🌹 Rose Giving Awkward

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (25)
Poppy let out a groan of frustration as she read the next name and had to stop in the middle of the stair way to regain her composure. She almost had to wonder if someone meddled with the list to make her day as uncomfortable as possible but she knew it was just bad luck. With a frown still on her face she made her way to the fourth floor to hopefully find Kasim on his way out. Again she wondered if she could simply come up with an excuse that she just couldn't find him. But her bad luck continued as she spotted him almost immediately. Her voice died on her tongue as she tried to call out to him, suddenly deeply self conscious. Poppy sighed and jogged to catch up with him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Wait up." she said tightly. "I have a rose for you...or several actually." she grumbled as she got out the flowers, keeping her eyes on the ground as she did so.

@Kasim Safir
Kas had been feeling vaguely uneasy all day. He usually didn't put any stock in days like today, but he'd been trying to make an effort this year, especially after... Things with Eric. The trade off was now Kas felt like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop all day.

He couldn't hide in the common room forever though, eventually having to step out. It didn't take long for someone to find him and Kas glanced over his shoulder when someone tapped him, somewhat relieved to see a familiar face at least. "Several?" He said cautiously, glancing at the roses Poppy was pulling out and dreading what might accompany them when he saw they were pink.
Poppy nodded and still kept her eyes averted. "Yes." she answered bluntly but felt her need to explain bubble up. "Well...three to be specific. I don't know if you consider three to be several." she added. "But, here you go." she said and held them out for Kasim to take. Once her hands were free she pulled out the note and handed it over too.

Roses are usually red, but this bunch is pink. We know I'm not the best poem writer, but tonight, the dance will be on fire.
Kas took the pink roses with not a small amount of reluctance, not looking forward to carrying them around all day. They felt like a beacon, heavy with how guilty he was feeling about thing with Michael right now. And they had to be from Michael. Even if the note wasn't signed, he'd recognize the terrible poetry, his heart hurting with fondness that was quickly buried with more guilt. "Hey, you want one of them?" Kas said, holding out one of the pink roses to her. "Message received over here, I don't need all three."
Poppy looked at him then. "Do I want your roses?" she asked warily. She wasn't sure what he meant by suggesting that. "Why?" she asked, still unsure. Was this some kind of joke? Was he trying to imply she couldn't get any roses. She stood unmoving, waiting for his response.
Kas just looked at Poppy flatly, unimpressed with her suspicion. "Tragically, I'm cursed to fall into a deep sleep if I ever prick my finger on a rose thorn. Just trying to cut down my chances. No room in the schedule right now for long naps," he said dryly, shaking one of the pink roses at her and raising an eyebrow to see if she'd take it.
Poppy pursed her lips and looked at him closely before sighing. "Well...you seen to be in quite a predicament then." she said in a similar tone but she wasn't sure how convincing she really sounded. "It would be cruel to leave you to such a fate." she added when she finally took the flower back. But not before wrinkling her nose as he shook it at her.

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