Ashlyn O'Neil

Ashlyn O'Neil

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OOC First Name
Holly, Veela Hair, 10 inches, Springy
Character's Name: Ashlyn Melissa O’Neil
Character's Birthdate: 13th October 2007
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Educated At: HogwartsHouse: Slytherin
Position in the Ministry of Magic: Healer at St. Mungo’s

Appearance: Ashlyn stands at 5’7” with a curvaceous figured. She has thick black hair that falls to just past her shoulders and large blue eyes. There are lightly defined smile lines around her mouth. Ashlyn has a define nose, and fair complexion. She is usually found in lime green Healer robes, though outside of St. Mungo’s, she prefers more girly attire. She simply adores dresses, skirts, patterned stockings, heels, and pearls.

Personality: Ashlyn is fiercely determined, to the point where some say it is a flaw. She doesn’t allow anything to stand in her way if she wants something. She is extremely independent, and simply despises when someone tries to tell her what to do with her personal life. She is a bit more attentive and accepting of criticism on a personal level, because she knows she still has a lot to learn. Stubborn and feisty, Ashlyn is known to occasional fly off the handle and lose a grip on her emotions in fits of either anger or anxiety. It rarely happens, and for the most part she maintains a composed, congenial front. At least within the walls of St. Mungo’s.

Family: Ashlyn’s parents Aiden and Jessica O’Neil are both of mixed blood. Her father is a healer who specializes in the spell damage ward at St. Mungo’s. Her mother was once a skilled auror, but now contents herself with mundane paperwork for the Auror Office within the Ministry of Magic. Ashlyn’s older brother Cedric precedes her by three years, and he works for the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Her younger sister Sophie is currently in her third year at Hogwarts UK.

Ashlyn was a bit of a problem child while growing up. She constantly acted out against her parents’ wishes, and hosted a lot of resentment towards her older brother Cedric. He was everything their parents expected him to be – polite, a good student, stunning quidditch skills. They were hard shoes to fill, so Ashlyn did exactly the opposite. Well into her second year at Hogwarts, she began to rebel. It wasn’t uncommon for her to wind up in detention three nights a week or skip class. It was her own means of getting her mother and father’s attention.

The summer following second year, Ashlyn met Cedric’s best friend Demyx Demon Bane. He didn’t seen quite like the other boys her brother associated – at least he wasn’t as loud and boisterous. She quickly began to harbor a crush on the boy, though she would never admit it out loud. The silly crush persisted through the rest of her third year at Hogwarts.

After winding up in the hospital wing a bit too many times during her fourth year, Ashlyn began to take careful notice of the various procedures used to cure small injuries or illnesses. The medical world held a certain fascination for her, and she took to copying down everything she learned while in the hospital wing. Sure, it was a distraction from her studies, but one that was welcomed. Ashlyn knew she had found her place in the world. She was born to be a Healer.

She met Jerard Morgan at the age of fifteen. The two quickly became best friends, then later, lovers. Finally, he was someone who understood her. Someone – unlike Demyx – who was completely obtainable. They spent every waking hour together. Ashlyn was thrilled to finally have a confidante. But all that came to a screeching halt in May of her sixth year, when Jerard was inexplicably murdered in front of her very eyes. The attack was provoked by death eaters. The summer before her seventh year was spent in an eerie silence. She took to alcohol and sleeping motion as a form of self medication. Her parents found her passed out on the floor of her bedroom in early August, and it was after that that she entered rehabilitation treatment at St. Mungo’s.

The program helped, but nothing could erase the memories. Ashlyn was plagued by insomnia and nightmares (when she did make it to sleep) during much of her seventh year. The bountiful waking hours were spent preparing for her NEWT exams. When the time came, she procured the five necessary Exceeds Expectations scores to secure her future as a Healer. After two years of interning with the hospital and shadowing established healers, Ashlyn finally secured those mythical lime green robes for herself.

She still goes for a shot of firewhiskey when she has the time. During one of these stops in the Leaky Cauldron, Demyx Demon Bane suddenly fell back into her life after an extended absence, and seven years after her silly little crush. It didn’t take long for them to reconnect, in a night fueled by fire whiskey and passion that had laid dormant for years. When he proposed, Ashlyn accepted without a second thought. She’s more terrified than filled with joy, though the shock will wear off soon. She’s just glad to have Demyx back in her life – and maybe this time, she’ll finally succeed in never letting him go.

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