Azeil Keila Venturi

Azeil Venturi

OOC First Name
Azeil Venturi
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These things are simple..

Full name: Azeil Keila Venturi
Date of birth: August 22nd 2011
Blood status: Half Blood
Height: 5"5
Weight: Average
Sexual orientation: Straight
Resides in: Germany
School: Durmstrang Institute


Hair colour: Naturally light brown
Hair style: Long, straight or wavy
Eye colour: Dark brown
Height: 5"5
Clothes style: Party, skinny jeans, loose tops
Distinguishing features: A freckle on her right cheek


Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite food: Jam tarts
Fears: Being caught for doing something bad
Future dream: To become someone naughty
Boggart: A ghost of her Aunt Lucinda
Patronus: A badger, because they come out at night
Animagus: An eagle, so she could fly above everybody


Azeil is a complete party animal, who believes that anything which doesn't involve her is boring. There's no party or gathering that Azeil isn't at, even when she's not invited. She's surrounded by friends all the time, and has a big heart which means she keeps her friends for a long time, if not forever. She is interested in everything magical including the alcohol. Her friends smuggled some butterbeer, which they attempted to get drunk on, and failed miserably. She's extremely outgoing, but loses her temper when something goes wrong, often blaming others for something she did herself and getting into more trouble. Luckily, her friends are used to her wild ways and can calm her down quickly. Once she get's to know new people, if they havn't run off in fear, she's loyal and helpful to them and can keep secrets better than anybody else.​


Azeil was born on the twenty second of August, 2011, in a muggle hospital in England. She was Christened Azeil Keila Venturi, Keila being chosen as her middle name because of her Mother, who had the same middle name. She was almost named Lucy, but her Pure blood father thought the name was far too simple, and that Azeil would get teased when she went to Hogwarts, though she never went there. When Azeil was three years old, the family recieved news that her father's sister, Aunt Lucinda, was in hospital in Germany where she lived after suffering from a heart attack. The family rushed to Germany and sold their house to purchase a new one in Germany, so that they could be close to the hospital, and look after Aunt Lucinda when she came out of hospital. Unfortunately, she never did, and Aunt Lucinda died in 2014. Azeil was too young to know any better, but her family were distraught, and it put Azeil through a lot of pressure, and she felt very alone at this time, often crying all through the night in a panic of not knowing where anybody was.

When Azeil turned six, her parents broke the news that she was a Witch, and that she would be attending the Durmstrang Institute when she turned eleven. Azeil was, of course, very puzzled, and angry that she could not tell anybody about her secret. Every day when she attented a muggle Primary school, she felt more important than anybody else, because she was a witch. She kept to her word though, and did not tell a soul about her secret, except to her mouse, Sherbert. Waiting until she turned eleven seemed a very long time, longer than it would seem to a muggle, because she knew that exciting things were to come.

A year later, on Azeil's seventh birthday, her parents announced that they were pregnant, and she would have a little brother or sister. Azeil was very angry at this, she felt like she was no longer important, that her parents had lost interest in her and needed a new child to keep them happy. However, nine months later, baby Garett James Venturi was born, and Azeil was thrilled to have a baby brother, and pretended he was her child, or doll, and loved to play with him. She was also pleased to own the title 'Big sister' and looked forward to years of being able to boss him around as she pleased, glad it was not the other way around.

When Azeil was 11, it was time for her to attend Durmstrang for the first time. She was so excited, and had packed, unpacked and repacked at least five times. She felt old, special, and extremely important. Garett, who had turned four not too long ago, cried when she had to leave, which was the only thing which made Azeil slightly hesitant about leaving for. However, through gritted teeth, she left for Durmstrang and didn't look back. She has now been at durmstrang for four years, and Garett is eight years old.



Mother: Lynette Clearwater (maiden) 23 years older than Azeil

Lynette is a muggle-born who was very surprised to join Hogwarts when she turned eleven. She has a heart of gold, and is always trying to make sure everybody is happy. She dislikes the idea of magic a bit, as she could never get used to it, but is happy to let her daughter learn magic if that is what she would like to do. She loves her children, Azeil and Garett, and would spare her life for them if she had to, without hesitation. She is dedicated to them, as well as to her husband. Her family is her sticky glue, and without them she feels she would be nothing. She is now a famous muggle model, and provides most of the money for her family, whilst her husband does the housework, which he loves.


Father: Xanthus Venturi, 26 years older than Azeil (Left) Uncle: Xanto Venturi, 27 years older than Azeil(Right)

Xanthus is a hard working Pure blood wizard, who found magic fascinating but is perfectly happy to live a life like a muggle, it suits him well and he would not live life any other way. His brother (Azeil's Uncle) Xanto feels differently, and cannot understand why a wizard like himself would not want to use magic. They still get on well, despite their differences, and Xanto often visits Azeil and the family, and they keep in touch. Xanthus believes he couldn't ask for a better brother.
Xanthus is loyal, kind, loves the odd party and would give the world to his children and wife if he could. He would love to buy them everything, but knows he must limit himself as to not spoil them, and gives them his love as his gift to them instead.


Brother: Garett James Venturi (Future picture) 7 years younger than Azeil

Garett is only 8, but he pulls pranks on all the family already. He will be attending durmstrang when he is old enough, and can't wait to learn about magic, already anticipating tidying his toys away with magic despite being told he wont be allowed to. He's also got a heart of gold, and has lots of friends at his muggle primary school. He was told he was magical when he was six, the same as Azeil, and has not known that he is a wizard for very long. His father always asks him to help with the housework, and he hates him for that, but they're like best friends when they're finished the chores, and are always out playing a muggle game called football in the garden after they've washed up.​



<SIZE size="50">Azeil, Chantelle and Keziah at Azeil's 15th birthday party


Joby, Mishka, Leila, Maya and Azeil after winning awards


Azeil and her best friend, Robyn

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