Aya Matrim

Aya Matrim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
Counting Stars
Character's Name: Aya Matrim

Character's Birthdate: July 22nd, 2025
Hometown: Nelson, New Zealand
Blood Status:Half-Blood
Wand: Holly 11" Essence of Phoenix feather, excellent for dream magic and only to be used to channel positive energy.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

<COLOR color="#9300C4">Appearance

Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4'3"
Other Distinguishing Features: Small scar on her upper arm from when she fell out of her bedroom window.
Play-By Elle Fanning


A Little Deeper

Aya is afraid to interact with people and develop relationships, as much as she wants to. When she does befriend someone however, she is extremely loyal and protective of them. Although distant, she secretly worries about people, though not to the same extent as her friends. She is a dreamer, constantly fantasizing of different worlds and writing them down, and occasionally sneaking out to wreak a bit of havoc, trying to get a rush like she used to when her father was alive. She has learned to rely on herself when she has to, and therefore has a slight stubborn streak, thinking she knows what is best.

For 8 years Aya was in a stable home with two loving parents and a little brother she loved. Her father had told her mother about his status as a wizard long before Aya was even a thought, and her mom was okay with it, allowing both her children to be raised with magic around them. It was a source of wonder for the little girl, and she couldn't wait to be as good as her dad, and maybe even better. The family learned quickly that her specialty lied in the realm of dreams, and while it was both scary and exciting, her father gently taught her how to control her powers until she was old enough to know how to use them. However, all those dreams came crashing down when her father died. A hit-and-run, never having found the man who did it. From then on Aya cut herself off from her family and friends, and began to excel in school, throwing herself into her work to distract herself. When she received her letter, there was both joy and gripping fear. Her mother was reluctant to let her go, but Aya convinced her by saying it would help her feel close to her father again.


Jani Matrim, 40, Muggle
Born into a strict muggle family, she had always been highly intelligent amongst her peers, always taking things with a grain of sand. She graduated from a top law school with honors, and met Dan shortly afterwards. They had been set up by a mutual friend, and they instantly hit it off. While she had been putting off a family in favor of her career, she decided to put it on the line for the man she loved. Of course, when he revealed his status as a wizard, she was taken aback, and demanded proof, sure that this was the end. Only it wasn't; by the time he had shown her the truth she knew she loved him and wouldn't turn back. When Aya was born she was over-joyed to be a mother, and with a little boy as well, nothing could have been more perfect. Then Dan got into his accident, and everything fell apart. It took her months before she could respond rationally to people again, before she could meet the needs of her children. By the time she had returned, however, Aya had already cut herself off, and Eli was about to go over the edge himself. She did her best to mend their relationship, but it was only when Aya received her letter that she saw a spark again in her daughter's eyes. While she wanted to cling to her family, she knew Aya had to go, that someday Eli would as well, and let her daughter have her wish.

Elias Matrim - Brother, half-blood, 9
The second child of the Matrims, Eli is a bubbly and caring young man, having been younger than his sister and less easily comprehended the death. All he knew was that his sister, who was once his best friend, had suddenly left him behind for her own world. He loves nature, spending all his time in a garden his mother designated for him, and it was how he coped with the loss of both his dad and his sister. While he is happy for Aya, he wishes Jani had made her stay home with him, maybe so he could help her.

Dan Matrim - Father, Deceased, Unknown blood
Dan Matrim never knew who his real parents were, having been given up at birth for adoption. It was quite a shock then when he discovered he could perform magic, and a bigger shock when he was invited to a school to enhance those talents. While a bit of a misfit, he was intelligent and clever, having been sorted into Ravenclaw. He graduated Hogwarts and fully intended to join the Ministry of Magic, only a young woman caught his eye, and he decided to stay in the Muggle world. He was a kind and patient man, and only stern with his children when he needed to be. He died September 24th, 2032, at the age of 42.​

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