Autumn Sun

Jessi Emmeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Summer has stolen :P
Jessi was led in the grass by the lake with his eyes closed. The autumn sunlight was shining a golden light. Jessi was humming quietly to himself as he relaxed in the warmth of the sun, listening to the water ripple in the gentle breeze.

Imogen smiled to herself as she walked out onto the school grounds on an Autumn day. She was smiling. She'd lost herself in books recently and things had been A little on the slow side but still Immy was glad to be outside. She began to walk towards the grounds. It was then she noticed someone at the lake. She walked quicker in the hope of a new friend. But as she approached she noticed who it was.

"Daisy King!" Immy exclaimed loudly, before running towards him and pulling him into a hug.
Jessi's eyes shot open as he heard someone shout "Daisy King!" to him and pulled him into a hug. Not an easy thing to do since he was lying down. Then he noticed it was Immy. " Daisy Princess!". He hugged her back and smiled.

Immy couldn't help but smile. She hadn't seen Jessi in forever. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen him. Immy pulled out the hug and smiled happily at him. She could hardly hide her excitement. Immy tended to get very excited about things, she guessed that was because of how Gryffindorianly awesome she was.

"Jessi, I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?" Immy said smiling brightly at him.
"I've been pretty great thanks. I'm sure you heard about the whole Taylor thing though." He winced slightly. " And how have you been, Immy?" He said smiling again.

Immy nodded. She'd heard about it. Not from Taylor herself, so she wasn't how certain al her facts were but by the way her friend winced she gathered it was something that she wasn't to persue. This suited Immy, she didn't really want to bring it up. It was the past. It made her wonder about her own relationship. It was more or less no existent at this point, she knew that she didn't like him in that way any more. And they hadn't spoken in so long that it didn't really matter to her. Immy, nodded her head again. Her blond curls bouncing playfully.

"I heard, you know I'm here if ever you need me" Immy said thinking it best that she at least say what she was thinking on the matter. "I've been good. Classes are really good. Everything is. How's Ravenclaw treating you?"
"Thanks." Jessi said sincerely. "Ravenclaw is treating me well. Life's pretty good all round really." Jessi smiled again. "How's Gryffindor?"

Imogen nodded, happily. She couldn't complain one bit about Ravenclaw. It was the best house. The very best. She didn't know how people could feel patriotic of other houses, when in comparison to Gryffindor, sucked. Immy smiled again. She told herself that she should go speak to Taylor, see how she's doing.

"Gryffindor is amazing, the people are soo nice. Real easy to get along with." Immy said happily. "Do you know what you're going to pick as electives?"
"Good I'm glad they're treating you well." Jessi said with a smile. "Um, I really don't know yet. What are you taking?" He hadn't really thought about it yet maybe he should sometime soon....

Imogen smiled. She did, she'd already picked and was very excited. She'd been allowed to pick more than most due to her good grades. She'd had the opportunty to pick all of them but she hadn't liked the sound of one. So had only picked 4 out of the 5.

"I've picked mine, I was really excited about it. I picked all of them apart from Care of Magical Creatures." immy said with a smile. "i'm not a fan of animals.
"You took four electives? Wow that's gonna be a lot of work for you isn't it?" Jessi asked with surprise." Hmm, I thought you would have been an animal person. Oh well, I guess we learn something new everyday." He said with a smirk.

Immy gave a small laugh. She hadn't really thought about the work as anything else than something that would be fun, and even a little difficult. She was looking forward to the challenge. She looked out to the lake, before looking back to Jessi, with a bright smile.

"No more work than I'm excited to be able to do, really." Immy said with the slightest of giggles. "Nope, don't like animals. I like children and people. Do you have any pets?"

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