Astronomy 2:3


Professor Zumwalt was grading some upper-level assignments. Once the classroom was full she shut the door behind them and made her way back to the front of the class. "Good evening students! I hope you are all excited to move outward from the Sun this week to the Inner Planets!" She said with a clap of her hands excited to be getting to more and more interesting things. She knew some probably wanted to know more about the sun, but those kinds of lessons would have to wait till the seventh year when they really would dive into stars and see what was happening under the surface.

"Now moving away from the Sun we have Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. After Mars is the Asteroid belt which separates the small rocky inner planets from the much larger gas giants beyond. Past the gas giants are of course Pluto which is another smaller rocky planet. Today we are focusing on the inner rocky planets, I hope you all are excited!" She said tapping a projector. An image of Mercury appeared at the front of the classroom. Words appeared along the side and Professor Zumwalt read them out to the class and did so for the three other planets they covered that day.


It is the closest planet to the sun and the Sun's solar rays have blasted away any atmosphere it might have once had. Mercury has no moons and it would take just more than 18 of Mercury to match the size of Earth."


It is covered in a thick, dense atmosphere that makes it so no one can see the surface. This atmosphere traps much of the sun's heat, which increases the average temperature on the surface which is about 480°C. Venus has the hottest temperature out of all the planets. However, it is still similar in many ways to Earth. Like Earth, it snows on Venus, but it actually is more of a frost and because of the high temperature, the snow is a few types of metal.


This is our home. Earth has liquid water which most living creatures need to survive. Has one moon called Moon or Luna.


The planet has a very similar temperament to Earth. It is the most similar to Earth out of any other planet analyzed. Mars has much higher mountains and way deeper canyons than Earth does, despite it being much smaller than Earth. Mars also has the Solar System's largest Volcano called Olympus Mons. Mars has 2 moons Deimos and Phobos.

Feeling her voice starting to get tired she was glad the lesson was ending then, and she had managed to cover all the needed material. "Alright students, that is going to conclude this week, I want to thank all the students who completed last week's homework assignment, this week we won't have any," she said pausing for a few tiny cheers and yips from the students excited not to have homework from her again. "Please head back to your dorms, I hope you all have a wonderful night and that your dreams are as fantastic as the planets," Professor Zumwalt said sending her students back to their dorms for the evening. She couldn't wait to show them the planets they were studying in the magical telescopes, hopefully, they would have time to do so this semester.

For full credit, RP the lesson.

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