Open Attempting To Write

Sophie Elliston

artist | healer in training
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Curved 14 Inch Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Sophie didn't like sending letters. She always had to pretend she was happy and content whenever she sent one to her mother, which was fairly easy to do over a letter but also quite hard. She struggled to find words to describe how she was feeling whenever her mother asked, mostly because what she wanted to say was the complete opposite to how it actually was. She made her way up to the Owlery with a piece of blank parchment in one hand and a quill in the other. It helped her to write the letter right before she sent it as it prevented her from dwelling on it for too long. She could just write it and get it over and done with. She sat on the window sill, her head leaning against the glass as she began to write. She started with a simple 'Hi Mum' before feeling as though she couldn't do it anymore. It had been two weeks since her mother had sent her the letter she was replying to and she wasn't even sure yet how she would reply. She sat there for quite some time, looking out at the cloudy sky outside. It would be pointless to use the telescope tonight and so Sophie knew she had to find other ways to help her pass the time. The fifth year turned the piece of parchment she was writing on around, drawing a picture of Saturn and its rings around it. A simple drawing would suffice.
Cyzarine didn’t have many reasons to write to her mother, she knew her dad was in constant contact with her and her mother was more than happy to let her do what she wanted without mentioning it. Cyzarine’s mother cared deeply for her, but also knew to let Cyzarine experience and do things as she wanted to. But with things going towards her OWLs quickly Cyzarine had been feeling a little more stressed and therefore decided to write to her mother. Just a short note, asking for reassurance, asking for words of wisdom and some general advice. She’d written the whole thing in her native tongue of Russian, it wasn’t something she reverted to often nowadays, but it was something she shared with her mother, an element of their relationship that she did very much treasure. She walked into the owlery and spotted a girl, already sat there, seeingly drawing. She knew the girl vaguely, her name was Sophie, or something close to that. They were in the same year. She could admit she’d never spoken to her, and Cyzarine wouldn’t have been able to say which classes she did share with her, but despite the quietness of the girl she was sure she was nice. She had a nice face. ”Hey, Sophie right?” she greeted with a friendly tone, knowing that she had likely startled her. ”What are you drawing?” she asked casually, as she began looking for one of the school owls to use for sending her letter.
As Sophie heard someone speak to her and say her name, she looked up to see who it was. She had never spoken to this girl before. She only recognised her from classes, and Sophie wouldn't dare try to remember her name as it was something so peculiar that she knew she couldn't pronounce. The badge on her robes showed that she was a prefect and Sophie suddenly wondered if perhaps she was going to tell Sophie that she was doing something wrong and that she must leave if she wasn't sending a letter, but instead she asked what she was drawing, and Sophie quickly turned the piece of parchment over, not wanting to show someone who was practically a stranger what she was doing. Selene was the only person she would show her drawings to, and even then Sophie still felt a little bit hesitant. "Nothing, I'm just writing a letter." Sophie told her, showing her the other side where she had just written 'Hi Mum'. "I just don't know what else to write." Sophie shrugged, beginning to give up with this letter writing. Her mother just expected so much of her.

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