Baby Steps...Baby Steps

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Kynleigh Davis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
21bojl2.jpg appears I have a little bit of extra time on my hands now. Some of you know why that is while others may not...if you don't know then I'm not really going into any details. Long story short I have the time and now I'm starting back into this slowly. So without further discussion here we have Kynleigh Davis. She's a 16 years old muggle born and a former Gryffindor. Kynleigh had to leave school in the middle of her 4th year due to her grandmother falling ill and her mother needing help caring for her. Now Kynleigh was extremely close to her grandmother...her mother not so much. Since then her 'Nanna' has passed away, but her mother refused to let her return to school as she would now need Kynleigh's help tending to her grandmother's former home which they had moved into. Her mother did however pay for the young lioness to keep up with her studies by way of private homeschooling. Kynleigh doesn't so much mind having to stay at home as she's always mostly kept to herself anyways, but she had desperately wanted to return to school because there is one person that the young blonde simply can't keep off her mind...Elijah *hint*Emzies*hint*. So with all of that being said (and I will be working on a bio for this little one soon) I need just a few things to start off with. I don't have time to do loads of threads right now as I'm sort of 'getting my feet wet' in a sense since it's been a good while since I've had an RP, so I just want a couple of threads where Kynleigh meets a few new friends. With that in mind...most people find Kynleigh very very odd and she is at that, but the fire she used to have in her has sort of fizzled out to merely a small dim flame since her 'Nanna' died. I'm not really looking for any boyfriends or such for her as her heart still very much belongs to Elijah for the time being, but friends (both male and female) are more than welcome. If you have any characters that you think would mesh well or are just looking for someone to RP with then reply away m'dears!
I have Laura that could be a possible friend, she's really paranoid about doing well in school and can be a bit obsessive in that sense, but apart from stressing out, she's a really sweet, girl, you just have to get it out of her first. She's Argentinian, and has a bit of an accent, however in her time at Hogwarts New Zealand her English has become so fluent you can't even tell she has an accent sometimes. She obviously speaks Spanish, but only at home around her family. She lives in San Diego, California when she's not at school and she loves it there. She's responsible, and a great friend once you get past her initial obsessive traits. This is all I can think of for now, so thoughts would be appreciated?
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