Aubrey Baptiste


The Basics​

Full Name: Aubrey Lynn Baptiste
Aubrey: Elfin ruler, Magical being of power
Lynn: in this case, derived from Spanish name Linda, meaning pretty
Baptiste: to dip

<SIZE size="50">Thoughts: Aubrey doesn't like the meaning of her name because she feels the meaning
places upon her high expectations that she'll never meet

Birthday: July 11, 2007
Being born on July 11 makes Aubrey a Cancer, a star sign that suits her quite well
Info on being Cancer: Cancer Positive Traits
Loving and Emotional
Shrewd and cautious
Sensitive and nurturing
Intuitive as well as imaginative
Sympathetic and Protective

Cancer Negative Traits
Indecisive and moody
Over-emotional and sensitive
Clinging and possessive

Age: Seventeen. Where Aubrey lives, being seventeen makes her technically an adult, something that totally freaks her out

Wand: Holly, 14 3/4, hair of an elf Aubreys wand was inherited from her maternal grandmother and has been passed down through her family for over 300 years

Blood Status: Mixed. Her mother was a half blood (half witch, half magical being) and her father was a mixed blood, 3/4 pure

Hometown: She splits her time between her parents houses, causing her to have two different home towns
Willow Glenn, Massachusettes: a small town where everyone knows everyone else.
Lods, France: Classified as 'the most beautiful village in France Lods is nestled at the base of the Alps

Current residence: Reims, France. A historic city not far from Paris

<SIZE size="150">Appearance
“Some beautiful things are more impressive when left imperfect than when too highly finished.”

Eyes: Aubreys eyes are a striking turquoise color. A mix between a deep blue and a sea green. Her eyes are made to stand out even more by the black ring that circles both irises.

Hair: Aubrey has always left her hair its natural color, which is a light blond

Height: at 5'5" Aubrey is the shortest member of her family

Weight: 125 pounds, due the her curvy build

Distinguishing Features: Aubrey has some slight scarring on her hips. She also has a small tattoo of a swallow on her wrist to match her two sisters swallow tattoos

Overall: Aubrey tends to dress light and girly most days, though has no problem dressing in sweats on days she wants to relax. She wears a claddagh ring on her right hand. It was a gift from her eldest sister and she never takes it off. Aubrey usually takes care of her appearance, wearing light makeup and doing her hair, though she tends to look pretty under any circumstances. Aubrey is naturally thin, but also very curvy, something she is extremely self concious about.
Life, like all other games, becomes fun when one realizes its just a game

In Five Words: Fun-loving, Reckless, Adventuresome, Loving, Bubbly

How she acts: Aubrey is the kind of person that will give almost anyone a first, second and even third chance. She is kind and friendly with strangers, always looking to make new friends. With friends and family she is very nurturing, always ready with open arms and an open heart. She's an excellent listener and quite often becomes the pillar of strength for others. Despite this, when it comes to talking about herself she is quite reserved, cautious of letting people in too far. She has a hard outer shell thats hard to truly break through.

Quirks: Aubrey has a knack for unintentionally causing trouble, but is excellent at getting out of it. She loves to have fun, and most of her life is spent doing so. She babbles when she gets nervous, bites her lip often and has a habit of putting her foot in her mouth

More Info: Aubrey is extremely creative. She loves new challenges and challenging others. She will persevere to get something started but often is not the greatest of finishers. A risk taker who likes attention, she has a very good sense of humor.

The Bad: Sometimes it seems as if Aubrey will never grow up. She can be very manipulative and persuasive at times, and is extremely persuasive in getting her way.

making others laugh
charming others

Opening up
taking things seriously

Biggest fear: Is currently falling in love

<FONT font="Comic Sans MS">Family


Deverick Laurent Baptiste

Deverick was born in Paris, France, the Eldest Son of Laurent and Sophia Baptiste. He attended Beauxbeautons Academy and was a prefect, excelling in all subjects. He met his future wife, Cosette, while there, but they did not start dating until after both had graduated. After graduating Beaux's Deverick went on to study buisness in America and got a degree, but returned to France years later at the request of Cosette. They had begun dating one summer when he returned from college to visit his parents and once graduating had asked Cosette to marry him. She refused to leave France, so he returned and they were soon wed. While married they had three children, all girls, and Deverick continued to visit America frequently to help his younger brother out with a buisness they had started together. He also had a job at the French ministry of Magic. Deverick, always the free spirit, loved his family, but soon became discontent with family life and ended up cheating on his wife. This mistake proved to lead to thier divorce. He now lives in Massachusettes.

