Aspen Knight

Aspen Knight

OOC First Name
Ceara xox
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Aspen Knight

Characters Birth date:
28 February 2015
Star Sign:
Characters Age:
Blood Type:
A Positive
Blood Status:
Currently Living:

Sandy brown hair that always gets in his eyes
Hazel eyes
Baggy jeans and a loose t-shirt
Other Distinguishing Features:
Lots of freckles

Your Patronus:
His Patronus would be a large sandy dog
Your Patronus memory:
Holding Rose for the first time
Your Boggart:
Something happening to Rose or Ash
Your Animagus:
If Aspen was an animagus he would be a large sandy dog
Mirror of Erised:
If Aspen looked in the Mirror of Erised he would see himself and Ash attending Hogwarts together
Relationship Status:
Single (Not Looking)
Reading, Perfect memory, Swimming
Holds a grudge,
Describe your character in three words:
Outgoing, cheerful,
Favourite place to be:
In his and Ash's room, where he can spend time with his two favourite people, Ash and Rose
Ash was always popular and accepted at school, but whenever his brother wanted him, he would leave these hangers-on at once. He was always getting good grades and he and his twin were considered the smartest children in their large school. Now that Aspen has been accepted to Hogwarts, Ash has flatly told his parents that he will not be attending school once Aspen leaves. Aspen has been trying to convince to go back to school and get himself a successful future. He is worried about his brothers obsession with the wizarding world, but cannot refuse to take Ash to Obsidian Harbour with him whenever Ash asks.


Ash Knight
Relationship: Younger Twin Brother
Birthday: 28 February 2015
Age: 10
Blood Status: Muggle-Born

Rose Knight
Relationship: Younger Sister
Birthday: 2 February 2022
Age: 3
Blood Status: Muggle

Cassandra Knight
Relationship: Mother
Birthday: 7 January 1994
Age: 32
Blood Status: Muggle

Andrew Knight
Relationship: Father
Birthday: 21 September 1993
Age: 32
Blood Status: Muggle

Wonderful start to your development, youhave left room for growth and that is huge( I say this to alot of characters lol) but honestly it is nice it allows you to take a step back and work your way into you character . So lets begin, since this is a younger character I am going to go into the future with it and work my way back. Just to explain briefly for older characters I work from the past fowards because it is the past they we as rp/readers dont know about however you have no past at least not one that is concrete yet so here we go:

You have choosen to go to Hogwart New Zealand Congradulation!

What house do you want to be in the most? Why?
What house do you want to be in the least? why?

Did you parents attend hogwarts if so which branch? Which house were they sorted in? do they wish for you to be in the same house as they were in ? How do you feel about the pressure?

What subject do you think you will be most interested in? Why?
What subject do you think you will be least interested in? Why?

do you have any desire to play quidittch/ If so what posistion would you be interested?
Thank you for posting!

What house do you want to be in the most? Why?
Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, as he is both intelligent and brave.

What house do you want to be in the least? why?
Slytherin. He despises their views on muggles, all his family being muggles themselves.

Did you parents attend hogwarts if so which branch? Which house were they sorted in? do they wish for you to be in the same house as they were in ? How do you feel about the pressure?
No, his parents were muggles.

What subject do you think you will be most interested in? Why?
Charms, it seems that use could use these spells anywhere.

What subject do you think you will be least interested in? Why?
Divination. He wants the future to be surprise. Also muggle studies, for obvious reasons.

do you have any desire to play quidittch/ If so what posistion would you be interested?
He wants to play as a Chaser or a keeper.
Okay round two:

How has your family taken the news that you are a wizard? How has that effect your relationship with them?

Is your family religous and if so has there faith effected their views on magic? If so what has been the outcome of those views?

Have you ever performed underage magic? If so when and where? what was the outcome?

How do you feel about being a wizard?
How has your family taken the news that you are a wizard? How has that effect your relationship with them?
They are shocked, of course, but they admit that it explains a lot. Ash, his brother, wants to go with him, Rose is just sad that he will be going away for a long time. His parents are pleased that he is getting this 'opportunity'

Is your family religious and if so has there faith affected their views on magic? If so what has been the outcome of those views?
His mother is a non-practising catholic, but she doesn't let magic and religion mix in her mind, if that makes sense. One does not affect the other.

Have you ever performed underage magic? If so when and where? what was the outcome?
One day when Rose was about to fall off the balcony and he was too far away to do anything, he found himself standing right below, and managed to catch her.

How do you feel about being a wizard?
Pleased, but upset that Ash can't go too.
What do you wish to do with your life after Hogwarts, it is better to have some idea early so you cna strive to meet that goal?

What is the thing you look forward the most at school? Why?

What do you look foward to the least? Why?
What do you wish to do with your life after Hogwarts, it is better to have some idea early so you can strive to meet that goal?
Probably an Auror, or a Muggle relations job. He knows that many wizards are prejudiced, and he doesn't like the thought of them being treated badly, even if they wouldn't remember.

What is the thing you look forward the most at school? Why?
Meeting new people, learning spells

What do you look forward to the least? Why?
Being away from Ash, and new bullies.

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