Awkward Situations ; Kida Frost & Pearl Kanti

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Kida raised her eyebrow slightly, her dreams had so many reasons, Mostly about her break free. she looked Pearl and then to Professor Firn "i have been slightly... paranoid lately, maybe its trying to tell me to stop and relax" she sighed "i don't know" she said shaking her head trying to make things make sense in her head "Professor?" she said looking at him hoping he could help shine some light on the topic
Remus looked as she had looked over at him, "Hey she's the doctor ask her." He chuckled pointing to Pearl.
Kida tilted her head back against the chair. "oh c'mon!" she said lifting her head back and looking at them both. "If i knew what my dreams ment do you think i would be here" she said looking at both of them. "Obviously knowing what they mean confuses me more" she looked at pearl for a moment. "One of the main reasons i don't like hospitals because they say things which confuse me more" Kida hit her head on the back of the chair a few times before looking at Professor Firn again. "do you understand any of this" she asked curiously
Remus nodded as he awaited for Pearl's answer, "Indeed i do, Listen to the Nurse and you may too." He grumbled as he looked at her leaning forward din his chair a little bit as he pushed his hair to to the side as usual before brushing his hand over his Mustache.
Pearl sighed, "Kida, if you let us take the time to help you then explane them too you, they wouldn't confuse you so much, but thats beside the point, when did this paranioa start?" she asked. during on of her vists here, thats obvious Pearl thought resisting the urge to roll her eyes.
Kida hit her head on the back of the chair again, on purpose. "two weeks after i started here" she said looking at her curiously waiting to see what her answer was. She knew that pearl thought that she was a freak, and that her dreams were brought on by the hospital. But Kida knew there was something more... other then just making her freak about the hospital wing.
"You and professor Firn both know that i don't want to be here, but if Professor Firn insists on me coming here more often to.... unravel my dreams, then i will. but i willl not enjoy it" she looking at both of them for a moment.
Remus nodded and smiled as he heard what Kida said, before picking his glaze back up and at Pearl, "Perhaps she is looking into Something..." Remus thought to himself, recently he had been involved in two occasions in which Dark spells were shot at him, and he was hit on one of the occasions, "Perhaps it's warning her of some ones fate..." He asked to Pearl, "Maybe some one close to her will die, that's what the body Resembles..." he said once more, before looking at Kida, "As for whatever was chasing her, It may have been some body in animagus form...." he said putting out his opinion, "Do you know any one who is an Animagus that may want to hurt you?" He asked looking at her, "Then again I'm no Doctor im looking at the realistic and you Miss Kanti are explaining what the dream may resemble considering that dreams mean different when certain things appear." He said nodding to Pearl, he knew he wasn't too good at Medical talk and all.
Kida look at the Professor for a moment, "your saying i'm going to be chased through the forbidden forest, someone close to me is going to die, and i am going to be stuck against a tree by vines?" she said curiously looking at him, her expression blank. Part of her told her to believe it, and the other half is telling her that its a load of crap and she is a muggle things like this don't happen to muggles. "Why don't you just read my mind or something, get into my head and figure out for yourself" she said hitting her head again. "this is stupid, maybe i'm just having bad dreams because i have alot of negative energy" she said looking at both of them.
"Those are some good observations Remus" Pearl said looking at him warmly. "Although I hope its not the case, a death in the family is always horriable" Pearl added. She thought for a moment, "I'm sorry to both of you, I'm not a phycologist and the little information I have on dream interpratation isn't very helpful, although, I do know for a fact that nightmare can cause late unrestfl nights, so Kida, I do want you to try a sleeping potion at least twice a week, maybe on Sunday and Wednesday nights, they will cause dreamless rest full sleeps" Pearl said standing up to go grab on og the many potions on the shelf that lined her wall.
Remus looked up to her as she went to get the potion. "Kida..." He mumbled over to her, "Look, You need to keep yourself occupied as well as taking this stuff." He smiled to her, "I May get you working on some spells, Or maybe some Transfiguration?" He said warmly to her, "We'll see." He nodded to her as he looked back to Pearl.
Kida saw pearl move over to her potions, Kida still wasn't right with taking potions, there was something wrong for some reason. "I don't like potions" she said bluntly before Professor Firn began to talk to her. as soon as he mentioned that he would keep her occupied by getting her working on some spells she was more then excited "please" she said happily. "i still have to have the potions don't i" she said running her hands through the end of her hair.
"Kida, its four your health, please just try, at least for one week, thats it" Pearl said handing her the bottle, "two tea spoons are enough for 8 hours sleep" Pearl said.
Kida looked at the bottle for a moment, she bit he lip before leaning forward and took the bottle. Kida looked at Professor Remus for a moment "One week then" she said before looking back at pearl "it can't kill me..." she said looking at pearl before putting the bottle in her bag. Kida pulled her hand out of the bag getting it caught on the button pulling the bandage loose slightly.
Kida knew that she didn't need to wear the bandage anymore, but she didn't want people seeing her scar. Kida quickly pulled her hand back into her lap and pulled the bandage tight trying to make sure no one noticed, but seeming as the attention was on her, it was kinda hard to keep the focus off her.
Remus nodded as she said 'a week' before he saw the bandage come off her hand, he had always wondered why she had worn one before he saw the scar as she pulled her hand into her lap, "Kida... The Bandage doesn't need to be on there now..." He said raising an eye brow at her.
Kida knew that Professor Firn told her that the bandage didn't need to be on her her hand anymore and she shook her head "yes it does" she said firmly, looking at him slightly feeling more uncomfortable.
"can i go now?" she asked curiously, "do you want me to check in with Professor Firn making sure that i take the potion and stuff" she said drumming her fingers on the arm of the chair, Kida wanted to go so she could avoid any further questions about her hand, she looked at Professor Firn giving him a 'i will tell you later' look before looking back at Pearl
"Kida, you can take the bandage off anytime you want" Pearl replied. "you may leave if you wish, i want you to come back next week and tell me about the potion"
Kida nodded quickly scooping up her bag from beside the chair and walking out the room. as soon as she was outside the office door Kida ran towards the main doors pulling them open with alot of force and running out them, allowing them hit the walls behind her. Kida jumped down as many stairs as she could as she made her way down to the lake front.
Remus didn't plan to let her get away that easy as he apparated to the lake appearing in front of her.
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