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Aya Matrim

Full Name:
Aya Matrim
Date of Birth:
July 22nd, 2025
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Aya has long straight blonde hair that tends to curl in the mornings but flatten out over the day. Her eyes are a deep brown with gold flakes in them. On her upper left arm she has a crescent-shaped scar from falling out of tree. She is all skin and bones, and she doesn't particularly like it. Aya's complexion is pale, but not so pale she can never tan, though she is more easily burnt than some. There are a dash of freckles she'll eventually grow out of, and she's grateful for that. She is 4'3" and weighs 85 pounds.
Aya has been more of a shut-in in recent years, cutting herself off from all of her friends after her father's death. However, it has not diminished her creativity, and it's only amplified the mischief she causes. With an inclination for dream magic, Aya often takes inspiration from her dreams, and is constantly writing in her notebook, trying to make the story perfect and never quite getting there. While she'd always enjoyed a bit of fun, she became more reckless, sneaking out and causing mayhem on her bad nights, when it seemed like the grief would overcome everything else, trying to bring back the same emotions she'd had before the wreck. She's mellowed out with that in recent months, but if the opportunity presents itself she won't ignore it.
But underneath all that is the bright and outgoing girl that existed for an infinitely longer period of time. While extremely difficult to get to, as she's afraid of losing anyone else, it is worth it to see the full bloom smile that was once freely given, and to have her loyalty and the knowledge she'll always stand by your side.</COLOR>
Name: Elias Matrim
Relation: Brother
Age: 9
DOB: March 13th, 2027
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Relationship: Too young
Name: Jani Matrim
Relation: Mother
Age: 40
DOB: August 4th, 1996
Blood Status: Muggle
Relationship: Widow
Occupation: Lawyer
Name: Dan Matrim
Relation: Father
Age: 42 at time of death
DOB: May 20th, 1992
September 24th, 2033
Blood Status: Unknown
Previous Occupation: Lawyer
<COLOR color="#650335">Name: Elias Matrim
Relation: Brother
Age: 9
DOB: March 13th, 2027
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Relationship: Too young

Name: Jani Matrim
Relation: Mother
Age: 40
DOB: August 4th, 1996
Blood Status: Muggle
Relationship: Widow
Occupation: Lawyer
Name: Dan Matrim
Relation: Father
Age: 42 at time of death
DOB: May 20th, 1992

Blood Status: Unknown
Previous Occupation: Lawyer
Area of Residence:
Nelson, New Zealand, in a small one-story house, as the Matrims live well within their means.
Blood Status:
Aya is descended on her mother's side from a long line of New Zealanders, while on her father's side she is unsure, as he was adopted. Birth records he obtained later in life showed that he was born in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Special Abilities:
None yet
Interests or Hobbies:
Aya loves to write, even after hitting a brief rut for a few months, and absorbs herself in that. Though she does get bored with that on occasion, and likes to go do more physical things like climbing trees or playing games. However, playing games is difficult when you're anti-social. Her favorite series is called The Abhorsen Chronicles.
Additional Skills:
Aya will not speak of this to anyone, but she can sing quite well, and her father was coaching her with it before his passing. She considers it something between her and her father and won't share it with anyone.
-Excellent writer
-Sings well
-Fun and energetic (depending)
-Worries far too much
Describe your character in three words:
Imaginative - She is an eternal dreamer.
Loyal - She is loyal to her friends and family.
Independent - She's learned to rely on herself.
Favourite place to be:
Anyone there isn't a huge amount of people
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Aya has heard of the seers and hopes to become one someday. Other than that, she hopes to skate by unnoticed, and excel enough in her studies to fully join the Wizarding World and leave her old life behind.
Best school subjects:
To be seen

Worst school subjects:
To be seen

Extracurricular Activities:
Plans for your future:
To become a useful member of a society she was never truly apart of.
Your Patronus:
A fox
Your Patronus memory:
Learning the very basics of how to control her magic from her father.
Your Boggart:
Utter darkness
Your Animagus:
Barking owl
Mirror of Erised:
Her father
A page from your diary:
I dreamt of the ravens again, and the raven woman. This time though, she wanted to help Cathryn. I mean, I kind of guessed that would happen from the beginning. No one is that scary and cruel and doesn't do something to prove their words. The Library also expanded, with the books flying everywhere as we waited for the crucial files. This dream helps at least tie the story together a little better than it was before, so hopefully one more dream and I'll be able to finish it off. I would have gotten it completely finished but my family showed up in the middle and I had to wake up before the whole thing was completely ruined.
Today has been rougher, and I'm thinking it's time for another midnight trip. Mom's freaking out at Elias over his grades and I don't want to hear her crying later on tonight. I wish I could go talk to Eli about it, but I'm not sure I'd be any good either. I'm not really good with the comforting thing anymore, or anything really. Gemma tried to talk to me again today and I ignored her. Better for both of us I guess, but I miss talking to her. Maybe I'll try talking to her again before I leave. Maybe.