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Evanna Farley

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OOC First Name
Yeah, still alive.
Soooo in August I started university and I kind of vanished because of that. It has been such a big change from just being at school that I had no idea what to expect and pretty much put all of my time in it because there was no way that I was going to underestimate the amount of work and screw up. Now I've finished my first semester and my grades aren't lying, so I figured that I'd now have time to actually be on here again. Besides, what better way to keep up with my English! The only thing left now is finding some plots for my babies, with a little side note that I've now found a lot more motivation to keep things like this alive.</FONT></COLOR></SIZE>
Okay so first I've got Evanna, she's one of my firsties. Evanna was adopted by the Farleys at the age of five, having a bit of trouble adjusting to her new life she almost immediately found support in Abel, who had now become her brother. He's her confidant and she would do pretty much anything for him. She's a failry insecure girl, dealing with trust issues and always trying to cover up her insecurity one way or another, often by acting all confident. She's very skeptical of people and won't be one to just be friends with anyone. Evanna doesn't easily open up to others and she might come of as rather cold unfriendly to anyone who first meets her. Once gtting to know her however, she'll turn out to be a great friend. For Evanna I'll need a few friends, as she's not one to be surrounded by a whole group of people. She needs a couple of people she could trust, even though it might take a while for her to do so. I have no plans for her whatsoever yet, so let me know if you guys have any ideas!

On to the second one. Abel is a very relaxed and laid back kind of guy. He isn't one to be full of energy all of the time or to go explore to be able to know all places around the castle. That's not his style, he might only be tempted to do so if someone is truly convincing, but he's not one to easily change his mind. Other than being a big goofball and loving to joke around from time to time Abel is a very honest guy. He'll say what he thinks when it's necessary, even though the truth can be hard to hear. He's confident in what he does, but he's also a caring and protective guy. He'll do anything for his friends and his sister and can get a bit over-protective from time to time, so it won't do well to hurt his friends. Other than that he's just generally fun to be around. For Abel I need a couple of friends, obviously, and maybe one or two possible best friends as he is one to enjoy having a load of friends but will also need some more serious friendships. Both of them (and Peyton) are too young for romance, but any future ideas are welcome. Let me know what you guys think!
Third, I've got Peyton, she is my second year Muggle Born Ravenclaw. Being from a non-magical family she often feels like she can't keep up with all things magical, but she's trying her best and is excited to learn bout everything magical. Peyton is a very happy and energetic person who loves to goof around and surround herself with both interesting people and people she'll know she can have a lot of fun with. Making friends has always been rather easy for her, but that was mainly because she is very easily influenced by people and is only now starting to learn that she shouldn't change so quickly to fit in with people. Peyton is very serious when it comes to her education, she has never been the smartest kid around yet she has big ambitions, which is why she wouldn't easily forsake her homework or decide not to study. She is a very cheerful person who is a strong believer in doing what you love. For Peyton I'm up for anything, as long as she can find herself some friends.
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Lastly there's Freya, my poor Hufflepuff who I fail to keep up with every time. She's been homeschooled ever since she was little, being raised rather strictly because her mother couldn't keep her role as parent and teacher seperated and didn't want to send her little girl away. Having to go to Hogwarts had seemed like the scariest thing that could happen to her, yet now she's loving it and is finally being able to adapt and loosen up from being her quiet, boring self. She's a very loyal person and will stick with the people she cares about, while learning to stand up for them and herself as well. She's a lot more talkative and open to do fun things than she was when she first came to Hogwarts, yet still needs a little push from time to time. Freya has a couple of friends who I'd love to continue to rp with, but she could use some more. As with the other three, I'm up for all sorts of ideas so feel free to shoot me a message!

Aubrielle Grimm

I have my one and only sweet little Disney Princess who will be in Hogwarts next IC year.
Aubrielle is soooo sweet, she believes that people deserves a second (or third, fourth, fifth, infinity) chance no matter how horrible they are.
She's extremely fragile and naive, a lot of people will use her for their own benefit hence she needs friends who will 'slap' her in the face to stop being so naive.
And being naive, she believes in almost everything.

She's fun to be around and is full of energy


Vaska Vetrova

She hits puberty so much faster than any other kids and is very flirty. She can be quite a spoiled brat and has the charm to attract people that she wishes to date. She will be in Hogwarts next IC year.
I'm hoping for her to be one of the girls who dates a lot of guy and who will prioritize to keep her appearance well instead of attending the classes

Unless you want enemies,
Most of my bbs r troubled kids xD
Awesome, I've send you a message with some ideas! ^_^
Yay you're back!
So Wyatt and Freya will probably only exist through Asaiah because he's distrusting of new people trying to get into their group and lately it seems like there are a lot of them. However I can imagine that in a few years time he might need a confidant and for some reason he goes to her. Probably because they aren't close? Idk thoughts?

Tess and Payton should definitely be friends because Tess doesn't know any other muggleborn people and I suspect that she needs to so they could bond over that and how exciting magic is to the both of them?
Yessss, that sounds fun! I can totally imagine her being confused as to why he'd come to her, but being the person she is she'd just go with it.

As for Tess and Peyton I'd love that, she can definitely use a muggleborn friend to have some fun with. ^_^
He'd probably be confused too, honestly haha

Yay yes. They'll be fun :)
Sooo this kind of went badly as I got a room in the city I go to university at the week after I posted this, so over the last few weeks I've been busy with refurbishing it and getting it ready. That kind of made me put things on hold again, which led to me not being able to do something about this. Anyways I'm moving in there next week, after which I'll have my spare time back so I'd still like some plots for my babies! ^_^
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