Back from Brightstone

Jacob Cooper

Well-Known Member
Jacob entered the Hogwarts New Zealand Castle with his left hand under Renesmee's shoulders.Renesmee had sprained her right leg and she couldn't possibly make her way all the way back from Brightstone without help.

Jacob wasn't aware of how she had got hurt but knew that it had happened in the Borely Mansion.He didn't know why she had gone in there in the first place.He knew that many first years were dare devils but he didn't think that Renesmee was one of them.

They made their way up the marble staircase,heading for the hospital wing.None of them spoke anything.Finally they reached the double doors of the hospital wing and Jacob entered.
Renesmee was glad that Jacob had agreed to help.She couldn't help crying as they made their way through the castle.She had put Angel into danger all because of her stupid curiousity.She had passed out before she got her leg sprained and she had no idea how it happened.

She stumbled a little as she walked with Jacob's support.She wasn't sure if he knew her.She couldn't expect him to remember her after all these years.Jacob had been her brother's best friend when they were in primary school but they had had a big fight near the end of school.

Renesmee was relieved that they had finally reached the Hospital wing.She knew that it wasn't much fun to support people wit a sprained leg around and especially when you don't even know them well.She sat down on the nearest bed and pulled her leg up to examine it."Thanks."she mumbled.
Jacob felt light as Renesmee's weight left him.He saw her sit down on the Hospital bed and wanted to say something comforting but came up with nothing.He watched her examine her leg and hoped that the nurse would come soon.

"Don't mention it."he replied trying to make it sound like he really meant it.He hesitated but he asked,"What happened?"in a low voice.He didn't want to push her if she didn't want to tell.

He didn't even know if she remembered who he was. He was an irrelevant person to her and she obviously wouldn't remember him he thought.Even though he used to be her brother's best friend once he knew that she even bother to remember her brother's birthday let alone his ex-best friend
Renesmee looked up.It was the very first time Jacob had spoked to her after the fight with her brother.She hoped that if he remembered who she was,he wouldn't hold a grudge against her for being the reason of the fight between him and Jared.

"I don't have any idea my self.I was unconscious majority of the time.But I saw the Dark being that lived inside the Borely Mansion and then I fainted."she said in a low whisper,"And then I felt like I was being moved around like a rag doll and then I felt my body slump to the floor."she finished.She didn't even know how Angelina had gotten hurt or who the stranger was.
Jacob had no idea what had happened inside the Borely Mansion and even after listening to Renesmee's story he didn't get much information."Maybe,the dark presence got in side you and did something.But you are fine now aren't you?"he asked her.

Then he realized how awkward it was that he hadn't introduced himself again.Probably she wouldn't remember him."Do you remember me?I'm Jacob."he asked her hoping that she did remember him.
"Yes,well almost."she said glancing at her ankle.Jacob's idea of what might have happened was making little sense.Why didn't the thing kill her and get over with it? Probably it had felt more merciful today.Anyhow,Renesmee was lucky to get out of the house without much damage.On the other hand Angelina had suffered for her.

She gave out a little laugh."Of course I do Jacob Cooper.You were my brother's best friend how can I not remember?"she asked amused.
Jacob went slightly pink.What was he thinking? He had spent many hours in the drawing room of Renesmee's house."Yeah I was just a bit uncertain."he said quickly.He looked impaitiently at the door to the nurse's office.Probably he would have to call them."Lie down for a sec."

He crossed the room in urgent strides and stopped at the doors to the nurse's office.He tapped two times on it and heard the shuffling of feet inside it.A moment late the school nurse came out of it.She looked like she had been napping.Her hair was untidily tied in a bun.

"Sorry to disturb you Madam but my fried her has sprained her ankle."he told her apologetically. She would probably not mind.Jacob lead the way to the bed where Renesmee was still sitting.

"Not to worry dear,"said the nurse reassuringly,"I can fix that in a minute."she said as she took out her wand and tapped the injured leg murmuring under her breath."Does that feel better,dear?" she asked Renesmee kindly.
Renesmee remained in sitting position as Jacob went to call the nurse.Her foot hurt badly but the pain was bearable.Renesmee had had several injuries as a child but she was not the cranky one.This was on of her first internal injuries but other wise she had only experienced big cuts and bruises.

She allowed the nurse to examine her leg and felt the tap of her wand.There was a moment's pain and then it was gone.She twisted her leg and it didn't even hurt a bit."That feels great thanks!"she said with a smile to the nurse.The nurse then stood up and said,"Any time dear."with that she turned arround and went back to her office.

"Thanks for the help."she said standing up from the bed beaming at Jacob."Its really good to see you here."she added.She really hoped that she could make friends with him because Jacob was a good guy.
"I'm always free,call for me when ever you wan't someone to lean on."he told her with a flashy smile and a wink."I never really do anything apart from helping girls out."he said in a sarcastic tone.He turned around and walked up to the double doors and held one open."After you."he said with a playful grin.
"Sure sure,"Renee said rolling her eyes.She had never know that Jacob was a flirt.Maybe he had become one after coming to school.She walked towards the door and exited."Would you like to accompany me to the fourth floor?There are a lot of stairs,I might trip."she added sarcastically.
"Now now,you don't want to be giving out the location of your common room,"he said mischieviously,"I might drop in to say hi and you surely don't want to let your other friends know that you are friends with a Slytherin like me."he said his grin fading.

He still remembered what the stupid Gossip Magazine had written about him.Surely many had read it however it didn't matter to him what the others thought as long as his friends knew how he really was.
"I wont even let you near it."she said returning his grin.Then she looked trying to figure out whi Jacob's mood had changed so suddenly."Hey loads of other hufflepuffs have Slytherin frineds and I am proud to tell any one who would ask that you are my friend."she told him with a reassuring smile.

"Anyway,I am having second thoughts.I don't feel like staying indoors."she told him eyeing the ceiling with a fake dissaproving expression.
"So where does your Royal Highness wish to go?"he asked her in mock formality.Jake made a bow and straightened up grinning.Jake couldn't do a genuine act without breaking into a grin."May I accompany her?"
"Anywhere as long as we can see the sky."she said walking past Jacob to the nearest window.She stuck her head out and gazed at cloudless blue sky."Sure,with you I will have fun."she told him turning her head arround and winking at him.
"Alright."Jacob said a sudden idea popping into his mind.He grinned evilly and said,"You go on to the cliffs,I will catch up with you in a mo."he said and turned arround and hurried down the corridor.

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