Astronomy NEWT

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Seventh Year Astronomy Exam
Please PM me your answers by Thursday 4pm NZST

Section I. Multiple Choice 2 points each

1.) Light is emitted from this layer in the Sun/on Stars:
A. Corona
B. Photosphere
C. Convection Zone
D. The Core

2.) A GRB stands for:
A. Great-Ray Burst
B. Gamma-Ray Burst
C. Gamma-Ray Beam
D. Gemma-Ray Beam

3.) A Solar Flare is:
A. a sudden increase in the light near the Sun’s surface.
B. an outburst of core materials on the Sun.
C. the Sun’s atmosphere expands
D. a new Star breaking off from the Sun.

4.) The short GRB’s are the power of a ____ combined into twin rays.
A. Hyperstar
B. White Dwarf
C. Mininova
D. Supernova

5.) The Planet with the most moons is:
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Neptune
D. Pluto

6.) What is a Neutron Star?
A. A brand new just forming star.
B. A star left over from a massive star’s death.
C. A black hole.
D. A very large star.

7.) Asteroids are rocky objects and their makeups include variations of:
A. carbon, dirt, and frozen metals.
B. metal, aster, frozen water.
C. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen.
D. carbon, metals and frozen water .

Section II. Full Sentence Answers 2 points each

8.) The first distant Gamma-ray bursts were discovered by _ scientists in the year _.

9.) A Pulsar and a GRB are similar because:___.

10.) Enceladus is one of the brightest objects in the Solar System due to its __.

11.) During the Sun’s death the __ will collapse and the ___ with expand.

12.) The Zodiac constellations are important because they are along the path of the sun which is1 called the ___.

13.) A Solar Eclipse is when the _ shadow blocks the _.

14.) Pluto is the most distant planet from the Earth and is __AUs from the Sun.

15.) The Celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere of which the _ is the _ and on which all celestial objects are considered to sit.

Section III. Essay: Answer the following question in essay format. 15 points (Five sentences is sufficient.)

Write an essay about one topic from the following list (include source material):
GRB’s/Blackhole birth
Star’s composition
Solar Flares/Sunspots

Seventh Year Exam

[b]1.)[/b] ___

[b]2.)[/b] ___

[b]3.)[/b] ___

[b]4.)[/b] ___

[b]5.)[/b] ___

[b]6.)[/b] ___

[b]7.)[/b] ___

[b]8.)[/b] ___

[b]9.)[/b] ___

[b]10.)[/b] ___

[b]11.)[/b] ___

[b]12.)[/b] ___

[b]13.)[/b] ___

[b]14.)[/b] ___

[b]15.)[/b] ___

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