Born: June 14, 1971

Age: 53

Appearance: Dark brown hair and eyes, 6'4"


Cosette Maryse Costeau

Cosette was born in a small village in France, the only child of Lillian Harper. Though Cosette's father disappeared shortly after she was born, she has always used his last name as her own, despite the fact that her mother and father were never married. Cosette grew up in the country ignorant of magic. Her mother, a witch herself, had for some reason fled from the world of magic, choosing to ignore its existance until her daughter got her acceptance letter. From the age of eleven on, Cosette attended Beauxbatons. A hardworking student (definately a Ravenclaw personality) Cesette was awarded with being a prefect. While at school, Cosette developed a crush on Deverick, who was a few years her senior. He graduated while Cosette was in her fifth year, and she never dated. Upon graduating Cosette bought a small house with her best friend and it was that summer she met back up with and began dating Deverick, whom she eventually married. She now has three beautiful girls, all strongly resembling thier mother. Cosette is still healing from her divorce with Deverick, and has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a healer.

Born: December 4, 1974

Age: 49

Appearance: Honey blond hair, ice blue eyes. Willowy. 5'7"


Eloise Faye Baptiste

Eloise, called Ellie by those who know her, was born the first daughter of Deverick and Cosette. Growing up, she was extremely mothering to Aubrey, but fought with Jaqueline quite often, though all the sisters were extrmely close. Ellie has an extremely outgoing personality and used to be a model, though quit at the age of 18 after graduating from Salem Academy. She now attends muggle film school in New York and has a serious boyfriend of two years.

Born: July 23, 2002

Age: 22

Appearance: Wavy blonde hair, hazel green eyes. Tall, athletic build. 5'9"


Jacqueline Lorraine Baptiste

Jacqueline was born the second child of Cosette and Deverick. Growing up she was always very reserved and quite, preferring to stay more to herself. She spent long hours reading and alone in her room. At the age of eight, Jacqueline began modeling. She graduated from Salem Academy, but was never very good at magic, and has decided to pursue modeling. She now lives with her sister Eloise in New York. Jacqueline has suffered from eating disorders her entire life. This is known only to her older sister.

Born: March 20, 2005

Age: 19

Appearance: Light blonde hair, deep blue eyes. Very thin. 5'10"

June 14, 1971 - Father born
December 4, 1974 - mother born
September 1, 1982 - father begins beauxbatons
September 1, 1985 - mother begins Beauxbatons
October 30, 1989- Mother and father meet for the first time
May 1989- father graduates Beauxbatons
May 1992- mother graduates Beauxbatons
July 1992- mother and father begin dating
January 1997- Mother and Father married
July 23, 2002- oldest sister born
March 20, 2005- middle sister born
July 11, 2007- Aubrey is born
October 2011- family moves to America
Sept 2012- Aubrey starts muggle kindergarten

Sept. 2013- Eloise goes off to school
July 2014- Aubrey breaks her arm
Sept 2016- Jacqueline goes off to school
Sept 2018- Aubrey starts school at Salem Academy
May 2020- Eloise graduates from Salems
Sept. 2020- Aubrey makes quidditch team as a chaser
Novemer 2021- Aubrey has her first real kiss
January 2022- Aubrey starts dating Luke Chalmers
April 2022- father and mother start fighting.
August 2022- mother and father officially divorced, Aubrey moves to france with her mother
Sept. 2022- Aubrey starts school at Beauxbatons
May 2023- Jacqueline graduates from Salem's
July 2023- Aubrey and Luke break up

purple = directly related to Aubrey


At 2:21 a.m. on July 11, 2007, Aubrey Lynn Baptiste was born the third daughter of Cossette and Deverick Baptiste after just two short hours of labor. When her mother saw her yellow skinned baby she immedeiately exclaimed, "Look Dev, she already has a tan!" However, the yellow turned out not to be a tan, but a liver condition. Baby Aubrey was immediately whisked away to be treated, and three days later was allowed to leave the hospital with mom and dad, perfectly healthy.

Her then five year old sister took to Aubrey immediately. Two year old Jaqueline, however, did not. The first few months of Aubrey's life contained many murder attempts from her sister. Lucky for Aubrey, they all failed. As Aubrey grew older, she and Ellie grew close. Jacqueline was still resentful at having been replaced as the baby. When Aubrey was three, Aubrey showed her first signs of magic when while Jacqueline was trying to smother her with a pillow, the older girl and pillow both went floating up into the air and were stuck there for two hours with a giggling Aubrey until Cosette finally came in to get Jacqueline down.

