Astronomy 3:2


"Hello all!" Adorah said as students piled into the classroom, her tone excited. “Today, we're going on a unique field trip. We'll be heading to a very cold location - the South Pole! There are suits for everyone to keep warm, and don't worry. They will be very large, but once you close them, they shrink to your size, keeping everyone extra snug,” Adorah said as she slipped one on as well. There were suits in red, blue, green, yellow, and black. Students didn't have to choose their house color, but the former Ravenclaw chose a blue suit for herself. “We are going to be visiting with the Lapp Shamans, one of the societies responsible for maintaining the magical flow of energy that enters the atmosphere,” Adorah said as the students gathered around her.

After everyone successfully used the portkey and she'd triple checked with a head count, she gestured for everyone to look at her. “Now I hope you all remember last year - can anyone tell me where magic stems from?” Adorah asked her students once they had arrived in the icy cold polar desert. “The Sun,” a student answered. “Correct - 2 points to your house. The sun sends out rays of magic, and these reach the earth, hanging in the atmosphere before slowly settling into the earth. When hit with the Aurora spell, the sky lights up because of an interaction of the magic from the sun with the upper atmosphere and the magic from the spell.”

A Lapp Shaman appeared nearby and waved Adorah over. She beckoned the students to follow her. They arrived over a small hill, and there were seats made of snow and ice forming a circle in the ground with backs that leaned farther back than most chairs normally would. The chairs were smaller than normal chairs, fit for the stature of the Lapp Shaman tribe.

“Now, the tradition of the Auroras is a very special one, and to see the spell cast so close is a rare treat. Please remain respectful during the presentation,” Adorah said to her students while a group of Lapp Shaman began their ceremony of the Southern Aurora. The group was too far away to hear the words being spoken, and the darkness of the night hid most of the movements. Beautiful colors began to dance in the sky - green was always a very prominent color, and on the lower edges of the curtain-like light were blue and purple. At certain times, it was easy to see red as well, although the color was much rarer that night.

As time went on, Professor Zumwalt knew it was getting much later and the time to leave was approaching. She slowly stood and got the student’s attention to make their way back to the portkey. Once they had arrived at the castle, Adorah collected the suits that had kept the students warm during their trip and sent them off to their dorms with no homework for the next week.

For full credit, RP the lesson.
First poster to answer the question will earn 2 house points.
One week down, five to go. Was it normal to feel this tired? Tanith groaned, dragging herself up and out of her dorm. She got dressed, not bothering to do much more than brush her hair. She walked to class,but before she could find a seat she was told they were going on a field trip. She brightened up a little, thinking that it actually sounded like a really great time.

She got into a blue suit, just liking the color, feeling oddly cozy as it shrunk to fit her. She hummed, folding her arms around herself. She was in a quiet awe through the whole trip, and by the time they were back at the castle, Tanith had to admit she'd had a wonderful time. She left class in a better mood than she had been upon arrival.
Magne walked into the astronomy classroom and was pretty surprised of where they would be going, he hadn’t been there in a long while - or well - he’d been close to it. He took the snow suit and put it on before taking the portkey. The trip itself was informative and interesting, and it was magical, magic to see, to learn about the beautiful colours. He had always none magic to be, magic but it was a truly incredible thing really. He was disappointed when they were back in the classroom and then they were dismissed. He packed up his things and left the room.

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