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Full Name: - Autumn Elizabeth Gwin
Birth Date: - June 12th, 2010
Current Age: - 11
Basic Appearance: - Brown hair, she's letting it grow out from it's usual short spiky 'do. Chocolate colored eyes, and sharp features like that of a cat or pixie. Her overall build and personality closely resembles the two comparisons as well, for she is elegant and graceful, her movements like an odd dance, and she is petite and sleek like an agile jungle cat.
Parents:- Cynthia {Edwards} Gwin and Anthony Gwin
Siblings, if any: - None.
Pets, if any: - Jazz, a male siamese kitten
Area of Residence: - Currently Hogwarts New Zealand, but if you mean where her home is, Australia.
Blood status: - Mixed blood
Hogwarts House (And why): - Ravenclaw. I suppose it's because of her work ethic and perfectionist ways about getting the job done. As any of the professors can see her home work and notes are always neat and organized accordingly. However, she's been sleeping in for a couple classes and has to do the make-up work but hey, at elast she does it, right? She also adores reading and can tell you all about just abot any muggle romance novelist in existaence as they is her guilty pleasure that only the sorting hat, thomas smith, kailey paramore and her mum know she reads.
Best school subjects (And why): - Charms, as it's the highest grade she's gotten so far(an O-12 on he rlast homework assignment) and it's also her favorite class.
Worst school subjects (And why):- She doens't exactly have one of those, as she's doing fine in all of her classes she has this term. But if she has any classes she thinks she would do badly in that would be Potions next semester. Possibly History of Magic or herbology as neither really interests her too much Or at least not as much as Charms and Astronomy.
What would their Patronus be? - I think a jaguar would suit her.
What would their Boggart be? - A dark room. She's utterly terrified of the dark. That or a spider as she's equaly scared of the little buggers.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) - Jaguar or perhaps a wolf. No clue as tot he second one, except for the fact that she's always had a fascination with the beasts that travel in loyal packs and have their own self made chain of command. Not to mention they're beautiful and quite intelligent.
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? - Herself becoming the greatest witch of her age as she heard Hermoine Granger was in her day. That's one of her many heroines.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? - Either the day she got her acceptance letter to Hogwarts or the morning she met Thomas Smith{{¢¾}}
Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
Today I entered a Wheelbarrow Race with my new friend I was telling you about, Thomas Smith. And guess what, we won! I was so happy! We'd only practiced for a little while beforehand and we were lagging behind at some points. Yet we won, certainly not by a landslide however. I'm not even sure how we dd it, but we were nearly trambled by Kailey when she came in second and we were still laying there.
But perhaps more importantly than the race, is my newfound friend in Thomas. He's an excellent student like myself, and a great guy in general...plus he's really..really cute.
But, I must be off to complete my essay for Professor Glasson. It's ont he Salem Witch Trials!
More news on my friends and school later.
Birth Date: - June 12th, 2010
Current Age: - 11
Basic Appearance: - Brown hair, she's letting it grow out from it's usual short spiky 'do. Chocolate colored eyes, and sharp features like that of a cat or pixie. Her overall build and personality closely resembles the two comparisons as well, for she is elegant and graceful, her movements like an odd dance, and she is petite and sleek like an agile jungle cat.
Parents:- Cynthia {Edwards} Gwin and Anthony Gwin
Siblings, if any: - None.
Pets, if any: - Jazz, a male siamese kitten
Area of Residence: - Currently Hogwarts New Zealand, but if you mean where her home is, Australia.
Blood status: - Mixed blood
Hogwarts House (And why): - Ravenclaw. I suppose it's because of her work ethic and perfectionist ways about getting the job done. As any of the professors can see her home work and notes are always neat and organized accordingly. However, she's been sleeping in for a couple classes and has to do the make-up work but hey, at elast she does it, right? She also adores reading and can tell you all about just abot any muggle romance novelist in existaence as they is her guilty pleasure that only the sorting hat, thomas smith, kailey paramore and her mum know she reads.
Best school subjects (And why): - Charms, as it's the highest grade she's gotten so far(an O-12 on he rlast homework assignment) and it's also her favorite class.
Worst school subjects (And why):- She doens't exactly have one of those, as she's doing fine in all of her classes she has this term. But if she has any classes she thinks she would do badly in that would be Potions next semester. Possibly History of Magic or herbology as neither really interests her too much Or at least not as much as Charms and Astronomy.
What would their Patronus be? - I think a jaguar would suit her.
What would their Boggart be? - A dark room. She's utterly terrified of the dark. That or a spider as she's equaly scared of the little buggers.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) - Jaguar or perhaps a wolf. No clue as tot he second one, except for the fact that she's always had a fascination with the beasts that travel in loyal packs and have their own self made chain of command. Not to mention they're beautiful and quite intelligent.
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? - Herself becoming the greatest witch of her age as she heard Hermoine Granger was in her day. That's one of her many heroines.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? - Either the day she got her acceptance letter to Hogwarts or the morning she met Thomas Smith{{¢¾}}
Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
Today I entered a Wheelbarrow Race with my new friend I was telling you about, Thomas Smith. And guess what, we won! I was so happy! We'd only practiced for a little while beforehand and we were lagging behind at some points. Yet we won, certainly not by a landslide however. I'm not even sure how we dd it, but we were nearly trambled by Kailey when she came in second and we were still laying there.
But perhaps more importantly than the race, is my newfound friend in Thomas. He's an excellent student like myself, and a great guy in general...plus he's really..really cute.
But, I must be off to complete my essay for Professor Glasson. It's ont he Salem Witch Trials!
More news on my friends and school later.