From that day forward, Jacqueline accepted Aubrey (she thought it was cool that her sister had "jedi powers") and the two began to grow close. Soon, all three sisters were nearly inseperable. It was quite rare to see one without the other, usually all mimicking each others actions and coming up with silly games to play as children often do. Suprisingly, it was often little Aubrey who came up with the ideas for these games, as she showed a knack for creativity at an early age.

When Aubrey was four, her family picked up and moved across the Atlantic, leaving France to live in a small town in Massachusettes. Luckily for the girls, they were able to pick up on English quickly. To this day, Aubrey speaks fluent French and English, but varies between a French and American accent when speaking English. Usually the French accent comes out when she's mad or upset.

In September of the year 2012, shortly after Aubrey turned 5, she was sent to muggle kindergarten, where she immediatley showed an affinity for reading, catching on far ahead of the other children. Once kindergarten ended, Aubrey was put immediately into 2nd grade, able to skip first due to her ability to learn at an extremely accelerated pace. Two years later, she was also allowed to skip fourth grade. Despite being younger than her classmates, Aubrey was able to make friends easily, often drawing them in with her clever ideas and silly jokes. By the time Aubrey was ten, she had already finished the seventh grade.

It came as no suprise when Aubreys acceptance letter to Salem Academy came, and in September of 2018 she followed her two elder sisters off to school to learn magic. While at school Aubrey excelled in Charms almost as much as she had at readin when she was younger, though she found potions to be quite the challenge. It also took the young girl some time to adjust to being back in classes with children her own age. It was also during this time that Aubrey began to mature physically, something that would not have been a problem among the older students, but was a subject of ridicule for the young girl. Aubrey usually thinks back on her first two years at Salem's as "the dark ages" because during this time she was going through alot of adjustments and had trouble making friends.

In 2020, during her third year at Salem's, Aubrey began to make a come back. The other girls were beginning to catch up to her, and this was the year Aubrey made the quidditch team as a chaser. Quidditch helped Aubrey to regain her lost confidence, and soon she was back to coming up with crazy ideas and being a jokester. Aubrey soon became known as the class clown. It was also during this time that the boys first began to notice the young beauty, though Aubrey didn't pay much attention. To Aubrey, having fun was much more important than boys.

The next year however, a certain boy began to catch Aubreys attention. Luke Chalmers was sought after by every younger girl in school. With incredible looks, smarts, and the wits to match Aubreys own, he gained the attention of everyone, even anti-guy Aubrey. Lucky for Aubrey, it seemed that Luke returned the interest, and in November of that year, Luke gave Aubrey her first kiss. A month later, Aubrey Baptiste and Luke Chalmers became Salem's "It Couple".

It seemed like Aubrey had it all, but the dream was not to last. Aubrey's mother and father began fighting, and by the time Aubrey came home in May, things between Cosette and Deverick were rapidly deteriorating. However, as the youngest, the family told Aubrey nothing, a situation that had occured again and again throughout her life. Her famil had often tried to sheild her from the darker side of life, but now, that was proving next to impossible.

In August of that year, the fighting came to a climax in the divorce of her mother and father. Aubrey, at the time, still had no idea that the whole thing was started by her fathers adultry. At the time, Elly was living in New York, and Deverick and Cossette decided to let thier daughter choose who they wanted to live with. Jacqueline chose to stay with thier father as she had one year left at Salem's, and Aubrey, not wanting thier mother to be alone, moved with Cosette back to France.

Aubrey and Cosette found a beautiful town home in a city and began to build a new life. In September, Aubrey began her fifth year of magical school, this time at Beauxbatons. Aubrey and Luke continued dating, and during that year, Aubrey was distant from her classmates, chosing to concentrate on her mother, her studies, and letters to Luke.

In May, Aubrey and Cosette returned to America for a visit to witness Jacqueline graduate from Salems. During this visit, a fight between Aubrey and Jacqueline caused Aubrey to discover the true reason of her parents divorce, when in anger, the older girl shouted something about thier fathers betrayal. Aubrey was shocked and disbelieving, but upon confronting her father, she found the accusations were true. Her father had cheated on her mother with another woman. Aubrey's faith in men was shattered. In July, Aubrey broke off her relationship with Luke.

Aubrey spent her sixth year trying to get to know her fellow students at Beaux's. She was once again the outgoing fun loving jokester. Aubrey was also an extreme beauty, but refused to acknowledge any attention from boys. Now, beginning her seventh year, she is much the same.

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