Avery Emma Marshall

Avery Marshall

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

Hold it in long when you breathe it in,
And it all will be a better shade, love


Please welcome,
Avery Emma Marshall!


So it is a lie you believe in?
I know it is a sight to behold


[Full name] Avery Emma Marshall
[Meaning] Avery \a-ve-ry\ as a girl's name, is pronounced ay-vree. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Avery is "elf counsel".
Emma \e(m)-ma\ as a girl's name is pronounced EM-ah. It is of Old French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Emma is "entire, universal".
[Nicknames] Avery never had a lot of nicknames, but her brother used to call her Aves
[Age] She's currently eleven years old
[Date of Birth] Avery was born on the 15th of March, 2027
[Hometown] Wellington, New Zealand
[Current Residence] Wellington, New Zealand
[Ethnicity] Both Avery's mothers and fathers families are originally from New Zealand, so Avery is thnically a Kiwi.
[Blood Status] Her parents are both Half Bloods, therefore Avery is looked at as a Mixed Blood
[Education] Hogwarts New Zealand, Slytherin House
[Profession] Avery is currently a student at Hogwarts New Zealand
[Sexual Orientation] Avery is too young to be enrolled in relationships, but she will turn out to be straight
[Current Relationship Status] Single and also too young to care
[Wand] Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Strongly tied to the witch and wizard they choose, vine wands are often held by witches and wizard who dream of something bigger beyond the mundane for their lives.
Core: Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.
Flexibility: Flexible; not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder


If only there's a line when you need it,
All to get a way with words you don't know


[Hair Colour] Avery's hair is fairly dark brown, it reaches far past her shoulders and is straight, although it sometimes has a few curves to it. She's very fond of her hair
[Eye Colour] Her eyes are of a rather clear green colour, they have a bit of light brown around the pupil and she likes the combination of her light eyes with her dark hair
[Skin Colour] She has a fairly light skin which doesn't tan easily
[Height] 1,63 meters which is rougly 5 feet 3 1/2 inches
[Body Type] Avery is short, even for her age, and the doctors always said that she's always stay a bit short. Other than that Avery is rather slim and has a regular body type
[Which hand] Left hand. She has always been a leftie and has never found any trouble in that
[Allergies] Avery is allergic to a few types of nuts and she can also have an allergic reaction if she gets stung by a bee
[Voice] She has a very calm and pleasant voice. It's not very loud and people have always told her how they enjoyed listening to it
[Current Playby] India Eisley
[Previous Playby] N/A


How many times will you beat it in,
'til all that was alight has gone dark?


[History] Avery was born on the 15th of March 2027 to Jackson and Evelyn Marshall in Wellington, New Zealand. Things were good and when her mother gave birth to her brother a year later things got even better. Ever since they were little Avery and her brother had been best friends and did a lot together, they could hardly be seperated. However a few months after Avery had turned eight things changed. For some reason they would not tell Avery ad her brother their parents had decided to get divorced, but they said they were still on good terms. Her father decided to let her mother keep the house and he himself going back to Auckland, his hometown. The bad thing was, he was taking Christian, Avery's brother, with him. Avery herself would stay with her mother in Wellington. Both Avery and Christian had hated their parents for seperating them, and when Avery got accepted into Hogwarts the first thought on her mind was that Christian would get one too and they'd get back to seeing each other a lot when they would both be at Hogwarts.
[Basic Personality] Avery is a friendly, spontaneous girl who will often stay friendly when the favour is returned. When it's not however she is very well able to stand up for herself and she won't take any nonsense. Avery often likes to get things done right and in her eyes she's often right, resulting in her being a bit bossy from time to time, and she has a very clear opinion which will not easily be changed, only when she realises that the other person actually has great arguments. She can also get rather hot-headed and selfish at times, but she always tries to not give in to these bad qualities of her.
[Strenghts] Friendly, confident, ambitious and kind
[Weaknesses] Hot-headed, can be bossy and sometimes a bit selfish
[Boggart] After a bad experience when she was younger Avery is terrified of water and her Boggart would be anyone she cares about drowning, although it will probably be her brother
[Patronus] Her Patronus would probably be a Red Panda
[Patronus Memory] Although she has a lot of good memories the memory she would use to call upon her Patronus will probably be the day her father went to teach her brother and her how to fly. They spent the entire day outside in the sun and Avery can still recall how much fun they had together.
[Mirror of Erised] Avery will most likely see herself as a Prefect or Head girl and later or as an Auror or Ministry Official, she is very etermined to do nothing but good at school and can't wait to graduate with great grades.
[Amortentia] She loves the smell of vanilla extract, freshly cut grass and fresh coffee


I know you want to fly but you needn't,
Take everything and bringing it down

<COLOR color="black"><COLOR color="black">

[School] Hogwarts New Zealand
[Thoughts] Avery couldn't be more excited when she had gotten her acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Her parents had been raising her with both Muggle ways and wizarding ways and she had been learning a lot about magic, mostly from her dad. She's very glad to be attending Hogwarts and can't wait to hang around with her brother when he gets accepted next year
[House] Avery was sorted into Slytherin, she wasn't quite sure how to feel about it at first but she is sure the House would be good for her as she is very determined to achieve her dreams
[Sorting Post] *
[Current Year] Avery is currently a First Year student

Astronomy: ADefence Against the Dark Arts: EFlying: AHistory of Magic: E
[th colspan="4"]First Year Grades[/th]
[Favourite Class] None yet
[Least Favourite Class] None yet


But no we had to try to achieve it,
Oh you got a way with words you don't know



[Name] Jackson Marshall
[Blood Type] Half Blood
[Date of Birth] 25th of July 2001
[Date of Death] ---
[Martial Status] Divorced
[Education] Unknown
[Occupation] Navigator in the Navy Office Job at the Navy
[Currently living in:] Auckland, New Zealand

[Name] Evelyn Marshall Kainsworth
[Blood Type] Half Blood
[Date of Birth] 7th of June 2004
[Date of Death] ---
[Martial Status] Divorced
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw House
[Occupation] None at the moment
[Currently living in:] Wellington, New Zealand

[Name] Christian Marshall
[Blood Type] Mixed Blood
[Date of Birth] 18th of August 2028
[Date of Death] ---
[Martial Satus] ---
[Education] Amesbury school
[Occupation] None
[Currently living in:] Auckland, New Zealand


So you got here just to get away,
Yeah you got here just to get away

<COLOR color="black">

With The Flick Of A Wand
Avery visits Ollivanders for the same reason any first year would

A Good Day
Avery's time outside gets distracted by the sudden appearance of an owl

Homework or Chatting?
The eleven year old Slytherin makes her to the lawn to do some homework, but that get's briefly disturbed when someone trips over her feet

[th colspan="1"]First Year[/th]

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But only will the right hands know,
To hold and lead you in a better way


<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Georgia">Kensington - Words you don't know​

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