At the Lake.



She looked up, the stars were glimmering above her, and she smiled. She was alone. It was quiet and that's wht she was looking for. Harmony. She took a deep breath, and she smelled the water.
Cris walked up behind Lils and grabbed her from now where. " Hey Babe! DO you really think you should be in the dark something might get you." Then he kissed her cheek.
She felt something grab her, and she jumped. "Good Merlin, must you do that." she calmed down a bit again, then asked him, "What's gunna get me?"
" I don't know I just guessed I hoped it would scare you to jump into my arms. So where have you been? I haven't seen you in awhile."
She turned around and hugged him. She could feel his heart beating. "Sorry. I've been really busy."
" I know I have to I wanted to talk to you the other day but the teacher started her lesson. I have missed to so much it is unreal."
"Yea. I know." He sat down, and she followed suit, but she layed her head on his knees. "the stars are so pretty."
" So you didn't miss me? Not in the least bit? At all?? Any??" Then he grabbed her and tickled her.
She was laughing. "Stop... Stop! STOP!!!" She was giggling and she was having trouble breathing. "I MISSED YOU SO FREAKING MCUH! Now stop!" She tried to sound serious, but she burst into laughter again.
" I thought you would say that. SO what have you been doing away from your loving boyfriend? " Then he pretended that his handed wass parchment and his finger was a quill. " I must get the great parts."
She thought on this a minute, remembering he conversation with her mother. "Well, I talked to my mother. she wasn't happy about us. Not one bit." She saw Cris stop acting a give her a look. "Don't think anything about it," she whispered. "Mum just doesn't get it."
" I know that is the wierdest thing. I talked to my mum and she was so against us dating it is unreal. I want to know why too. What about you?"
"Can we change the subject? My mum doesn't get it." She layed her head back down, holding his hand.
"Yes." She smiled.

[[OoC: Gotta gooooo!]]

She laughed, "I didn't miss you, I DAMN missed you.
" I missed you to. Alot Lils. Oh and have you figured out the ipod yet?"

OoC: I will ttyl 2 I got to wash dishes and take a shower lol.
"Uhm. No." She looked embarrased. "I'm sorry, it's just that I'm a witch, and I didn't understand the concept." She was frusterated. "I wish I could."

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