Ashlynn Lee

Ashlynn Lee

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Full Name: Ashlynn “Ash” Haewon Lee
Date of Birth: August 4th
Current Age: 11​
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Basic Appearance: Ashlynn is average height and slender. She has especially long legs. Her hair is naturally black but she has dyed it brown a few times already; she usually keeps it long, past her shoulders, but sometimes she’ll but it up into a ponytail. She has almond-shaped hazel eyes that can be very mesmerizing.

Personality: Ashlynn is usually very chill. She’s down-to-earth and realistic about things. She usually doesn’t try very hard at life and prefers to just have fun with whatever comes her way, but when she feels like it, she can be very strong and determined and confident in her abilities although not to the point of stupidity. She loves laughing and being happy, and she also loves to see others laugh. People who know her often call her a little ray of sunshine. Laughter is like medicine to her. For her young age, Ashlynn is rather thoughtful although she tends not to show her more “intelligent and deep” side. She’s quite straightforward with things and can be blunt, which has ended up hurting other people. She almost never means for her words to be hurtful though. However, there are those exceptions when she hates certain people. Ashlynn can be very mean when she wants; she’s usually patient and tolerant, but once she cracks, she usually holds grudges and is unforgiving. Those who she loves, she is very loyal to and they know they can trust her with anything.

Family: Even though Ashlynn is very easygoing and happy on the outside, her family is a bit screwed up. Her parents divorced when she was nine, so she hasn’t completely gotten over it yet. She loves both of them and switches living between the two although she knows she will have to choose soon. She also has an older brother who lives with her mother. She considers him one of her best friends.
Her parents were extremely surprised to hear that magic even existed, let alone that their daughter had magical abilities, since her brother showed none of that. However, they were rather accepting of it, seeing that there was nothing else they could do.
Father: Jaehyun Lee | 36 – strong, rational, confident, stubborn
Mother: Carolyn Lee | 32 – independent, strong, thoughtful
Brother: Darren Lee | 16 – carefree, trustworthy, joker

Area of Residence: Busan, South Korea (father) and Wellington, New Zealand (mother)

Blood Status: Muggle-born

Heritage: Korean

Interests or Hobbies:
-Art (mostly sketch with graphite, colored pencils, some photography) & fashion
-Motorcycle rides (with her father)
-Eating & cooking, but mostly eating
-Singing (she loves singing ballads)
-Swimming & running (most sports)

-Loyal & trustworthy
-Artistic & creative
-Athletic & agile

-Unforgiving; holds grudges
-Too lazy at times
-Untrusting of others
-Blunt; often speaks before thinking about what effect her words might have on people

Describe your character in three words: Chill, Strong, Creative

Favourite place to be: In an art studio

Friends: Ashlynn has many friends due to her many activities and she also makes them easily. She doesn’t discriminate or judge much, and when she does, she can get past that easily.

Hogwarts House: N/A; she doesn’t know anything about the school, so she has no idea what house she wants.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Just to enjoy herself while doing what she loves.

Best school subjects: Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures

Worst school subjects: History of Magic, Herbology

Extracurricular Activities: Currently: art lessons, choir/vocal lessons, swim team, track team

Plans for your future: Ashlynn wants either to be an artist or a singer, but mostly an artist because that’s what she’s been “training” to do all her life. She somewhat recently found her talent for singing, which she also loves though, so she’s slightly conflicted over the two. But it doesn’t worry her much since she figures she still has many years to live before that comes.

Your Patronus: Jaguar

Your Patronus memory: The first time she picked up a pencil and began drawing. Yes, she does remember this and it makes her extremely happy.

Your Boggart: Herself being paralyzed.

Mirror of Erised: Her friends and whole family admiring her artwork and her singing and being happy.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

It’s been a long day, but I’m happy. I just finished my fourth painting today. It’s acrylic paint on canvas, and I drew my friend Sofia. My parents both love it! But now I dunno where to put it since they don’t live together anymore. So complicated…whatever, nothing’s gonna change it, so I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and deal. Going to sleep now, good night.


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