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Full Name:
Audrina White
Date of Birth:
12 May 2013
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Thin, curly brown hair; natural blonde streaks.
Green, round, prominent eyes.
Audrina loves people, and is fiercely loyal. She can be a bit too trusting of people, and is easily hurt.
Audrina cares a lot for nature and animals. One of her favorite subjects would be herbology and astrology. Audrina loves to spend time in nature, just marveling in the glory of it.
Audrina is very peaceful. Love, not war. She is always willing to lend an open ear to anyone that needs help. She is willing to sit with them, cry with them, and give them advice where she can. Audrina can carry other people's burdens without feeling to weighed down by them.
Roman White; Father
Adah Lee; Adoptive Mother
Isabella White; Twin sister.
Border Collie; Artemis
Area of Residence:
Born in Rolling Hills California-got moved to Athens, Greece shortly after birth.
Blood Status:
From her father-American
From her adoptive mother- Greek
Interests or Hobbies:
Discovering new things
Saving the world
Kind, Compassionate, Helpful
Too trusting, easily hurt, push-over.
Describe your character in three words:
Compassionate. Considerate. Loyal.
Favourite place to be:
Anywhere with nature.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To complete her years with outstanding results
To make and keep friends
Best school subjects:
Herbology, Astronomy, CoMC
Worst school subjects:
Potions, Defence Against Dark Arts
Extracurricular Activities:
Would probably join Wild Patch Club.
Plans for your future:
To become a herbology or care of magical creatures professor.
Your Patronus:
Horse - Bearer of burdens. Strong enough to bear others' burdens when they become too much.
Your Patronus memory:
Gardening with her [adoptive] mom.
Your Boggart:
A world at war- no love, people in pain.
Your Animagus:
Doe - peaceful
Mirror of Erised:
Living somewhere in the middle of the woods, surrounded by animals, and a loving husband.
Audrina White
Date of Birth:
12 May 2013
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Thin, curly brown hair; natural blonde streaks.
Green, round, prominent eyes.
Audrina loves people, and is fiercely loyal. She can be a bit too trusting of people, and is easily hurt.
Audrina cares a lot for nature and animals. One of her favorite subjects would be herbology and astrology. Audrina loves to spend time in nature, just marveling in the glory of it.
Audrina is very peaceful. Love, not war. She is always willing to lend an open ear to anyone that needs help. She is willing to sit with them, cry with them, and give them advice where she can. Audrina can carry other people's burdens without feeling to weighed down by them.
Roman White; Father
Adah Lee; Adoptive Mother
Isabella White; Twin sister.
Border Collie; Artemis
Area of Residence:
Born in Rolling Hills California-got moved to Athens, Greece shortly after birth.
Blood Status:
From her father-American
From her adoptive mother- Greek
Interests or Hobbies:
Discovering new things
Saving the world

Kind, Compassionate, Helpful
Too trusting, easily hurt, push-over.
Describe your character in three words:
Compassionate. Considerate. Loyal.
Favourite place to be:
Anywhere with nature.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To complete her years with outstanding results
To make and keep friends
Best school subjects:
Herbology, Astronomy, CoMC
Worst school subjects:
Potions, Defence Against Dark Arts
Extracurricular Activities:
Would probably join Wild Patch Club.
Plans for your future:
To become a herbology or care of magical creatures professor.
Your Patronus:
Horse - Bearer of burdens. Strong enough to bear others' burdens when they become too much.
Your Patronus memory:
Gardening with her [adoptive] mom.
Your Boggart:
A world at war- no love, people in pain.
Your Animagus:
Doe - peaceful
Mirror of Erised:
Living somewhere in the middle of the woods, surrounded by animals, and a loving husband.