is always willing to help others. Sometimes however, Stefan can be very removed and be somewhat depressed.
He's always looking for friends.

Next, we have Charlotte Williams
She's a sort of floater, she moved between schools growing up because of her parents, and is now living in Paris alone, making her way in life by being a part time model and living off the money her parents give her. Charlotte isn't like most girls her age, she's incredibly polite and well mannered, and is very gentle. She's proud but not boastful. She's fairly naive and incredibly trusting, following her heart more often than her head.
She's got no romantic connection but isn't the kind of girl who would just go home with any guy. She's always happy to make friends.

Next we have Celestyn Helkovaara
He's a sports reporter who loves his job, but is just a tad lost. He was born and raised in Finland until his father's death, when he moved to live with his mother in New Zealand. Now, he lives alone and lives a rather secluded life. He has no friends aside from the people he works with. He's not even sure why he lives in New Zealand for the most part. He's good at his job, loves seeing sports, but that's at this point the only thing he even likes about life.
He's a nice guy, a little blunt at times. But, he kind of needs friends.

and finally, Felix Garcia
This hyperactive fun ball, has calmed since school. He was never very studious and had no real academic plans. He joined the army while also taking a nursing course, which allows him to be training towards being an army medic, this has made him be a little bit more calm when needed to be, and also so much more of a ball of energy when he can just be himself. He thrives of challenge and fun and would fairly good in a fight.
He's also in need of friends.

So, if any of that, suit any of the character you have, I'd love to RP it out!

So here's what I'm thinking.....

Charlotte Williams.
So my character Adele Smith was recently in France whilst she was travelling. (Due to my rather long break from the site. :( ) She's back in NZ now but I am thinking that perhaps Adele could have seen Charlotte modelling whilst she was there and now for some reason, bumps into her and they become friendly. (I don't mind whether this is in NZ or Paris. The power of magic! :p )
There is a slight age-gap between Charlotte and Adele, but I certainly have good friends who are quite a bit older than me, so we could see how that worked if ya like?!

Felix Garcia.
And I also have Dan Adams. Dan had a pretty rough upbringing, (see CD if ya wanna know more. Poor Dan. :( ) and it meant that he was a bit of a bully and a trouble maker during his time at HNZ, however, during his final year there, he managed to turn his life around with the help of Professor Weasley. :)
Anyway, Dan has recently fallen-off the tracks again, so perhaps he could meet Felix and pick a fight with him. This could lead to two fics if it worked-out, as I also want Dan to redeem himself eventually. So Dan & Felix could have one-fic where he manages to wind Felix up so much that they end-up scrapping. And then perhaps a later fic where they see each-other again, and Felix tries to be-friend him, and succeeds! Dan needs friends too!
Alright, for Charlotte and Adele, Charlotte wouldn't really care about age gap, so that would work fine with me. That sounds good. I think that would work between them.
Would you like to start something, or shall I?

As for Felix and Dan, I think Felix would actually quite enjoy that. He'd never throw the first punch, unless seriously provoked, but if someone hits him, he will hit back. But the idea of him winding Felix up would be quite funny(to me) Less so to Felix I imagine. lol.
In any case, would you like to start this, or would you like me to?

I can do one and you can do the other, just let me know which you'd rather start!
They both sound great!

And Dan is the perfect wind-up merchant! And he most certainly isn't afraid to throw a punch or two!

Woop! Woop! Looking Forwards to these!

How abouts I start the Felix and Dan rp and you can start the Charlotte & Adele one?!
I'll PM ya the link to Felix when I've done it. :)
Ben Lock said:
That sounds awesome!

I think Adele can do taking things slowly. :) We can have them meet and start them out as friends and if things go well then we can see if they can take it any further. :)

Okay, so how's abouts you start the Leo & Aramis role play and I'll start the Adele & Aramis one?! :)
Sure :) Sorry I got a little bogged down IRL. I will get something started asap :D
I can offer bree as a friend and possible love interest fro Tristian or James
Hey there, so I have two characters I could offer you:

Demeter Lesley: She is a promiscuous young veela who isnt afraid of a good party. At the moment she likes to hang around NZ but she lives in France when she isnt on the job (shes a party planner). Demeter is currently interested in a guy, but it could be fun to have one of your guys try to chat her up and she would try to let them down easy, unless they were sleazy, in which case shes likely to just tell them to buzz off, but she frequents bars and clubs almost anywhere.

Second Character is Zane Preston: This man is a lowlife to the core. He is the head of a crime syndicate that causes havoc in n both the muggle and magical worlds. Though his legal job is photography. He is likely to try and help Troy off the rails and would even tempt him with a job, if he had any special skills that Zane could use. He is very manipulative. What do you say?
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