Ashton Winters

Ashton Winters

Well-Known Member
Ebony and Willow 11'inch w/ family Signature Essence of Bloodline and Phoenix Tears


[ul][li]name. ashton lan winters</LI>
[li]nicknames.ash byotch
[li]age. fourteen
[li]sexuality. bisexual
[li]place of birth. leitrim, ireland
[li]titleleah's little brother

Wand here
[li]blood status.
pure blood
[li]associated with.
no one
[ul][li]height. 5'8
[li]weight. 135 lbs
[li]eye faded blue
[li]hair color.jet black hair
[li]playby. alex evans
[li]general description.
ashton pale complexion of ivory cream, very pale that his eyes are more enticing when surrounded by the darkness night. he stands an average height that tone his physique well enough for a boy his age. ashton still however lanky and nothing to look at. he prefers being alone, his torn jeans, ripped up shirt, a hooded sweater that harvest him greatly wherever he goes, he's basically a loner. blah i lack creativity byotches.

[ul][li]likes.-climbing trees -burning stuff or what i was told i like to do
-hanging out with simon or shaylah
-did i mention snogging?
-staring at the moon
-fetish for legs sort of type of legs
-being lost in the crowds
-doesnt like fat people
-hates troll or any half breed creature
-doesnt like food much
-girls with red hair!
-if i think of any make sure to mention it byotches
-fear of allyways
-homeless bums
[li]secrets. i hear voices in my head that tells me what to do, think that's funny? yeah i don't think so!
[li]overall personality. he's absolutely nothing like leah or ellen. his sister would describe him being pathetic at times, with a sad auroura following him were everywhere he goes. but he's nothing what they claim him to be. he's rather a curious person at night, mornings he prefers sleeping so you can say he's nocturnal yet he won't admit being so. he rather say he's more awake around the clock when he can't sleep in the morning, a bad behavior he can't break out of it. byotches so he's not gonna change for anyone.
oh did i mention he hears voices in his mind. one voices calls him master while the other one calls his boy. its odd, he's never mention to anyone that's why he keeps his distant and the fact he hates the world because of the voices, he stays away mostly. when he befriends you is when he does his best to drown the noises out, he doesn't give them control all the time. it sometimes fail but sometimes he successful at tuning them away .

[ul][li]mother. Jane Winters . 45 . retired vampire researcher .
now decreased
[li]father. william winters . unknown to him . unknown to him .
[li]siblings. leah winters . 18 . shop assistance//d.e .
-ellen harper. 22.
ministry official
[li]other family. as of now none he could recall
[li]history. ashton was born in a family of five siblings, ashton being the third born. his birthplace Ireland in one of the less populated city of leitrim. however he was raised in the u.k to a mother who research the life of a damn and a father who frankly didn't give a damn about no one but himself. his other siblings were to blind to see it even the eldest Sean would say there was nothing wrong the way william handle his children, but ashton wasn't blind. still he loved and respected his father, knowing he had several life outside his home.
when the winters' family moved to the u.k that's when the weird and odd behavior started to occurred. some says that it had been the cemetery besides their home, that ashton started to behave odd. he didn't tell anyone about the voices he began to hear at night and what they told him when he listen. he started to trust those voices, his mind picture all that they were telling him. Sometimes events occurring without reasoning, for a while ashton stayed away from everyone except his friend simon. for the first two years at hogwarts Scotland things seemed normal. simon was his best friend even if his father didn't like ashton, still these two were inseparable. it was after his father had left the fire happen. the fire that killed his entire family and no one knew what happen. ashton think he had something to do with it, the voices blame a person he never heard of before, link black? but the fire had actually been done by William, it was an easy way out of killing his entire family. ashton will probably never know, now shifted to new zealand, he ends up briefly on the door steps of his older sister leah winters. she takes him because of pity, while leah tries to hound answers by ashton, he tells her a little, enough about his family. his visit cut short when he goes back to scotland for school. he's in leah custody now, but he still attends hogwarts scotland. where he's met a few new faces. one of them being a girl name lana hayden who he briefly dates but breaks up with her, leaving her heart broken. ashton meets a few more faces, still he keeps his distant, and soon will try to transfer or just finish the rest of his years at scotland.

[ul][li]name or alias.
[li]experience. three years on and off
[li]anything else.
no .
Ashton look down, the voices in his head were screaming at him. Little boy look down, look down and hide your secrets... Ashton as he was told, it wasn't his time to talk just yet..He started to hum, Manson was playing in his ears..

"Ah very well Ms. Winters, meet Ashton your brother and his possibly only relative at the moment" the man kept speaking, the skinny woman next to him kept silent but was writing everything down. "This should tell you what you need to know" it was a letter from the ministry and another from the social office. The skinny woman handed over to Leah, a bag instantly appear inside the living room. "We bid you a goodnight Ms. Winters and hopes this wouldn't be much of a bother..." the man tip his hat, while the skinny woman push him Ashton inside. The man tap as his golden watch, the woman nodded. They apparate back to their cab and took off for the night.

Ashton was push inside, never looking up. The voice kept screaming again, he muttered stop. His face growing red, he finally look up and muttered a hello....


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